There's already been sightings of nude Dante and Vergil, but yes they want the mod....Someone on here wanted a "nude patch" for DmC Dante... What the "girl got a soft butt" is going on around here?! :blink:
There's already been sightings of nude Dante and Vergil, but yes they want the mod....Someone on here wanted a "nude patch" for DmC Dante... What the "girl got a soft butt" is going on around here?! :blink:
So are all the latest horrors.Thinking....
Read up on slenderman.....yeah so bullshit....
ok then i shall praise easter as the time of the twilight where kratos slew the godsI'm thinking that THE EASTER HOLIDAYS ARE HERE !! WOOHOO !!!!
I've completely gone off Easter eggs though... Even the thought of one makes me feel sick >_< ... Maybe just a little one...
And let's not forget what Easter is all about, le resurrection of Jesus! Because even though I'm not religious I'm sick of hearing about the Easter bunny and chocolate eggs... I mean come on people, Easter is the celebration of life!! Let's not allow it to become as consumer orientated as Christmas...
+Wow. I drive around all over town getting cranky because we need bread and all the shops are closed, the one shop that is open doesn't take cc, and I'm all*grumble grumble moan swear etc*
Then realize hey, today is meant to be commemorating Jesus dying for my worthless piece of soul and all I can do is complain that I can't find a shop to buy bread. Yeah, so I slept for three hours straight in the middle of the day because I'm lethargic and depressed. At least I wasn't getting stabbed and humiliated and kicked and spat at and nailed to an effin cross.
Naturally, this makes me even more angry and depressed. WTF is wrong with me. I feel like such a piece of crap.
*Facepalm of epic proportions*ok then i shall praise easter as the time of the twilight where kratos slew the gods![]()
i know what easter is actually about but i can't say....there are children on the internet you know*Facepalm of epic proportions*