Which Vergil you'd like to see: villain or hero? [SPOILERS]

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Which Vergil would you prefer the most?

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what gives him the right to rule? power? the fact he killed Mundus? none of these things make him ruling humanity against their will ok. even if you argue it would help humanity through the demon invasion, it would only be for so long. in the end he will just be Mundus 2.0 perhaps not as deceitful but everyone answers to him and all opposed would be dealt with. all this is bad enough, if you also add the fact he regards humans as weak and overall useless you put a whole other issue into the mix. suddenly he is no longer a leader (who is equal to his subjects and lives to serve) but a lord of us ( who is superior and lives to be served). its all morally wrong.
He actually says he's going to "respect his subjects". Now, what does he mean by that?
Philosophically speaking, "respect" and "subjects" are two terms that are usually seen as opposites, as respect, in moral philosophy is meant as considering other people as morally equals. I'm not going to expand the analysis of the meaning of "moral equals" here, nor the POLITICAL effects that this MORAL problem may have, because it is a really complicated issue, which affects a series of terribly complex moral and political problems, that philosophers are still debating. (If someone is interested in this debate, I suggest to take a look at John Rawls' works).

Dante and Kat focused on the term "subjects", while Vergil's words could also be interpreted by emphasizing the term "respect". If we follow the second option, his words become less harsh. Is it wrong for a parent to educate his children? No, because they need to be taught that certain things are wrong or dangerous, as they don't know it themselves.
Is it wrong for a state to establish rules (for example, laws that defend freedom of speech)? Laws are necessary because we cannot just hope that all people would act righteously. A lot of people don't, even if such laws do exist.
Now, what if a good monarch establishes laws that protect human rights? Would it be so bad? Why do we think that it would probably be better if such laws are enforced by a democratic government?
My answer is: because we think that democratic processes are more likely to lead to better decisions. The assumption we are relying on is this: a confrontation between two ideas usually leads to a better solution that each of the starting ideas.
But that is not always so. There are particular conditions in which open debate is not the best solution; in dangerous situations that require swift action (war is an example) we need a leader to take decisions. Romans institutionalized this fact: in the years of the republic law established the possibility of appointing a dictator who was given all the powers for a limited period of time.
Now, my point is that, after Mundus' fall, we are faced with a situation that calls for a dictator.
The problem is what happens AFTER. After the emergency has passed, what could be Vergil's role? Would he accept to see his powers limited? Would he accept to be just a leader and not an absolute ruler?
My point is, WE DON'T KNOW. Dante didn't let him explain.
Moreover, even if right at the end of Mission 19 Vergil truly intended his role as that of a benevolent absolute ruler, maybe he could have come to change his idea as time passed, really becoming a good leader (he's an intelligent person, and intelligent people CAN come to realize their mistakes).

My point is that, by shutting him out from the very beginning, Dante once and for all closed the still existing possibility that Vergil could really be or become the leader (a guide, a good counsellor, but not and absolute ruler) humanity needed.
That's why, to quote temp-dsn's proposal, it would really be interesting to have a spin off that recounts the story FROM VERGIL'S POINT OF VIEW. Just to know what was really going on in his mind, apart from how he formulated his ideas in that particular confrontation with his brother.

Edit: as an afterthought, sorry for going all philosophical on you, but I'm a political philosophy student, and I couldn't really help myself, because these are issues that are very important to me.
umm you have literally said all my feelings and thoughts that I could never put into words. You're officially my favorite forum poster. <3<3<3
So much love... I don't deserve it...:blush: Really...:blush::blush::blush:
So much love... I don't deserve it...:blush: Really...:blush::blush::blush:

Sure you do! When you make awesome posts and threads (your angelic lore thread). I love detail and my brain is too convoluted to even attempt writing something like that ha.
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Sure you do! When you make awesome posts and threads (your angelic lore thread). I love detail and my brain is too convoluted to even attempt writing something like that ha.
Seriously, I really appreciate what you're saying. Thanks.:blush:
Just, let us not use a thread for this, I fear it can annoy other people who are here to speak about DmC stuff (and our beloved Vergil:P).
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I just had a realization (maybe).
Why not try making a RPG game in which you can play as Vergil, and in which you can really choose one course of action instead of another? I mean, a game with alternative outcomes that depend on the choices the player makes? A game, I mean, that for example contemplates all the roles proposed in the poll of this thread, so that you can replay it again and again, everytime in a different way? It would satisfy a lot of different tastes...

But I suspect that this would not be a feasible choice, for reasons we had already discussed (the Devil May Cry series being not centered on character/plot issues).
He actually says he's going to "respect his subjects". Now, what does he mean by that?
Philosophically speaking, "respect" and "subjects" are two terms that are usually seen as opposites, as respect, in moral philosophy is meant as considering other people as morally equals. I'm not going to expand the analysis of the meaning of "moral equals" here, nor the POLITICAL effects that this MORAL problem may have, because it is a really complicated issue, which affects a series of terribly complex moral and political problems, that philosophers are still debating. (If someone is interested in this debate, I suggest to take a look at John Rawls' works).

Dante and Kat focused on the term "subjects", while Vergil's words could also be interpreted by emphasizing the term "respect". If we follow the second option, his words become less harsh. Is it wrong for a parent to educate his children? No, because they need to be taught that certain things are wrong or dangerous, as they don't know it themselves.
Is it wrong for a state to establish rules (for example, laws that defend freedom of speech)? Laws are necessary because we cannot just hope that all people would act righteously. A lot of people don't, even if such laws do exist.
Now, what if a good monarch establishes laws that protect human rights? Would it be so bad? Why do we think that it would probably be better if such laws are enforced by a democratic government?
My answer is: because we think that democratic processes are more likely to lead to better decisions. The assumption we are relying on is this: a confrontation between two ideas usually leads to a better solution that each of the starting ideas.
But that is not always so. There are particular conditions in which open debate is not the best solution; in dangerous situations that require swift action (war is an example) we need a leader to take decisions. Romans institutionalized this fact: in the years of the republic law established the possibility of appointing a dictator who was given all the powers for a limited period of time.
Now, my point is that, after Mundus' fall, we are faced with a situation that calls for a dictator.
The problem is what happens AFTER. After the emergency has passed, what could be Vergil's role? Would he accept to see his powers limited? Would he accept to be just a leader and not an absolute ruler?
My point is, WE DON'T KNOW. Dante didn't let him explain.
Moreover, even if right at the end of Mission 19 Vergil truly intended his role as that of a benevolent absolute ruler, maybe he could have come to change his idea as time passed, really becoming a good leader (he's an intelligent person, and intelligent people CAN come to realize their mistakes).

My point is that, by shutting him out from the very beginning, Dante once and for all closed the still existing possibility that Vergil could really be or become the leader (a guide, a good counsellor, but not and absolute ruler) humanity needed.
That's why, to quote temp-dsn's proposal, it would really be interesting to have a spin off that recounts the story FROM VERGIL'S POINT OF VIEW. Just to know what was really going on in his mind, apart from how he formulated his ideas in that particular confrontation with his brother.

Edit: as an afterthought, sorry for going all philosophical on you, but I'm a political philosophy student, and I couldn't really help myself, because these are issues that are very important to me.

you dont need to apologize m8, you raise valid points. but this is more of a matter of opinion in the end we'll disagree bar some godly revelation. so anyways, heres my two pennies on your opinion.

youre point revolves around Vergil acting for the best interest of humans. if he wanted to rule for the sole reason of guiding humanity then id be right on your side. but this is not the case. when Vergil calls humans "like childeren" he isnt implying he wanted to guide for a relative while, rather that he was trying to get across that humanity is simple, weak and naiive with no hope of surviving on its own without help. if he wanted to guide us he would have followed it with "they need our guidance" rather than "protection". showing no intention of letting them free from his rule.

further more this whole "respect" thing that Vergil has is just all talk. when he talks to Dante about how the two of them saved humanity alone he disregards Kats efforts as merely useful like a tool. showing that he doesnt see humans as a creature worth freedom, respect or any kind of rights. whereas HE is powerful and does deserve these things, if he showed any sign of care, or regard for humanity then i would agree with you that he had their best interests in mind when he said he wanted to rule them. EXACTLY like mundus he talks about how humans need protection from "themselves" who made the same arguement when he talked to dante about him ruling over humanity. when dante says Vergil was just fighting for his own freedom (and assumably revenge) Vergil just remains silent then goes on about how humans dont deserve freedom.

if Vergil intended to rule to help, or temporarily then he would have made those VERY VITAL AND VALID points to Dante before the fight, or even durring when Dante began to beg him to stop fighting. but no, he made no such attempt at reason. he saw his position of power was at risk and didnt want to loose it. you say he is in the right, yet his words and actions speak otherwise as he makes no attempts to reconcile the situation.

now where i do agree with you is that Dante jumped on Vergil very quickly when he mentioned rule. he attempted to talk it out for a bit and even tried to stop the fight but i think they really could have talked it out more. but then again they had just killed mundus perhps they were just tired of all this ****.
Well, I can see your point. I concede that he does not have a high opinion of humans. your point about that is strong.
What I do not concede, though, is that thinking that "humans are frail" necessarily implies thinking, as you seem to be doing, that they deserve no freedom, rights or respect.

Let us analyze his quotes:
A: "We'll be nothing like Munuds. We'll respect our subjects, not enslave them"
(Dante says: "It was his freedom we were fighting for, not yours.")
B."Don't be so simplistic. Humans are frail, they are like children, they need protection. Not just from others but from themselves!"
C. "If you can't see the chaos that humans will cause..."

Now, quotes B and C are evidence... of what, precisely? Literally, that he seems to fear what humans will do if left to their own devices. What he seems to fear is that humans would cause "chaos" if left to themselves. But what does "chaos" mean? What does "being frail" mean? Why must humans be protected "from themselves"?
And, above all, what is Vergil truly implying by stating he would be "nothing like Mundus"?

How much freedom?
First, Vergil never says that humans will not be allowed any rights nor freedom. It's Dante that, hearing the word "subjects" immediately implies that humans would not be free, and their rights would be cancelled (two espressions that we can, for the sake of simplicity, consider synonimical).
But a person can have certain degrees of freedom (can have rights) even if he is subject to rules. We are subject to law, but we don't consider ourselves slaves. We are forced to do certain things, but we don not complain, saying we are not free. Why? Because our laws, even though impeding certain actions, still grant us a quite wide degree of freedom. Our laws protect our rights.

So the turning point is: what degree of freedom would Vergil allow his subjects? Would he establish laws that protect rights?
Well, we are NOT told that. And we cannot just say that, because he thinks them frail, then he will not grant humans any.
Dante's quote is easily interpreted to mean that Vergil doesn't truly care about humans, only about his own freedom. But that's not necessarily true.

Why do I say this? Because we don't know what Vergil truly means with "protection".
What if he just wants to say that he wants to protect them from possible dangerous outcomes of collective chioces, or of perilious tendencies that are intrinsic to our way of reasoning?
Social sciences tell us that sometimes, in particular situations, humans do make poor choices, choices that endanger their rights. Maybe they do not do that on purpose, but the fact is that they do it. It's... natural.
Now, I do not mean that humans are just worthless beings because of that, but I recognize that sometimes we make wrong choices.
What if "frail" means just that to Vergil? What if he just wants to protect us from these choices?
When I hear the word "respect", I cannot help thinking that he may just want to protect them from chaos/harm, where "harm" means something akin to "poor choices" as I intended before.

The point is, I am convinced that he wants what is good for us, but he is biased in thinking that we cannot obtain it without his guide.
But what Vergil thinks is "good" for us? He does never say a word about that.
I suspect, and there is no line of his that explicitly shows the opposite, that he might just mean a structured society that brings peace and prosperity. And yes, that's exactly what Mundus says.
So, how come he is different from Mundus, better than him?
Let's quote him some more: "To Mundus, the world is a factory farm of human souls, and he wants to keep his animals monitored and docile."
And, as we already saw, Mundus is a slaver, while Vergil wants not to be one.
What I recollect, and this is the only way to make sense of Vergil's words, is that Mundus is sapping energy from humans, while he does not care for their well-being. And that's not good at all.
Vergil, on the other hand, wants to respect his subjects, not use them as some energy source ("enslave them").
That's the key point. He would be a better ruler because he won't treat them as just... batteries.
Mundus is worse because his true intent is to sap energy from humans, and he tries to justify hid misdeeds (note: he only does that when faced with Dante) by saying he's bringing peace. Mundus' peace is just a mask.

Vergil's peace, on the other hand, is sincere. That's what he really wants.
If he wanted just revenge, he would have been satisfied once Mundus was destroyed, once he was free. If he wasn't thinking of mankind, he would never had said he wanted to rule. He would have just sat back and enjoyed the view.

By saying this, I'm assuming he was sincere in his worry for mankind. What he had said before was not a lie.
What ****es Dante and Kat off is the fact that he wants to rule, and they simply assume that this is not good for mankind. They assume this, and they also assume that he won't respect humans' freedom/rights. But, as I already said, this is not necessarily true.
It all depends on the specific set of rules that Vergil would in practice establish. But, I repeat like an obsessed, we do not know what this set of rules would be.
If, using his absolute power, he establishes a peaceful, prosper society in which humans are allowed the right degrees of freedom (as in, not a totally anarchic situation), then what's the matter? We start from a situation in which he is an absolute ruler (in the sense that he has all political powers), then he smoothly goes in the direction of granting people their rights. By doing so, he moves in the direction of not being a tyrant.
And, once again, I think I gave reasons to think that this might be the case.

The real testing ground for him would be the concession of political rights (those that make a democracy).

The best way to peace, (ruled freedom) and prosperity
Now, what is the best way to bring about a structured society that brings peace and prosperity?
This is a delicate issue. Humans sometimes fail to bring about such a society. Sometimes, conditions do not help them. Sometimes, a leader is needed. Let's call this conditions "conditions L".
There are still conditions, let's call them conditions D, in which humans can do the job themselves. These are the conditions that allow for the flourishing of democracy.
Would, however, Vergil agree with us? Would he accept that conditions D can exist?
Well, he surely does not think so in Mission 20. But, as I argued, he may come to realize his error in time.

Vergil does make potentially contradictory statements. He says he wants to respect humans, then he says that humans are subjects. He does not know how those two statements may clash.
His intentions are good, in a certain way: he wants to help humans. But he thinks humans cannot help themselves.
He probably just thinks that, because humans tend to make poor chioces, then they need someone to tell them what a good choice would be.
But he has no idea whatsoever that this simple statement addresses a series of difficult and complicated issues, the issues we have briefly touched in our little debate.
But, being an intelligent person, he could come, in time, to realize the problems connected to rule-posing, and maybe, if put in the right direction, even come to answer to some of the questions we have addressed in a way that would be acceptable to us.

...Ok, now I think I said all I had to say. I swear I will not address this questions again, for the sake of the sanity of all people here... :P
And you're right, it's probably all a matter of impressions and interpretation... so my guess is just as good as yours.:cool:
...Ok, now I think I said all I had to say. I swear I will not address this questions again, for the sake of the sanity of all people here... :P
And you're right, it's probably all a matter of impressions and interpretation... so my guess is just as good as yours.:cool:

you my friend are quite the wit, i dont agree as i interpreted almost everything you used as PRO-Vergil as ANTI-Vergil. its all a matter of opinion and interpretation so as to not dazzle everyone here we'll drop the issue for now ;)

at least we can agree Vergil is awesome regardless of alignment :D
you my friend are quite the wit, i dont agree as i interpreted almost everything you used as PRO-Vergil as ANTI-Vergil. its all a matter of opinion and interpretation so as to not dazzle everyone here we'll drop the issue for now ;)

at least we can agree Vergil is awesome regardless of alignment :D
You're right, better stop this right now. But I enjoyed our exchange, it helped me clarify some tricky points!
And YES, Verge is awesome!:cool:
I just had a realization (maybe).
Why not try making a RPG game in which you can play as Vergil, and in which you can really choose one course of action instead of another? I mean, a game with alternative outcomes that depend on the choices the player makes? A game, I mean, that for example contemplates all the roles proposed in the poll of this thread, so that you can replay it again and again, everytime in a different way? It would satisfy a lot of different tastes...

But I suspect that this would not be a feasible choice, for reasons we had already discussed (the Devil May Cry series being not centered on character/plot issues).

I was thinking the same thing with Dante (Human/Demon/Angel courses of action = Neutral/Evil/Righteous).

But now that you mention it, having two separate games with the two brothers would make for an interesting action rpg duology series.

Diabolus Ex (Orchestrated Version: 0:30 for the best part)

Imagine Vergil taking his tech to the next level and actually ruling the humans (you have the option to rule them in Deus Ex, why not in DmC as well?)

Here's Yahtzee's version:

And here's the original game version:

And Adam Jensen was obviously "inspired" by the art director:



So, when Tameem "models Dante after him" (he didn't), he's the antichrist, but when someone else does it, their game deserves nothing but praise, puppy dogs and rainbows -- I actually found Tameem's picture when searching for Adam Jensen's pic!!


At least JC Denton never needed to fuse sunglasses into his face. :/

And Wesker is a total ripoff of Denton btw. Just FYI.

Max Payne did it as well:


"He was modeled after Sam Lake (Sami Järvi), who wrote the game's story and script for the Finnish company Remedy Entertainment.[2] Lake also dressed up and played this role for the graphic novel-style cutscenes."

People didn't like Dante only because they never liked Tameem in the first place.


And Tameem never modeled Dante after himself -- he only started combing his hair like Dante's after his design was finalized.
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thanks :D glad you liked it. how would you improve Vergils story ?
As I mentioned above, I don't like the way the story moves now. I don't like it at all. I won't improve it. I'll make a complete twist.
The first thing that comes in my mind is...

Vergil wakes up in his secret sanctuary from some "demon coma" he fell into due to the critical injuries Dante made him. He's lying in a very uncomfortable pose, right on the floor, in a pool of his own blood. Pool of gore, actually. He's exhausted, haggard. He's barely able to breath. It's obvious, that he's been in this coma for months or even a years. And that he fell into it right after he teleported here. He analyses his dream (VD) and exclaims "What a crap!".
Meanwhile, a lot of time has passed since the fight between twins. Dante's been thinking about what he did to Vergil a lot. Each time, more and more doubt came into his mind. And, eventually, he decided that Vergil had some common sense in his point. That Dante overreacted. Maybe, it was some mysterious nephilim's hormons, adrenalin. Nobody knows how it affects their behavior, right? And now, since Dante hasn't seen Vergil for all this time, he starts to believe that his brother didn't recover after his stab. That Vergil is dead. And that makes Dante fill a hard press of guilty.
The most unpleasant is that demons didn't go anywhere. All this time they were instinctively searching for a new leader.
They weren't able to find one from the living. But somehow they felt Vergil, like grim death trying to get out of his insane coma. So they dragged the part of his mind, the most radical one, into the Limbo. They didn't drag the entire Vergil, because he made a really protected and hidden sanctuary (maybe, somewhere in-between Limbo and real world), and they just didn't find his almost corpse, no matter how hard they tried. They felt only this part of his mind, so they trapped it.
But now, he's awake. And they feel it. They still can't find him, but they can capture entire Vergil. And that's exactly what they do. Even before Vergil got up, he feels he's being dragged to the limbo. And at the moment he's up, he's already there, watching to the infinite armada of demons, staring at him. He sits on some disgusting trone from blood, and corpses, in the cage from bones. And millions of demon's eyes watching at him, ready to even tear him apart just to force him become their new leader.
Being unable to fight them all in this condition, he teleports in random direction.
He has a lot to discuss with dante, and he has a lot to do to gt to him.

... something like that. :)
Or we can just say, that Mundis brainwashed Vergil when he was inside "big Mundus". And he also brainwashed Dante a few time befor, when Dante fell into Limbo, trying to help Vergil and Kat, escaping in the car. So if Mundus fails, they'll kill each other... which almost happened.
But since he's defeated, even a couple of hours ago, the fog in twins' minds has dissipated. And now they both regret of what they told and done...

Or... well, you get it. There's plenty of ways to turn the story to the way I'd like.
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He actually says he's going to "respect his subjects". Now, what does he mean by that?
My point is that, by shutting him out from the very beginning, Dante once and for all closed the still existing possibility that Vergil could really be or become the leader (a guide, a good counsellor, but not and absolute ruler) humanity needed.
That's why, to quote temp-dsn's proposal, it would really be interesting to have a spin off that recounts the story FROM VERGIL'S POINT OF VIEW. Just to know what was really going on in his mind, apart from how he formulated his ideas in that particular confrontation with his brother.
Man, I adore you!
If english was my native language, I'd say exactly the same.
And I mean the entire post, not only the part I quoted.
Man, I adore you!
If english was my native language, I'd say exactly the same.
And I mean the entire post, not only the part I quoted.
I think, there's nothing wrong about telling a good man that he's a good man :)
Well, thanks! ^^
And sorry for my reaction, I just freak out when someone compliments me, because I'm a disturbed person (insecurity issues and such)... So, don't really mind me when I post like this, it's "Hollow LysseC" taking over...:P

Oh, and I'm a woman, lol!:P
Oh, and I'm a woman, lol!:P
Sorry... :blush: Anyway, you rock!

Well, I guess, main discussion is over. All the major opinions has been told. And now it's time to make some action.
Could anyone find the main forum with bigger audience where NT and capcom will more likely notice us, and post similar voting topic there? With suggested options added.
LysseC, IMHO you could be the better topic-starter, than me. ;)
Sorry... Anyway, you rock! Well, I guess, main discussion is over. All the major opinions has been told. And now it's time to make some action. Could anyone find the main forum with bigger audience where NT and capcom will more likely notice us, and post similar voting topic there? With suggested options added. LysseC, IMHO you could be the better topic-starter, than me.
Lol, no problem, I was just being unnecessarily annoying.:troll:
Soooooo, I reckon you're sending me to the front lines, eh?:cool: ...But I'm scared!!:(
No, seriously, I thank you for your appreciation (and then just freak out like I always do, because I'm such a fail...>_< ), and if you guys think I should do this, then I will, but I'll gladly leave the honour to anyone else who wants it more than me... However, I have no idea what the major forum could be, so I think we'll just have to wait till someone better informed than us tells us something...:steve:

Edit: Btw, I think you already did quite the good job with this thread! :D
Edit: Btw, I think you already did quite the good job with this thread! :D
I guess, someone with the same opinion, who speaks english better than me (someone like you) would do much better job. That's why I suggested you to continue. But, of course, it's up to you to deside whether you want to fight the system or not :)
Especially if you don't know where the main forum is (just like me).

So, the 2 most important questions are:
1. Where the main DmC forum is located? I mean, the forum that is monitored in some way by Capcom or NT.
2. Who's ready to represent us by starting similar voting there?
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I guess, someone with the same opinion, who speaks english better than me (someone like you) would do much better job. That's why I suggested you to continue. But, of course, it's up to you to deside whether you want to fight the system or not :)
Especially if you don't know where the main forum is (just like me).

So, the 2 most important questions are:
1. Where the main DmC forum is located? I mean, the forum that is monitored in some way by Capcom or NT.
2. Who's ready to represent us by starting similar voting there?
Fighting the system for Vergil's sake? Now that you put it in such words, well, sounds nice to me! :D
Then I'll just have to tell myself this is for the greater good, and we're ok with it! ;)
But we still have to find some intelligence about the main forum location... :steve:
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