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What Are You Thinking?

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
i think i have finaly etched my name in the history of dmc :D but we are still young soon to be veterans

You and mean both kiddo. Who else but me has spandex plastered all their DMC page? Lol

A lot of sweet stuff is happening at the third Power Rangers Convention. I wish I was there, but thank God folks are posting their pictures and videos!!! :D

Laurence Barnes

Still not dead. Just not really here any more.
i have joined the official mortal kombat online site this site isnt just a little forum but many things were discussed there like the continuation of the mortal kombat series with the producers because of a few flaws in armageddon >o< now to make myself known the dragon king is in the building :cool:


This partys getting crazy
^ I'm still upset by the lack of love for Motaro, but it's good to see the series progressing.

C.T: I can't believe there is still demand for DMC combo videos. Guard Flying keeps them alive!

Laurence Barnes

Still not dead. Just not really here any more.
^ I'm still upset by the lack of love for Motaro, but it's good to see the series progressing.

C.T: I can't believe there is still demand for DMC combo videos. Guard Flying keeps them alive!
its not just motaro :/ alot of characters arn't getting much love but now motaro is dead again i think he wont get much love i just hope we see more of onaga soon and i hope he hasn't changed too much

thinking: i've liked alot of pages on fb most of them should make me laugh by the title but instead they post deppressing stories -_-

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Wow, you certainly find out who your friends really are, don't you?

And i get told that I reading into things too much...

I'm on my last lemon and honey tea. :(
No sugar sucks :(
Yep it's finally sunk in just how fat I am :( I still haven't responded to my supervisor asking me if I'm expecting another one.
I want to blog.


the horror was for love
I wish I'd win a competition on that site...but it's clique-y and highschool-y, I almost don't care. What PO-s me, is that I know my hair styles and my masks are better than most of the site, and yet...I see really, really bad designs constantly winning. It's depressing. And it's messed up they deleted that account for one of my muses without telling me. </3 I put so much money into that account, too....

Chimera Khaos

Hades Leading General Commander
Found out some very interesting news the other day, very interesting, but kinda scary too...
Deja vu better not come again other wise I'm seriously considering some options to end this **** once and for all...

Hope you all are having a good day!...


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
The next week + is going to be utter hell... at least Dentist cancelled today as she was unwell...
If this all goes t*ts up, then I'm not going to be able to afford anything for the rest of the year. So no Tekken Tag 2... Fable the Journey... or whatever... up sh*t creek without a paddle... :(

That game of scrabble kept my mind off problems for just under an hour though...

Hurry up wednesday, I want you out of the way!


the horror was for love
Why is it that, whenever I want or need to go to a store, my family never takes me? I mean, seriously?! You guys promised me we'd go last week. You've gone twice in the month. This is just mean.

+ Why can I never have anytime to myself online? I'm in a cr*p place, at the moment, everything's going wrong and I'm still trying to do NaNo, and do they respect it? Nope. Instead I'm gettin getting emails about "I wish you'd hurry up and come back on MSN because life sucks right now". I've been off MSN for TWO DAYS. The world is not going to end. Trust me. And I'm sure you'd rather not hear me b*tching, if your life is really seeming that bad right now.


Is not rat, is hamster
Weather, y u suck? Was going to organise some little games in the back yard for Josh's birthday tomorrow but it's just rain rain rain rain rain.

Jake, stop obsessing about my Moogle. You can look at it but you can't play with it.

Vocal recording begins in a couple of weeks...eep!


Is not rat, is hamster
Listen love, I know at school you were part of the In Crowd and everyone adored you but I need you to step up and start doing your job again, not letting your friends get away with everything because you want to retain your popularity.

If you can't haul them back into line, then I respectfully suggest you step down and let us ask someone else who isn't obsessed with social status to take over the role.

You used to be good - very good. Now you are just above mediocre. You can't be the queen bee all the time, you know.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Sometimes, Steam, sometimes I truly hate you.
One of the few games I've gotten back into playing recently, and one of the few that has captured my interest for any length of time goes on sale and all of a sudden, because of what I can only assume to be some sort of server overload you guys never account for, I'm rendered unable to play.

Damn it.
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