Actually, I did already purchase all of the upgrades and I still feel like most of Dante's attacks feel more powerful in terms of the damage they do. I mean, look at that stomp. When he jumps in the air and slams his fists into the ground, injuring all the enemies in that area? That's powerful. Now, I'm not saying that Vergil's attacks aren't powerful- they absolutely are. They are just a big shift from Dante's, in my opinion, and when I first played VD, I really needed to adjust to that.
I LOVE the fact that Vergil at the end of DmC made some valid points. I don't know about an ulterior motive, but he's right when he's saying that humans need protection from each other and themselves. It's one of those things that makes me question my own morals - would I side with Vergil or would I side with Dante? Kind of like an inFamous thing, lately I've been thinking about that moment and how it'd be pretty cool if you could actually decide what to do in that moment.
And just out of curiosity- I know a lot of people who love Vergil but they say stuff like "oh, why do I have to fall in love with the villain again" and... well, I don't know about that. Would you consider Vergil a villain? I mean yeah, I understand that Vergil would be the main antagonist should a sequel happen...
(I'd absolutely LOVE to see more of Vergil's descend into madness, though. It'd be totally tragic but hey, I love it when video games toy with my emotions.)
Oh, I see what you mean. One single attack from Dante is more powerful than a similar attack from Vergil. That's true, it's just that Vergil can do a lot more attacks simultaneously. Not only does he have a doppelgänger that repeats every attack (if you like), he can also fire swords at the same time, turn on the spiral swords, all this while doing your normal attacks.
I don't think Vergil is a villain. He just wants different things and he has reasons to want these things. That makes him far more interesting than someone who just wants to be evil for the sake of it.
I don't think any real DMC fan is going to give a crap about how any animation is going to look on a young Dante. He could do a sexually- suggestive move and we would only complain that it exists (some of us might just outright ignore it).
You want to know what's sad about this? Eva could have very well preferred Dante over Vergil. I remember my mom admitted to me that she has a higher love for me than my little sister. Is she wrong for it? No. I'm her firstborn. History has shown us that parents place most of their ideals, hopes, and dreams on their firstborn. They are stricter on their firstborn and invest more in them. I'm not sure if it works the same way with twins but I doubt Eva and Sparda could place all their hopes on both of their children. Maybe Vergil was physically weaker, so they figured Dante was better suited to succeed them? Or maybe they just figured that out of some form of foresight? I want to be positive and believe that Eva loved them both equally but, then again, parents are good liars.
It's not that simple, it has some mechanical implications to. Let's think this through... a kid's body VS a man's body. The kid has shorter limbs, therefore less range of attack with the same weapon. Movement speed will also be slower on the kid, so walking and running will be slower. At the end of the day there are many implications as to why it would require a lot of work for it to be consistent with the adult version. It's not as simple as it sounds.
I don't really believe Vergil is weaker, physically. It's all in his mind, which is the point in Vergil's Downfall. After overcoming all his insecurities, Vergil is far more powerful than Dante, no question about that.
I'm quite fond of the art design in DmC. I often wonder what inspired the creation of limbo? It's just so abstract and often garish in its entirety that I often wonder how the the idea came to be when developing? If Limbo was an idea that came later, what kind of direction would NT have taken without it? With it still have been a mesh of urban meets supernatural?
The idea was to create dynamic environments and have the city be a character in itself, responding to Dante's actions. After we figured out how the city would break and create obstacles for Dante we thought about the black blood and tentacles behind the cracks, etc. In a way, Limbo is like a living organism, spawning demons to deal with the threats. I'm sure the art director could tell you a lot more about the look of the city itself, which is fairly European in design, with narrow streets, etc.
first off, i wanna thank you for having a hand in a game that i really enjoyed. so...thanks
1) how was the direction for the game determined? i saw concept art and watched interviews and just in my head, the directions the game seemed to be going in in the early stages seemed DRASTICALLY different (yet very similar) to the final product.
2) this has been on my mind forever. what was the story behind the DmC debut trailer? was the story basically the same? or very different because the character seemed different than what we got in the end.
3) how much collaboration with capcom was done in the development of DmC (if you're allowed to answer that)?
4) what was your favorite part of making DmC?
Glad you enjoyed the game!!
Yes, the game changed a fair bit. I don't think people realize this but the Lead Designer and the Lead Artist on the project left shortly after that announcement trailer. Not meant to blame them or anything, but new people came in with a slightly different take on the game and that changed a few things, which I think is natural. I also think it's part of the process of developing a game, things change a lot from early concepts to final product.
Mechanically, the original concept looked a bit more like a cross between God of War and the old DMCs, Dante was slightly more dynamic in combat (he could run while shooting) but the combat strategy of previous games wasn't there. That changed and things started resembling the classic games a lot more, giving the players more options to strategise during combat but also a few restrictions so those choices would be clearer for the player.
Visually, the original concepts were a lot more grotesque and obscure than what we got in the final version. Things were a lot darker, desaturated, etc. I think this was reflected in Dante as well, as he was quite dark and brooding. Then after the changes, things became more brighter and colourful and Dante became a bit more clean and handsome, lol!
DmC debut trailer... from my understanding, the voice you hear in the trailer asking "what is your name?" was a demon disguised as a doctor in a treatment facility. In the game it's explained that his memory was wiped by Sparda to protect his identity, so Dante wouldn't remember his name. These demons knew he was different because he had powers and could see demons, that's why they locked him up. The flashes as a grownup Dante show that he has escaped the facility and remembers his name (by the end of the trailer).
How much collaboration? I would say a fair bit... they trusted the story (cutscenes) and setting (levels) to the team but were a lot more hands on with the combat and Dante, making sure he looked right. They were never like "do this" and "do that", they were very respectful and would come in and try to understand why we did things the way we did and say stuff like "did you try this?", "what if you do this?". Whenever they suggested something, they would explain the reason behind it, and that's why I liked working with them so much. It was definitely a great learning process for everyone on the team.
Favourite part was working with Itsuno-san, the director of previous DMCs.

Meeting him was an honour and working with him even better!!
with the street art,
1: in universe who painted all the graffiti and how did they know details that would have been after eva is dead and sparda was captured and I'm sure there aren't any demon that would want to help sparda
2. how come mundus never found this place and had it painted over, since it does involves sparda and nephelim, it has been at least 11 years and mundus could see it from his office window.
with the wig scene I meant more because that's what the entire industry was using as a way to shrug off any critism hell to this day I still see people saying "you only hate the game because dante doesn't have white hair"
so after having the entire gaming media and anyone not informed enough bashing us with it even when we wheren't talking about the hair, (similar to people complaining about the mass effect 3 ending) it became a sensitive issue for people who didn't like the direction of the game, if it was in there was for forshadowing it could have been done in a way that wouldn't be seen as an underbreath insult. i'm just explaining why it's a sensitive topic.
with the hand thing what I meant just mean it was like a strange thing to change since Dante has always been primarily right handed and most people are right handed, was it that Tim Philips is left handed. I'm not saying he can't but it just seems strange like they changed it just for the sake of changing, like how they made Eva a redhead instead of a blonde. it's hard to properly explain.
and as for the
rebellion and red queen there are some similarities
was Tim Philips drunk while recording most of his dialogue? he seems to slur most of his lines throughout the story.
was it always planed to make the twins nephilim or was that a result of backlash at the possibility of this being a cannon?
if sparda was trying to hide dante why did he put him in an orphanage that was run by a demons? let alone one that eats children (a lamia( it's in the name of the orphanage "Saint Lamia's ophanage").
was there going to be anything more about "the order" or were they always just a throw away organization that brought nothing to the story(other than kat)?
what was the deal with that one kid in the order mask in the group photo with vergil in the foreground. was that just concept art or was he going to be nero or something?
how involved was andy circus with the script? since ninja theory has always gotten outside help for the script, and scraped everything but the most basic character information, and I remember that mr circus was in a supervising position or something like that in development. because it really shows that it's tameem's first time having full control of the story(not in the good way).
is they any reason all the bosses(most of the bosses) are stationary type bosses?
and thanks for answering my questions, sorry if I come of as dickish or to nitpicky, I'm not trying to be
I see your point! I don't think anyone thought about that. It was just a cool way to tell the story, I guess? I have no clue, but I don't think you can explain it like that.
To be clear, the wig scene didn't make sense to me. It's not even foreshadowing the stuff later in the game, because if you wanted to do that then maybe Dante would notice the patch on his hair instead. The wig just didn't have any purpose other than to be a joke. It doesn't move the story forward and is not necessary.
Now, the press using the white hair as an excuse for people not liking the game... can you blame them? When the first trailer came out all you could read was "his hair is black, this game sucks". I guess that first reaction stuck around, which to be fair, was not justified. People hadn't seen gameplay and they were destroying this game because the main character had black hair. I'm not saying everyone had that opinion, but fans who had genuine concerns were ignored because the majority was hung up on the hair. But, if it matters, there were people on the team listening to your genuine concerns and tried to address them. I was one of them!
In DmC Dante uses BOTH hands to draw Rebellion and do attacks. He's not left handed nor is he right handed. I don't know if Tim is left handed, we didn't use him for Dante's animations, just cutscenes. All combat animations were keyframed from scratch and Dante could do a lot more without being restricted to one hand. I guess that was the reason to change it.
I can seem the similarities, but Rebellion was not based on the Red Queen.
Was Tim drunk? He's a professional actor and he wouldn't be getting the work he gets if he showed up drunk on set.
Twins were always nephilim from the start.
I'm guessing not even Sparda knew the extent of the demonic influence over the real world? I always thought he was pretty much retired, living a quiet life with his family before they were found out?
I guess the order gives Vergil a sense of purpose and leadership, showing he has built up an organisation to fight the demons, while Dante stood pretty much alone and didn't achieve much while growing up. Of course, Kat is also part of this organisation, and she is key to Dante's character development.
I think that was just concept art.
Andy was not part of this game, Alex Garland was. Well, who wouldn't want to have Alex's opinion when writing something? I would! I met him briefly and knew instantly how talented he was. He's written a lot of stuff and knows what he's talking about!
I think it's 50/50 stationary and roaming bosses. The stationary bosses (Poison, Bob and Mundus) are bigger in scale and it wouldn't make sense to have them move around (same with Cerberus in DMC3 or the Saviour in DMC4). All the others move around freely, like the Hunter, the Mundus' Spawn and Vergil.
You're a bit dickish, to be honest! Nah, just joking!

Happy to answer your questions.