I despise shopping full stop. The only shopping I enjoy is getting gifts for others at Christmas or whatever - not because I'm nice but because it never ever involves clothing. If I have to go clothes shopping then I'm in and out with no messing about. I'm more likely to be found sitting outside a changing room with all the bored husbands/boyfriends, wishing I was anywhere else but in a shopping centre.
CT: Having seen how comparatively cheap it is to book a self-catering tree-house/yurt/gypsy caravan holiday this summer, I really really want to try it. Everything is kiddie and eco-friendly, out of the way of others so Jake won't be distressed and best of all, the hosts on site do stuff like survival training and teach the kids (and us!) what plants are safe to eat in the woods and how to build shelters and bows and arrows and shizzle. No one around, plenty of countryside, a firepit for cooking outdoors and a quirky place to sleep in? Sounds like my ideal place.