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I forgot how much the kids in Fable make me laugh. "This is a level four dungeon, we're going to need bigger weapons." "We need more NPCs!" "Stop taking all the loot!" "What a total n00b. It's pronounced 'meh-lay'." LOL It reminds me of something, but I couldn't say what. :P *snickers*

+ Uuuuuuuggggggggh, want sleep. I think I'll make dinner/lunch and go to bed super early....
so i have to take a stupid stoopid people math course because my placement scores were so low for algebra. but they're letting me skip both english 101 and 102. i guess i'll take it

+ i just saw the avengers age of ultron trailer. so pumped...then again i said that about the avengers trailer and the thor the dark world trailer...dude, this is ultron, i doubt they'll mess up
WHY are they resurfacing the road when it's unnecessary?
+ This sammich is going down niiiiice.
++I should be writing now, while I can, before I have to do other stuff.
+++Day 3 and he's still got a bit of a fever. When is it going to break?! :(
++++The ocean was doing funny things when I drove past it today. I dun lyk it. Cross fingers it's not the fault line doing something funky under the water.
+++++The only thing scarier than IS is God. Fear His wrath. With that said, just be good in heart, good in soul, good in mind, and talk to Him. He's most likely going to tell you not to be afraid. Like. 300 odd times throughout the year. Once a day, maybe? How many times does He say not to be afraid? And that's just in those words. So many other ways He says it, too.

Ps. That last thought isn't aimed at anyone, just what's been bouncing around in my head lately. In the next 2-4 weeks, our prime minister is going to decide what role our country play in the war, and all I can think is WHY SHOULD WE? I'm not saying we should sit back and watch chaos unfold, but you don't venture into enemy territory just for the sake of doing your part for the world to see. Be active about it, but when it comes to our shores. Don't GO LOOKING for trouble. Don't stir the pot. Don't bring the chaos here. Rather work on getting our people out of IS and putting our foot down to say we're not going to stoop to your level, we're not going to give you what you want, you either come in peace or **** off, but you leave our people alone.

Simunye, people. Whether you like it or not. Whether you believe it, or not.
They attacked parliament today, which is a little too close for my comfort.
... What I'm about to say next, I don't say lightly.

The enemy of my enemy is... not my friend, but still a useful tool towards my own... personal goals.




Whether through some other political maneuver or just plain karma... you know that they brought this upon themselves.

I say without exaggeration that they got what they deserved.

Also, I'm not being flip when posting these videos either... I do it out of respect for true freedom (not the "false freedom" that the mainstream media leads you to believe that you have) and genuine hatred for oppression.


One other thing...

Today, on my way back home, I was minding my own business (yes really), when tear gas somehow ended up in my direction.

This was in the middle of a protest mind you, but this shouldn't have been happening to me or the people around me -- we weren't protesting, and we were non-combatants.


Of this, you can be absolutely certain:

An iron hand can only maintain its grip for so long before it's forced to let go.
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@Zer0 I probably should have clarified...Canadian parliament. ^^; And while I don't hold much love for my government, they weren't the ones who suffered--as usual, it was the soldiers and civilians who paid the price.

In essence, it's not because they attacked a government building, but because they were less than two hours away, and if it was indeed ISIS, because they've been threatening everyone, everywhere. I don't like that they're using their beliefs as a means to justify their ends--I don't care what someone does or does not believe in; I care when they use it as an excuse to hurt other people.
Ps. That last thought isn't aimed at anyone, just what's been bouncing around in my head lately. In the next 2-4 weeks, our prime minister is going to decide what role our country play in the war, and all I can think is WHY SHOULD WE? I'm not saying we should sit back and watch chaos unfold, but you don't venture into enemy territory just for the sake of doing your part for the world to see. Be active about it, but when it comes to our shores. Don't GO LOOKING for trouble. Don't stir the pot. Don't bring the chaos here. Rather work on getting our people out of IS and putting our foot down to say we're not going to stoop to your level, we're not going to give you what you want, you either come in peace or **** off, but you leave our people alone.

See, SEE. That's why I was friggin outraged when they put him back in that seat. -.-
Everyone was like: Oh yeah, don't vote for John Key, he's a *insert blasphemous names yada yada* and what did people do? Still vote for him. What's he doing for the country? Absolutely nothing! Just reap all the tax payers money, and use it on himself. Don't help the people that actually need it. The country is screwed with him as Prime Minister. At least Helen did a better job.
Age of Ultron trailer is fantastic and I'm still getting hard ons thinking about it.

Now, when will "There are no strings on me" become the most quoted thing at the moment?
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See, SEE. That's why I was friggin outraged when they put him back in that seat. -.-
Everyone was like: Oh yeah, don't vote for John Key, he's a *insert blasphemous names yada yada* and what did people do? Still vote for him. What's he doing for the country? Absolutely nothing! Just reap all the tax payers money, and use it on himself. Don't help the people that actually need it. The country is screwed with him as Prime Minister. At least Helen did a better job.
Helen was wayyyyy better.
Aurora's probably going to need new winter boots, soon. I doubt those ones will fit again, this year (she's had them the past two winters).

I really want to start my Christmas shopping; I know we won't have money enough to do it all at once, so staggering it is the way to go.

Do we even have a Laura Secord in this city? Ugh...bet we have to drive to Ottawa, if I have any hope of sending her the chocolates I promised. >.< Don't get me wrong, I want to send her the gift of "diabeetus" (her words, not mine, lol), but man...why the heck can't we have a decent store around here?

Wait...I might be able to do something just as nice, without it being Laura Secord...

Well, that's enough rambling from me. ^^;