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Awww, DS c'mon, gimme a break already!....


I hate pain, it better clear off tomorrow, I wanna make my fave dessert....XD
Awww, DS c'mon, gimme a break already!....
WHAT?! I can catch it and send it to you in a box if you like? I HATE those things! Especially when they ninja out of nowhere and I almost TOUCH it. Have you ever stepped on one? They don't squish, they're like friggin cockroaches! ....okay, so I didn't fully step on it because I jumped a mile high before I put any weight on my foot, but still, I HATE WETAS.
The only thing worse is dreaming that a huge weta sprouts long legs and grows hair and becomes a mutant spider of sorts....ffff scariest dream I ever had.
And yes I now have a phobia of wetas.

CT: I need to get off the forum and go write.
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WHAT?! I can catch it and send it to you in a box if you like? I HATE those things! Especially when they ninja out of nowhere and I almost TOUCH it. Have you ever stepped on one? They don't squish, they're like friggin cockroaches! ....okay, so I didn't fully step on it because I jumped a mile high before I put any weight on my foot, but still, I HATE WETAS.
The only thing worse is dreaming that a huge weta sprouts long legs and grows hair and becomes a mutant spider of sorts....ffff scariest dream I ever had.
And yes I now have a phobia of wetas.

CT: I need to get off the forum and go write.
Back at primary, unbeknownst to me, I had one thrown at my back and it crawled onto my torso before I screamed my head off and punched the guy in the head who out it on me as a joke. Every time a weta is brought up, I remember that day, and it still gives me nightmares, especially since I tried to whack it off and it clung to my hand....
Ughhh, it was bigger than my hand too...
Bugs and I do NOT mix...

It's autumn here, yet it's still hot at night...
Mm, I can almost taste my dessert tomorrow, yeeeee...
Checked the traffic stats for my fic.
*has panic attack*
OMFW those are triple digits, gaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....I think I need to go to bed. Before I start hyperventilating. I need to stop thinking right now.

It's autumn here, yet it's still hot at night...
Lucky fish, I'm freezing my fingers off!!!
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Me and my girlfriend got stopped in town today and were FALSELY accused of shoplifting from Boots. Something about the staff members were watching us and that a bottle of conditioner had then mysteriously disappeared by the time we had been in there and then left.

The strange thing about it all is that I use to work there as a cleaner so I would of thought the staff would have trusted me not to do such a thing. But evidently not...
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that too many people on this forum, actually no, not even too many people, its the same vocal minority seriously make everything out to be negative and are too entitled, just my two cents. and then when you call this same.exact.group of people out on the fact that they are in fact too entitled, they just act like they are the victim
DS: Had I found that, I would've screamed my head off too.

Me and my girlfriend got stopped in town today and were FALSELY accused of shoplifting from Boots. Something about the staff members were watching us and that a bottle of conditioner had then mysteriously disappeared by the time we had been in there and then left.

The strange thing about it all is that I use to work there as a cleaner so I would of thought the staff would have trusted me not to do such a thing. But evidently not...
Something happened to me in superdrug once. My bags kept making the alarm go off... in the end, they made me empty all of my stuff out on the shop floor (i suppose if they found that I had stolen anything, they would've made an example out of me.) When I told my mum, she was fuming.

I hate Boots and I hate Superdrug.

CT: :(
DS: Had I found that, I would've screamed my head off too.

Something happened to me in superdrug once. My bags kept making the alarm go off... in the end, they made me empty all of my stuff out on the shop floor (i suppose if they found that I had stolen anything, they would've made an example out of me.) When I told my mum, she was fuming.

I hate Boots and I hate Superdrug.

CT: :(

Well this guy was talking to the security guard when we were walking around Boots. And we thought the guard and some staff were watching us, but we didn't really think much of it (Being innocent and everything). Anyway we left Boots and headed for Superdrug, ironically enough. As we left there was this guy stood outside and I said to my girlfriend "That looks like that same guy we saw in Boots". Then we headed to Gregs to see if there was anything we wanted but they didn't have much because it was nearly closing time. That's when I said about going up to the library. As we get halfway there my girlfriend reminds herself that she wanted to look in New Look before it shut. We turned back down the road to head backwards on ourselves and the guy literally gets up in both our faces demanding that we stop and that we had to talk to him. My girlfriend and I thought he was some nutcase so she went to carry on walking and he laid hands on her by grabbing ahold of her arm. At that point I was absolutely livid and still am about all of this. He gave us NO reason to stop to talk to him and did not even tell us straight up that he was a police officer. It was only after a couple of minutes of harrassing us that he showed us his badge and I was already inches from smacking him right in the face. Which thinking on it now would of looked good, assaulting a police officer that's off duty. The annoyance of it all was that despite telling him he was wrong and that he was making a mistake, he carried on calling for assistance for some officers to come and do a search. They class this as 'all part of their general routine'. Yeah, falsely accusing people of things they haven't done. Anyhow, when they found nothing on either myself or my girlfriend the guy that had originally stopped us just basically took off without a single word. He didn't even have the decency to give an apology or anything of the like even though he stopped us in the streets and made us feel foolish. I mean being searched in a shop isn't as bad as such. I know superdrug isn't that big of a store. But our search was happening near enough in the middle of town with most people out and about. And there would of been more people if it had been better weather. That is what makes me sick, when they get it wrong but don't say sorry. Do you know why they don't? It's because they still think you're guilty. You know the saying "innocent until proven guilty"? It's more like "Guilty until proven innocent". And even then you're probably still guilty.
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