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DmC Theories


Crazy Chick
^I wouldn't use his guns at all if that happened =______=
There's an extremely low chance they'd add that. You never had to reload in previous games and it would also, once again, slow down the action.

I wouldn't mind if he shoots slower in this one though. But as you progress maybe his speed will increase too.


Street Fighter Fan
The crazy demon;286426 said:
Nah :p

If you notice the guns are slower now, but they now make VERY hight damage enought to kill the enemies really quick ;D

All the bullets fired where near and at point blank that's why the demons where killed in one shot, not rapid fire and guns are used for long range, why would someone shot at point blank and so near where in which they can shoot from afar. Those guns don't have the kick or power Ebony and Ivory had.

Dante didn't got Ebony and Ivory till later on in the story. Ebony and Ivory are custom made guns suited for Dante or as he was known back then as Tony Redgrave. Those are probably different guns.

Say no to RELOADING!


Well-known Member
its a reboot so, sad to say but Dante may have gone to an overall makeover (in a sad sad way)
he might be the real deal Dante for now on. :(

but i still have a theory.

this Dante is young, very young unlike the Dante in DMC1-4
as i know white hair symbolizes demonic powers in some countries, and demonic powers don't develop until the right age comes, that would likely explain the black hair.

he's still as powerful as ever but demonic strength are noticeable at early age so i'll go with that.

a new sword, sort of. morphing - hmm~ nice but a full pledge rebellion stinger stings like hell. does Devil May Cry 1 narrate how he got hand at the rebellion? i don't recall so this might be a temporary weapon. same goes to those water gun-like hand guns.

This Dante's attitude might be his teenage year gangster life attitude since the opening voice said something like a "young offenders rehabilitation blah blah blah", this might be the reason for the smoking and bad outfit. he's wanted so that will explain the torture he had been.

this redesigning of DMC a.k.a DMC Reboot is a perfect way to kill everyone's Demon Slaying Hero Dante, but I'm really hoping that there's a bright light at the end of this charade.
DMC made it trademark ever since DMC1 to 4 so why reboot? It's purely insane. screw cinematic poetry!


Hell's Angel
This may sound kind of crazy so bear with me. In the manga it states Virgil said something about him helping unlock Dante's powers along with his. So maybe the both of them had dark hair and human characteristics until their powers awaken at the end of the game. This game doesn't mean its a "reboot" of the whole series but maybe just a reboot of his childhood story concerning his father and demon powers. Plus when he was in the interrogation room there was a flash where you saw Dante ****ed off with his demon powers going nuts when he was an adult. Also this can help on how his mother died and what happened to Virgil after his mother died. This thing can be a reboot of Dante's whole past and not the game series itself. The Dante in this could be 14-15 which 2 years before DMC3 occurred when Dante was about 18. As for the deep voice he could of reached puberty early. Also it is a possibility that demons age differently than humans and have a different age range. Look at Sparta he was like what 3,000+ years when he met Dante's mom. In addition to the whole past it can also give us a clue on what really happened to Sparta.


Mmm-hmm.....so what were we talking about again?
if this was a prequel to dmc 3
then maybe dante temporarily dyed his hair black in order to blend in with the city street underground black market thugs/criminals? you know.....trying to find an identity.......and the black dye and the red eye contacts disappear throughout the game. and then he quits smoking and being emo and starts stacking up on pizza and sundaes to gain some weight. then he obtains rebellion.....and ivory and ebony....

but that still doesn't make sense tho........if the hair was really black then how come sparda and eva don't got black hairs? yes black hairs!
i thought dante was born with white hair? its would be weird to make his hair change from black to white....all because he found out he was demonic etc....that who metamorph thing.

but i'm not just talking about hair......there's more to the confusion like the change in the atmosphere/setting/monster designs....the monsters look a little bit like robotic aliens (i'm just saying....its too early to predict) and the whole interrogation thing....hmmm....it sounds like something out of a horror jail/mental institution break movie.....(sorry...again....i'm just saying)
if it was a game of its own and is the begining of a new dmc series....then i would understand the different changes.
i'm still not feeling okay on this.


Nein, not ze puppies!
veg-G;291636 said:
if this was a prequel to dmc 3
then maybe dante temporarily dyed his hair black in order to blend in with the city street underground black market thugs/criminals? you know.....trying to find an identity.......and the black dye and the red eye contacts disappear throughout the game. and then he quits smoking and being emo and starts stacking up on pizza and sundaes to gain some weight. then he obtains rebellion.....and ivory and ebony....

but that still doesn't make sense tho........if the hair was really black then how come sparda and eva don't got black hairs? yes black hairs!
i thought dante was born with white hair? its would be weird to make his hair change from black to white....all because he found out he was demonic etc....that who metamorph thing.

but i'm not just talking about hair......there's more to the confusion like the change in the atmosphere/setting/monster designs....the monsters look a little bit like robotic aliens (i'm just saying....its too early to predict) and the whole interrogation thing....hmmm....it sounds like something out of a horror jail/mental institution break movie.....(sorry...again....i'm just saying)
if it was a game of its own and is the begining of a new dmc series....then i would understand the different changes.
i'm still not feeling okay on this.

There was an article about Dante's hair being black...Tameen wanted to show it grow whiter as his demonic blood 'matured'. As for the swords and guns...I think Dante already has Ebony&Ivory, it's just Rebellion he doesn't have at this point.


New Member
I just came up with a theory, so hear me out on this...

Remember that scene in the trailer where you get a close-up of Dante's eye and for a fraction of a second see him with white hair? Well...

I'm thinking...since Tameem keeps saying this game is the beginning and end what Dante will become. I'm thinking they'll go through the whole series. Cause in Enslaved they go through Chapters that takes place days or weeks after as well as Heavenly Sword. So i'm thinking in the Dino game is the beginning, then DMC 3, then DMC 1 etc until DMC 2 (cause when Dino says "My name is Dante it sounds more serious like DMC 2 Dante)

so i think it'll take place across all the games, like scenes we didn't see in the original games or sumthing

I have a feeling as well that they'll take sum parts of the DMC 1 novel, mostly for Ebony and Ivory. I think the ones Dino is holding are prototypes.

Cause in the DMC 1 novel, Dante is fighting without E&I and he keeps breaking the guns that gunsmith gives him until she creates E&I for him
So that's why they're kinda slow in the trailer. They can't match the speed of Dante's quickness.

So i think Vergil will make an apperance in only the DMC 3 part only and maybe the DMC 1 part. So they don't totally have to mess up the canon. I think by Reboot they mean style and way the story is told.They keep spouting that word and it could mean anything Since i think Capcom wants a cohesive DMC story from now on and deal with DMC 2.

You just have to look at similar aspects of Ninja Theory's past games.

Even Kamiya kinda gave a hint on his Twitter blog (and yes i know he's not on the DmC project but he's doing sumthing with Capcom and he knows sumthing that is shocking). He said "That Dante always changed in every iteration of the series"

So this is a good way to see every facet of Dante and what he'll finally become in the end

What do you guys think?


Nein, not ze puppies!
Vampi;291692 said:
I just came up with a theory, so hear me out on this...

Remember that scene in the trailer where you get a close-up of Dante's eye and for a fraction of a second see him with white hair? Well...

I'm thinking...since Tameem keeps saying this game is the beginning and end what Dante will become. I'm thinking they'll go through the whole series. Cause in Enslaved they go through Chapters that takes place days or weeks after as well as Heavenly Sword. So i'm thinking in the Dino game is the beginning, then DMC 3, then DMC 1 etc until DMC 2 (cause when Dino says "My name is Dante it sounds more serious like DMC 2 Dante)

so i think it'll take place across all the games, like scenes we didn't see in the original games or sumthing

I have a feeling as well that they'll take sum parts of the DMC 1 novel, mostly for Ebony and Ivory. I think the ones Dino is holding are prototypes.

Cause in the DMC 1 novel, Dante is fighting without E&I and he keeps breaking the guns that gunsmith gives him until she creates E&I for him
So that's why they're kinda slow in the trailer. They can't match the speed of Dante's quickness.

What do you guys think?

I really like that idea Vampi, but aren't the novels slightly out of canon though? Or does it not really matter since this is preboot? XD


Well-known Member
That's brilliant. Given what NT has done before, I wouldn't put it past them to put this kind of twist in the game. It could be epic if done correctly, starting the game from pre-DMC3 Dante and ending at post-DMC2 Dante.

If this happens, let us note, for posterity and with humility, that Vampi totally called it. (I'm designating this theory, the Transquel Theory, since it is is something that encompasses both a prequel and a sequel).

And someone rep this woman please.


New Member
Faust;291694 said:
I really like that idea Vampi, but aren't the novels slightly out of canon though? Or does it not really matter since this is preboot? XD

Well yes, but we don't know to how much of a degree honestly. They might not be canon but that doesn't mean Capcom can't take sum parts of it and make it conform to Ninja Theory's story. Since even in DMC 4, Dante still has that Tony Redgrave .45 Artworks or sumthing engraved on his guns.


Street Fighter Fan
Rebellion sword is a keepsake fro Dante's father to him. The one they showed on the trailer is more similar to Force Edge/Sparda sword that can shape-shift. Also in the novel and manga Dante and Vergil had white hair from the beginning, if they changed it to black, then it's a recton. The setting though is way off from the gothic setting of the original series.

Also if this guy from DMC-Detroit Metal City anime and Live Action can be a sweet person who loves Swedish pop music can pretend to become a demon metal rocker.

Ebony and Ivory where custom made guns for Dante btw which the origin was in the novel.


New Member
kenjiharimaCU: Actually the sword looks more like the Red Queen (it has the same hilt and handguard, and even the blade), it even makes a revving sound sumtimes.

Also the DMC 1 novel is not canon.


Well-known Member
kenjiharimaCU;291978 said:
Rebellion sword is a keepsake fro Dante's father to him. The one they showed on the trailer is more similar to Force Edge/Sparda sword that can shape-shift. Also in the novel and manga Dante and Vergil had white hair from the beginning, if they changed it to black, then it's a recton. The setting though is way off from the gothic setting of the original series.
Just because the weapon can shapeshift doesn't automatically mean it is the Sparda. It just means it can shapeshift. Also, in the manga (the only canonical record of events before DMC3), we see the twins when they are 18, and nothing of them before that. As illogical as it seems, they could have been born with black hair that changed to white over time. Nothing in the canon precludes this.
Also if this guy from DMC-Detroit Metal City anime and Live Action can be a sweet person who loves Swedish pop music can pretend to become a demon metal rocker.
WTF does that have to do with anything? You started an "if-then" statement and left off the "then" part.


Well-known Member
Would be interesting though if they open the game with the death of their mother.. And the split of the brothers (my history is pretty hazy so if someone wants to correct that pls do so). And the death leading to Dante being rebellious, etc, etc, blaming his father for his mother's death.. Then his drug habit becomes too much and he has to get his arm amputated above the elbow..


Street Fighter Fan
Vampi;291983 said:
kenjiharimaCU: Actually the sword looks more like the Red Queen (it has the same hilt and handguard, and even the blade), it even makes a revving sound sumtimes.

Also the DMC 1 novel is not canon.

Doesn't really mater if it's non canon or not, but it deals with the pre-devil may cry happenings. Anyways bottomline it's gonna be rectoned, due to the fact that it's on a western team and they'll decide the story...oh well....

moseslmpg;292038 said:
Just because the weapon can shapeshift doesn't automatically mean it is the Sparda. It just means it can shapeshift. Also, in the manga (the only canonical record of events before DMC3), we see the twins when they are 18, and nothing of them before that. As illogical as it seems, they could have been born with black hair that changed to white over time. Nothing in the canon precludes this.

WTF does that have to do with anything? You started an "if-then" statement and left off the "then" part.

Did I say what the new Dante is using it's Sparda? I said it's similar to Sparda-Force Edge. As for twins born in black hair blond mother and white haired father? Does not compute, his hair is possibly dyed in theory seeing there is a white patch which Alex Jones stated. But truly and originally in the Japanese capcom art books and concepts such Dante and Vergil are born with white hair and me seeing those books first. So who would I believe more? Of course the Japanese creators.


But alas now it's in the hands of the west, they can pretty much do anything. So literally DMC3 that served as a prequel is rectoned, rebooted and we will go for this one. It needs to be convincing though.

Also for Negeshi aka Krauser II. It's also DMC(Detroit Metal City). If a man can change so much then Negishi is your man for comparison example on this new Dante.


Well-known Member
kenjiharimaCU;292216 said:
Doesn't really mater if it's non canon or not, but it deals with the pre-devil may cry happenings. Anyways bottomline it's gonna be rectoned, due to the fact that it's on a western team and they'll decide the story...oh well....
Non-canonical materials have no necessary implications for the canonical storyline. They can be assumed until contradicted, but they aren't given by any means. So they aren't retconning anything, since there is no canon to retcon with respect to the guns; they have no backstory.
Did I say what the new Dante is using it's Sparda? I said it's similar to Sparda-Force Edge. As for twins born in black hair blond mother and white haired father? Does not compute, his hair is possibly dyed in theory seeing there is a white patch which Alex Jones stated. But truly and originally in the Japanese capcom art books and concepts such Dante and Vergil are born with white hair and me seeing those books first. So who would I believe more? Of course the Japanese creators.


But alas now it's in the hands of the west, they can pretty much do anything. So literally DMC3 that served as a prequel is rectoned, rebooted and we will go for this one. It needs to be convincing though.
Well, yeah it sounded like you did say the weapon was Sparda/FE. I can't understand you sometimes.

I agree it does not compute that Dante has black hair, and I don't buy the dye theory myself, which is why I think this is further evidence for a reboot rather than a prequel. Maybe in the reboot, Eva didn't have blond hair. But like I said, we have no canonical info about the twins before they were 18. You can't use concept art to make conclusions about the canonical storyline, because concept art is just rough draft stuff. If we used concepts to decide things about the game, then LDK would actually be future Dante and not Sparda.

Still, I say it is a reboot and not a prequel. Too many things have been changed for it to be a simple prequel.


Street Fighter Fan
moseslmpg;292218 said:
Non-canonical materials have no necessary implications for the canonical storyline. They can be assumed until contradicted, but they aren't given by any means. So they aren't retconning anything, since there is no canon to retcon with respect to the guns; they have no backstory.
Well, yeah it sounded like you did say the weapon was Sparda/FE. I can't understand you sometimes.

I agree it does not compute that Dante has black hair, and I don't buy the dye theory myself, which is why I think this is further evidence for a reboot rather than a prequel. Maybe in the reboot, Eva didn't have blond hair. But like I said, we have no canonical info about the twins before they were 18. You can't use concept art to make conclusions about the canonical storyline, because concept art is just rough draft stuff. If we used concepts to decide things about the game, then LDK would actually be future Dante and not Sparda.

Still, I say it is a reboot and not a prequel. Too many things have been changed for it to be a simple prequel.

Well you can understand me better if you like alot of anime.:p

Anyways canon or not at least the novels was worked with Kamiya, it was his vision on DMC, now it's NT vision which is so so....oh well... >_<

Even though there are no origins on Dante's guns, the happenings on the novel which has contradictions on some point on the DMC storyline at least it gave us some brief pre-DMC origin on the demon attack and young Dante and Vergil along with Ebony and Ivory origin which in fact is quite good and must be taken for consideration in story of DMC since only DMC has been a Capcom game that nearly all media is canon.

Back on the hair thingy(hair again? lol), Eva is blond from all her artwork, Trish is also blond she was a clone of Eva. The artbook contains also the final artwork which we can see young Dante's hair is white and most artwork is based on Japanese creators which I believe more since it's the Japanese team that originally did DMC series.

Now it's on a new developer seems they have the rights so they can change it. I agree on the reboot since there are too many things changed to be a prequel.


Nein, not ze puppies!
kenjiharimaCU;292225 said:
Well you can understand me better if you like alot of anime.:p

Anyways canon or not at least the novels was worked with Kamiya, it was his vision on DMC, now it's NT vision which is so so....oh well... >_<

Even though there are no origins on Dante's guns, the happenings on the novel which has contradictions on some point on the DMC storyline at least it gave us some brief pre-DMC origin on the demon attack and young Dante and Vergil along with Ebony and Ivory origin which in fact is quite good and must be taken for consideration in story of DMC since only DMC has been a Capcom game that nearly all media is canon.

Back on the hair thingy(hair again? lol), Eva is blond from all her artwork, Trish is also blond she was a clone of Eva. The artbook contains also the final artwork which we can see young Dante's hair is white and most artwork is based on Japanese creators which I believe more since it's the Japanese team that originally did DMC series.

Now it's on a new developer seems they have the rights so they can change it. I agree on the reboot since there are too many things changed to be a prequel.

Capcom wanted NT to do w/e the hell they want with the game, they want the shocking change in Dante. I have a feeling it's to make people want to know why Dante is like that even though players are apalled at his new look. Reverse psychology as some have pointed out in other threads.
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