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DMC Goes to Hollywood.

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Well-known Member
I disagree to fact that all game-to-movie adaptations were bad. Wat about hitman - Blood money? It was entertaining and did not betray the game.I have not seen POP but i heard it was a good movie.Movie might reach more audience and give recognition to the series.
As far as the actors go - I would like one of country actors(Shah rukh khan) to play as dante.He has the look of DMC 2 Dante which was his best attire IMO.


Oldschool DMC fan
I thought Hitman was supposed to have been terrible. In the game you are a hitman, you kill people for a client - apparently he is just running around with some woman in the film, instead of it being like any of the plots that have involved 47 in the Hitman series.

I didn't sit through it myself, but I refused to. And you have been the only person online and off that I have seen say it was entertaining...

From Wiki:

The film received generally negative reviews. The review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes reported that 14% of critics gave the film a positive rating, based on 98 reviews, with an average score of 3.7/10.[14] At the website MetaCritic, which uses a normalized rating system, the film earned an unfavorable rating of 35/100 based on 22 reviews.[15]
The most common complaints are a lacking, often confusing plot, dry acting and extreme violence. Ain't It Cool News critic Massawyrm declared "The Only Thing Hitman Whacks Is Off!!".[16] However, film critic Roger Ebert gave it three stars out of four, saying "Hitman stands right on the threshold between video games and art. On the wrong side of the threshold, but still, give it credit".[17] In 2009, Time listed the film on their list of top ten worst video games movies.[18]

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
The only good video game, anime, comic, adoptions I've seen were the Marvel movies. Yes DMC is big and known but not everyone knows what DMC is. I can name countless people I know who have no idea what DMC or Dante is, unless your fan, you most likely haven't heard of DMC hence the movie most likely will come out bad. Like I said before video game movie adoptions never work because they make it to please everyone NOT fans. So I'm not going to really be excited about it. Now if a trailer is shown and it looks like they actually put some heart into it than I'll think differently, until than I have no hopes.


Well-known Member
@Lexy : Wat the ..?I found hitman blood money to be good. Also a few others seem to have felt the same except for few critics. Critics will always have somethin to complain about.Logic has least importance in movies IMO. Hitman blood money was not a logical disaster but the plot was fair.

Something of similar in DMC would not betray the series IMO.


Bring Vergil back!!!
I think this movie has a 50% chance of success.
-the main problem is that dante isn't a character you can care about outside of a game because you cant play as him. the animated series was proof that .
-So just adapt DMC3 since it has the most compelling story and the most compelling version of dante and then go off on a new direction. The new direction is needed since what works in a game wont work in a movie. Besides DMC doesn't have a direction that is worth adapting since the series never had a consistent director or vision. Capcom is basically just running around in a circle with the games.
- the only thing you would have to add is some info on why vergil and dante fell out of favor with each other and what happened a year before the game.
- set the series within the ten years between DMC3 and DMC1 which is a period untouched and untapped by writers. Series should be DMC3 first, 2 3 and 4 would be original material that builds up to the events of DMC1 and then end the movies series with DMC1.

The movie should be about after DMC3 or between DMC3 and DMC1 when Dante named his shop to devil may cry then the story will begin with Dante's being investigated by the police or FBI that tryes to find out what Dante really is.. they will have a file named subject 64432B and will get some clue about his power.. but they still have no idea about that he is a demon or a demonhunter.. every where his been are surrounded by dead body's (''demons''when they die they take the form of a human body.) And they will flash some of his memory of the last battle against Vergil.. and maybe when he was a kid right before his mother death when he maybe promise her something..?

I hope that this movie will be great.. Can't be like the Resident Evil fail.. because this is about Dante the demonhunter! Not another new kid that thinks he is a demonhunter..

It will also be great if they did the DMC3 storyline to a movie and it begins with Lady's story how her father met Vergil..

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
Or they can do a movie set before dmc3 that shows how Dante became the Dante we know and love.
That would be easy as we don't know how he got there or anything about his past other than his mother got killed by demons. We don't even know why he and vergil started to hate each other. There is a lot of room to maneuver and it would be easier for them to do this first as a test run then move on to DMC3 etc, etc.


Bring Vergil back!!!
Or they can do a movie set before dmc3 that shows how Dante became the Dante we know and love.
That would be easy as we don't know how he got there or anything about his past other than his mother got killed by demons. We don't even know why he and vergil started to hate each other. There is a lot of room to maneuver and it would be easier for them to do this first as a test run then move on to DMC3 etc, etc.

Yeah.. but the reboot DmC will tell us about how he became Dante..
And hope they will tell us what happend between Vergil and Dante..

Just hope the movie will not be from DmC reboot.. because Robert Pattinson looks like the new Dante from the reboot.. +he is british too..

Lili Rochefort

we live to make impossible, possible!
Oh NO!!! I don't think that it's a good idea!! they always ruin such things! I prefer they make a animation or something instead of it! :eek:


Obsessed Green Day Fangirl ^^
Oh god God in heaven!! I seriously dont want this to happen :X Normally, I would be happy about this kinda thing but........I really dont wanna see my faveriote series of all time ruined by the minds of Hollywood DX
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