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Just what the heck is so good about Metal Gear Rising?


Fake Geek Girl.
I'm a bigger Metal Gear Solid fan than I am Devil May Cry which is why I don't give a crap about Rising. I still hate Raiden and the character is just dead to me. Plus, it just looks like a game that would get really repetitive after a while. The addition of QTEs don't sweeten the package either. I saw someone play it for 30 mins and he went into slo-mo every 2 seconds basically. You know, this wasn't even that fun in MGS 2. I can see it just getting old fast and I didn't play Metal Gear to play some DMC rip off. I love my stealth focused gameplay.
Plus Kojima is hardly involved in the project and it sure as hell shows. After all, he canned it himself to begin with. Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain is all we're worried about. The people who care about Raiden don't exist or are just butthurt Devil May Cry fans lol. Trust me, I'm big in my Metal Gear and he still isn't as accepted. Find your own place in MGS Raiden (how about a grave) He jumps in MGS 2 trying to be Snake then 4 he's trying to be Gray Fox. No no no no no no, Raiden GTFO and die.


Well-known Member
I like cyborg ninjas... I like demon hunters... Thus I like both MGS and DmC. They might both be hack'n slash games, but they look rather different from one another.


Oldschool DMC fan
Some people had hopes for DmC, are disappointed with what it turned out to be, and are now pinning all their hopes on MGR to deliver for them what DmC 'can't'. And no, I'm not one of them.


Solid Ocelot
I'm a bigger Metal Gear Solid fan than I am Devil May Cry which is why I don't give a crap about Rising. I still hate Raiden and the character is just dead to me. Plus, it just looks like a game that would get really repetitive after a while. The addition of QTEs don't sweeten the package either. I saw someone play it for 30 mins and he went into slo-mo every 2 seconds basically. You know, this wasn't even that fun in MGS 2. I can see it just getting old fast and I didn't play Metal Gear to play some DMC rip off. I love my stealth focused gameplay.
Plus Kojima is hardly involved in the project and it sure as hell shows. After all, he canned it himself to begin with. Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain is all we're worried about. The people who care about Raiden don't exist or are just butthurt Devil May Cry fans lol. Trust me, I'm big in my Metal Gear and he still isn't as accepted. Find your own place in MGS Raiden (how about a grave) He jumps in MGS 2 trying to be Snake then 4 he's trying to be Gray Fox. No no no no no no, Raiden GTFO and die.

It's not really a DMC ripoff. In fact, it's more of a Devil May Cry than DmC will ever be. Come on, a DMC ripoff? It's even created by the same guys who made DMC1 (Platinum Games).

Nobody's making you play MGR. If you want to play Metal Gear Solid, there will be MGS: Ground Zeroes for you to look forward to. DmC, on the other hand, seems to be replacing the old DMC. So I have to praise Kojima Productions for not giving up on their old game series and developing a spin-off instead.

I'm not sure about those quick time events. It seems as though you have to finish off each enemy with a slow-mo attack, which would suck.

And you're a butthurt MGS fan, still crying over how they introduced a protagonist alongside Solid Snake. Not everybody's like you; not everybody hates Raiden, so stop assuming things.

Just my opinion, though, so let's not start flaming.


Well-known Member
I'm a bigger Metal Gear Solid fan than I am Devil May Cry which is why I don't give a crap about Rising. I still hate Raiden and the character is just dead to me. Plus, it just looks like a game that would get really repetitive after a while. The addition of QTEs don't sweeten the package either. I saw someone play it for 30 mins and he went into slo-mo every 2 seconds basically. You know, this wasn't even that fun in MGS 2. I can see it just getting old fast and I didn't play Metal Gear to play some DMC rip off. I love my stealth focused gameplay.
Plus Kojima is hardly involved in the project and it sure as hell shows. After all, he canned it himself to begin with. Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain is all we're worried about. The people who care about Raiden don't exist or are just butthurt Devil May Cry fans lol. Trust me, I'm big in my Metal Gear and he still isn't as accepted. Find your own place in MGS Raiden (how about a grave) He jumps in MGS 2 trying to be Snake then 4 he's trying to be Gray Fox. No no no no no no, Raiden GTFO and die.

And to finish this:


Just get along and stop complaining. Simple enough to just think things over before letting your anger get the best of you.


General gamer
It's not really a DMC ripoff. In fact, it's more of a Devil May Cry than DmC will ever be. Come on, a DMC ripoff? It's even created by the same guys who made DMC1 (Platinum Games).

Nobody's making you play MGR. If you want to play Metal Gear Solid, there will be MGS: Ground Zeroes for you to look forward to. DmC, on the other hand, seems to be replacing the old DMC. So I have to praise Kojima Productions for not giving up on their old game series and developing a spin-off instead.

I'm not sure about those quick time events. It seems as though you have to finish off each enemy with a slow-mo attack, which would suck.

And you're a butthurt MGS fan, still crying over how they introduced a protagonist alongside Solid Snake. Not everybody's like you; not everybody hates Raiden, so stop assuming things.

Just my opinion, though, so let's not start flaming.
I sort of agree but this is not more DMC than DmC - I have played the demo for this and all of DmC so I would know.
MGR? It is basically Bayonetta but with a Metal Gear skin which isn't too bad but tbh I was never really that fond of Bayonetta so I am slightly biased in that respect and as you can see I admit it! MGR is not a bad game but Platinum may as well have been selling this as "Bayo 2 is not for 360/PS3 so we will give you this as a replacement. DmC is more creative and varied while MGR is more strategic. Again MGR is not bad but it is just less interesting to me as the combos all look the same and do about the same damage - it is still fun to play but not over and over again. In terms of what is good? Well blade mode is an interesting tool but because it is forced upon you it gets alittle annoying, the character Courtney is like Bayo in that she is heavily over-sexualised and Raiden is made to be a less interesting or well acted clone of Dante. The demo is okay - nothing more IN MY OPINION.


Dark Slayer
All I see when I look at Metal Gear Rising is a big giant QTE mess. Never been a huge fan of QTEs (because I suck at them 8D) but I won't completely dismiss it just yet.

On another note, if they ever make sequels for Revengeance they'll have an easy time naming them at the very least. Rerevengeance -> Rererevengeance -> Rerererevengeance etc.


Well-known Member
"holding down the trigger to activate it becomes tedious and regardless of how many hours you spend you’ll always forget you need to hold the trigger down to have the weapon equipped."
and this is the part where i remember how i never forget which trigger does which and how in the DMD stream the player didn't either
article is complete subjective bullshit


Fake Geek Girl.
It's not really a DMC ripoff. In fact, it's more of a Devil May Cry than DmC will ever be. Come on, a DMC ripoff? It's even created by the same guys who made DMC1 (Platinum Games).

Nobody's making you play MGR. If you want to play Metal Gear Solid, there will be MGS: Ground Zeroes for you to look forward to. DmC, on the other hand, seems to be replacing the old DMC. So I have to praise Kojima Productions for not giving up on their old game series and developing a spin-off instead.

I'm not sure about those quick time events. It seems as though you have to finish off each enemy with a slow-mo attack, which would suck.

And you're a butthurt MGS fan, still crying over how they introduced a protagonist alongside Solid Snake. Not everybody's like you; not everybody hates Raiden, so stop assuming things.

Just my opinion, though, so let's not start flaming.
Having a Metal Gear with Kojima hardly involved is already step 1 of failure. This is not even the same game they annouced years ago which I may have been actually a little more interested in. The original concept of Metal Gear Rising was going to bridge the gap between MGS 2 and 4 and show how Raiden saved Sunny and retrieved the body of Solidus believed to be Big Boss. Kojima canned the project himself because it wasn't working out. P*'s name does not get my attention either because it's not like they put forth the quality work all the time.

Seriously, just about everything P* makes never really excels past the decent mark. They always seem to settle for the lowest common denominator that has their games just reach the bar of ok and never amazing. Bayonetta was a game that shined with just how perverted it could get amongst everything else. I don't have a problem at all in the slightest with sexual themes but if you're going to push out a game like this, reach the obvious conclusion and make porn games. The dudes who developed the amazing Viewtiful Joe don't belong there if you ask me and should seek a better company to work for. Only a few companies show quality work and effort put into their games, Rockstar being one of them. (GTA 5 looks like it could top San Andreas, that would be quite the game after San Andreas set the bar so high)

Most of the people who are supporting Rising are just DMC fans who see P* attached to it. They aren't even Metal Gear fans and some honestly it will send some kind of message if they support it. The majority of Metal Gear fans still don't care about Raiden or this Rising game. Trust me. To be honest DmC seems to be the better and more satisfying action experience. Of course the people against it won't agree but I don't care. That stubborness is set in stone and there's no point. Personal hatred aside for the character of Raiden, Rising just looks like the weaker game overall and I won't even acknowledge it.


Fake Geek Girl.
And to finish this:


Just get along and stop complaining. Simple enough to just think things over before letting your anger get the best of you.
Dude, you need to stop it with this crap because you are no better than any of the other butthurt fans I see. A while back you attacked anyone who responded to your thread about the reboot and made yourself look like a total asshat. You then suddenly want to act like a mediator because so many people showed you how stupid you look that you even went as far as making an apology thread. Now you still voice your butthurt vocal opinions and when someone responds with a counter-example you act like they are the ones who are getting upset and tell them to ignore what you said. You simply just want to still be the same angry fan but just don't want to hear anyone else telling you any different. Like a kid who sticks his fingers in his ears when someone's talking to go "LAALALALALALAALALA" really loud. Then try to play off like you're being mature and anyone who has a different opinion on the matter is just someone blinded by some sort of rage you think they have. You have quite the nerve don't you?

Arthur Kotsopoulos

Well-known Member
"holding down the trigger to activate it becomes tedious and regardless of how many hours you spend you’ll always forget you need to hold the trigger down to have the weapon equipped."
and this is the part where i remember how i never forget which trigger does which and how in the DMD stream the player didn't either
article is complete subjective bullshit
So I just signed up here to reply to this post because I'm curious as to why you think what I wrote is subjective bullshit? After playing the demo upon my first reaction I'd constantly forget that I needed to hold down the trigger to have the selected weapon activated.

I would press it only after that would remember it needed to be held down. I found this was the case through out the whole demo and on a second play through.

Having played DMC1, 2, 4 and a little bit of 3 I found the demo put me off this game completely in terms of combat. As I stated though it is a demo so it's never a true representation of the final product so I am willing to change my mind after playing the final product to see if it's any better.

Rising is developed by PG who developed DMC hence why it's the more appealing combat based game because it's fluid and frantic. As for the QTE events they're mainly restricted to executions of enemies or bosses. I've played up to the boss battle in Chapter 4 at a preview the other week and the QTE's were honestly the least of my worries. No where near as bad as any other game that features them.

Thanks for the feedback though appreciate it :)

Shin Muramasa

Metallic Stranger
TL;DR post ahead!!!

Y'know, I always come to series very late in their life times. Devil May Cry and Metal Gear being two of them. Coincidentally, I started with the third game of both franchises; Dante's Awakening (rented)/Special Edition (owned) and Snake Eater. It probably has to do with my young age.

Because of that, I never hated any of the characters. I was never there for the Devil May Cry 2 let down and the Metal Gear Solid 2 outrage (hey, another coincidence, both two's). I do understand the backlash though. Raiden replaced Solid Snake as the lead role and Solid Snake had about an hour's worth of gameplay. Devil May Cry 2 . . . yeah, boring game that introduced Rainstorm, wall-running, on-the-fly weapon switching, and Bloody Palace. Otherwise, really boring gameplay.

They were both my entrances into those types of games; poor choice on that with DMC3: DA. I didn't understand DMC's gameplay nor MGS's; I couldn't figure out how to use iron sights until a while later. Yes, I 'm that stupid. But I loved them anyway. DmC: Devil May Cry was very interesting when it was teased. I was surprised. I didn't hate it, just wondered what NT and Capcom were going to do. That is what made me start to look into DMC's combat more and become a better player in hack n' slash games. Thank you raging fanboys.

For Metal Gear Rising. I think it mostly had to do with what happened in MGS4: Raiden's fight scenes. Those were amazing and people wanted a game like that. They wanted to play as a cyborg ninja. Hideo Kojima knew that and his team tried working on it, but it was canceled for various reasons. Then they found Platinum Games to help. A bunch of things had to be changed and now we have Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. The appeal was cyborg ninja combat. The quality of the gameplay I can't say since I have never played it, but it looks okay and confusing. I don't know how the combos link together. All I know is that it has a heavy/light combo system, sombreros, cardboard boxes, the Zandatsu system, and Raiden, plus a parrying system I think people say is sort of weird to use. Also, Metal Gears . . . sort of . . . IRVINGs (Gekkos) are technically not Metal Gears because of the nuclear power requirement, but RAY did not have it either.

So what's so good about Revengeance? I have no idea. I would have to play it to say.

To Chancey289 (I don't know how to quote in these forums): I agree, Bayonetta is very, very, very, sexualized. Some of the things she does are really unneeded and unnecessary, like saving Luka in a very suggestive manner. Really? That being said, the combat system is enjoyable. But the lack of a moveset annoys me, you can't look it up from what I'm aware unless you're in the loading screen/practice mode. So it just ends up button mashing and attempting to link combos together. It's fun though, but the innuendos are way too much. DMC is over the top and so are other games, but Bayonetta is way too over the top.

Vanquish was really unique in that while being a TPS, it tried to be fast paced. Most TPS's are slow, from what I played that is. Because of how TPS's are played, it kind of made it awkward, but a fresh attempt at this genre. Platinum Games' games are fun, but there are flaws and conflicting tastes that make their games not bad, but not great. Also, QTEs, can go to hell. I hate them. Vanquish's were bareable, so were God War III's, but Bayonetta's are annoying I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. And I just remembered Castlevania: Lord of Shadows has them too. Great I bought two games with QTEs, that'll be fun to screw them up.
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