I wonder that everytime I go to the doctors. Luckily, I've still got two years before they declare it "essential to have one". :/
And so the house is finally clean. Phew. Now, lemme sleep for the next--ah, heck, I forgot she was coming over. >_<
lol....sorry, I thought that was really funny ^_^
Oh, pap smear tests. How I loathe those things. I've only ever had two, both were as painful as driving a needle into my eye (actually, I'd take the needle in the eye over a pap smear).
They never stop pestering me about my next one.
*gets note in mail*
Dear so and so, you are due your pap smear, please ring to make an appointment, sincerely, your doctor.
*scrunches it up and makes mental note to avoid doctors' office*
*get another note in mail*
Dear so and so, our records state you are overdue another smear test. Please ring the office to make an appointment. Sincerely your doctor.
*burns note*
*gets another note*
Dear so and so, until the age of x pap smears are free. Please ring for appointment, your doctor.
*tears note into a gazillion little pieces*
*gets another note in mail*
Dear so and so, it is a recommendation from the DHB to have a smear done every x amount of time. Our records show you are overdue, if you have had this done somewhere else, please advice, sincerely your doctor.
*chews up note and spits it down toilet*
*get new note in mail*
*throws it in the recycling bin without opening*
They are driving me insane. I'm sorry I've never physically given birth, maybe it'd hurt less then, but as it is, I'd rather take that needle in my eye, thanks.
And men think they've got it tough. HA, I say. HA HA HA.