I had trouble with the demons, I only got up to like 13ish before it crapped out. The first 20 missions got me to 19,940. I just did the secret one a few times to get to 20k lol XD
For 8, scan the image on the mission, tells you time when to stop video. Got to raptor news and pause the video at time you were told on the image and scan.if anyone can give advice on how to finish 8,11,12,and 18 i would really appreciate it iv done what i could and nothing has happened also on 16 i looked up that logo and nothing so if someone can send a pic of the logo that works i could use it.
and is 7 glitched or something i fount the box and try to scan it but it never does or am i doing the wrong box
I haven't seen anything about redeeming them, other than it saying "after Jan. 15," was hoping they would do it for game release. Maybe they're waiting for people to play it without the advantage first? Not sure :/ In game, there's an Extras option you can enter codes, I'm assuming that's how we'll redeem them. I didn't see any other way to link the account. Have fun!Any word on how we redeem our points? Everything I've read says "you can redeem when the game comes out". Anyway, I'm about to go pick up the game in a few minutes, can't wait.
That dude is me lol. I was bored last night waiting for a movie to buffer. It lets you repeat mission 20 over and over.hang in there guys, I sent a bug report to the developpers, the problems seem to be more on Android, is that what you guys use? I'm not sure since I cant get there but I think a redeem code appears when you reach 20K, Im stuck at 19800 for now.
I tested the app on ipad and it works fine, some dude scored 100k, dont know how lol
Haha that doesn't bother me at all, I was just chuckling because I doubled the highest score on the board which was already double the maxits already fixed from what I heard but fake extra points will go away lolsorry
not sure how to redeem orbs yet let me know if anyone finds out
Well, I can confirm it is NOT fixed. My points remain exactly at 20010, I can't share missions 15 or 17 because the app crashes, and there isn't any new version of the Eye of Dante to download. So for now, we remain the same...its already fixed from what I heard but fake extra points will go away lolsorry
not sure how to redeem orbs yet let me know if anyone finds out