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Role Play:Escape from Jinkura

Satsui no Hado

Jinkura is a prision planet where millions of innocent people are being keeped.They are being kept there for an uknown reason.People of different species locked away,wanting to see their family and friends and to feel free once again.The police from the planet Jinkura go to planet to realms arresting residents there without an explanation.The newest prisioners of the planet were a three young men.Their names are:Amaku,Artasei and Kayne.

I guess I'll begin this RP when I get enough people to join,if anyone would like to join...feel free to send me a message saying so.And of course you'll have to post on this thread giving us information on your character.Thats pretty much it.Oh and if you want,you can make more than one character.

Amaku Ameratsu-Devil of War
Artasei Kyoshei-Devil of War
Kayne Merukio-Devil of War
Saron-The Crazy Demon
Xevnas Arogazi-DreadnoughtDT

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
Race:Unesxistand/human.(Half unique half human)

Personality: He tends to be vry friendly

Satsui no Hado

OOC:^Nice character,time for some info on my characters.

Name:Artasei Kyoshei
Ability/Weapons:Able to cast spells.
Biography:A young boy with a tragic past.Him and Kayne are best friends.
Appearance:Yellow shirt,has an eyepatch,has short hair,wears shorts and sneakers.
Personality:Easily scared,cares for his friends,doesn't really like to fight.
Note:This is a younger version of him from the Lust of Power RP.

Characters name:Amaku Ameratsu
Nickname:"The Devil With A Cap"
Race:Chimera and human.
Powers/Weapons:Capable of super strength,has two demonic daggers,has super agility and has incredibly strong skin.
Personality:Unpredictible,neither good or evil,only helps if hes paid,despises humans.
Description:Wears red jack with a black devil guitar t-shirt,wears a cap backwards,has red hair,wears slacks,wears shoes with skull buckles,has only the powers of a chimera(looks nothing like one),wears brass knuckles and has tan skin.
Bio:Was the youngest member of a chimera clan,he never knew his mother...he only knew his father.However,his father and the other members of the clan were killed by humans.Amaku was one of the only survivors of the attack.To that day,he swore to himself that he would hunt down every last human that killed his pack of chimeras and kill them all.

Name:Kayne Merukio
Weapons/Abilities:Able to cast spells.
Appearance:Short brown hair,wears a green T-shirt with a picture of a gun,blue jeanes,red shoes and wears bandages wrapped around his arms.
Personality:Caring for his friends,always eager to fight,hates anyone who so much as even talks to his friends with a rude tone.

Same thing with Asylum,Kayne is younger than he is in the LFP RP.So this takes place a while back.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Name: Xevnas Arogazi
Age: 15
Race: Assault-Human crossbreed
Weapons: Greshall's Spine, a broadsword that is light as a feather, and stronger than diamonds.
Abilities: able to withstand extreme temperatures, including that of lava. He has a light form and a dark form, along with a neutral form that he can switch between at will.
Appearance: Tall and muscle-bound, but not muscle-headed. He wears a dark purple cape and he's blind in one eye, shown as the eye being completely white. The other eye is a dark purple. Instead of ears, he had two large, bony crests atop his head that give off a soft green glow in the presence of demons. His face is elongated into a snout, and his body is covered in dark green scales. He also has a long, strong tail.
Personality: Quick to fight and quicker to anger, but a better friend you'll never find. He's extremely loyal once you get to know him, but to strangers he tends to distance himself. He is a natural leader because of the demonic genes he carries.

Satsui no Hado

BIC:As a spaceship landed on the prision planet Jinkura,several other officers surrounded around it the ship just in case if anything unforunate happened.Out of the ship came one of the officers.He then brought out three little boys handcuffed.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Xevnas looked over at the spaceship and sighed. They brought back more of them... He thought, feeling defeated.

Satsui no Hado

One of the policemen took the three young boys to a jail cell.The two younger boys walked in.While the older one used the chain of his handcuffs to strangle the policeman from behind.When he finally killed the policeman,he reached into the policeman's pocket and took out a key.He used the key to unlock his handcuffs.His wrists were finally free from the cold metal binds.He then dropped the key and ran away.
The two little boys crawled towards and freed themselves with it.

"Hey wait,whats your name?!"one of the little boys shouted to the older boy.
The older boy stopped running after he heard the little boy.
"If you must know its Amaku Ameratsu!"he shouted back as continued to run away.
"Well my name is Kayne and my friend's name is Artasei,and we'd like to thank you for helping us!"The little shouted at Amaku.
But sadly,Amaku was too far away to hear the little boy.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Xevnas' eyes widened. "Hey kids!" He shouted to the group of children. "Mind freeing me too?"

Satsui no Hado

Artasei was scared at the sight of Xenvas.He screamed and ran behind Kayne while whimpering.
"Forgive him,hes really easy to scare..."said Kayne.
Kayne walked to Xenvas's cell and opened it with the key.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Xevnas looked at the scared child. "Hey, I don't bite, kid." He rolled his eyes. "Always because of the way I look. ALWAYS."

Satsui no Hado

"Its not just you dude,even kittens scare this kid."said Kayne.
"I'm sorry Mister...."Artasei said as he hugged Xevnas.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
"Ah, hey." Xevnas said as he gently pushed the kid away. "I'm no mister. I'm only 15, you know."

Satsui no Hado

"Hey kids,get me outta here too!screamed another prisoner.
"Yeah,me too!"said another prisoner.
Next thing they knew,several prisioners were calling out to the kids to free them.This got Kayne extremely annoyed.
"EVERYONE SHUT UP!!!"Kayne snarled as threw a fireball on the floor.
The prisioners then followed Kayne's commands.
"Okay then,we'll free you...just be patient..."said Kayne.
(20 mintutes have past and all the prisioners in the current area were free)
The prisioners then cheered for the children for freeing them.But all of a sudden,a blow dart was fired into someones neck.The man then fell to the ground unconsious.
"That darts,its the same thing that knocked me and Artasei out cold..."said Kayne.
The prisioners started to back away from the unconsious man.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Xevnas smirked. "Stick with me kids. They took ten darts to even get me tired. You'll be safe with me around."


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
OOC: TCD hates getting left behind. He quit an RP before because of that. So I'd say we should stop.

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
OOC:sorry i can use this laptop pass 10 PM

BIC:Saron was already freed, he loked at the unconcius man in the ground and then to Xevnas, Saron holded his scythe as he looked to th kids that freed him and walked towards them.

Satsui no Hado

OOC:^Its fine,if we have to wait for a member for a Roleplayer,then we shall with no complaints.^_^

Several other prisioners fell to the ground as darts were sent to their necks aswell.Artasei was scared and went behind Kayne.Kayne rolled his eyes to that.Everyone looked at the rooftops and saw the culprits.They were the police of this planet,holding crossbows that had arrows with blow darts tied to their blades.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Xevnas smirked. "Watch how it's done, kids." He ran forward and started to run up the wall, using the large claws on his feet to keep his grip on the stone and metal. He jumped forward with incredible speed and slashed at two of the policemen, putting huge gashes in their chests and turning their crossbows to splinters.

Satsui no Hado

The remaining policemen aimed their crossbows at Xevnas.When they fired,Kayne jumped in the air and opened a portal that took away the arrows.Kayne then snapped his fingers and all the policmen were imploding until they exploded.
"We aint no ordinairy kids..."said Kayne to Xevnas.
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