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Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition for Next Gen

Lord Nero

Ultraviolet Sentinel
''Both games poke fun at tropes that they are built up from. I hate how no one here can see that and argues which had a more serious story.''

I think DmC tried its best to come across as cool in an edgy way -- it was serious about it, it didn't try to poke fun at tropes all *that* much. But they went overboard with the seriousness. They wanted it to be serious, but then it unintentionally started to seem like a 'bad B-movie', like you said. Just my thoughts, though, and I don't mean to offend.

Lord Nero

Ultraviolet Sentinel
''Quite a bit of people here seem to be fans of basically only 3 and or 4. Thus the way they define the series as a whole, is pretty different than what really defines Devil May Cry.''

DMC has been like DMC3 for just about its entire lifespan. DMC4 continued the DMC3-ishness.
DMC3 and DMC4 *are* DMC. DMC1 was made by Kamiya, but he abandoned the whole DMC idea after DMC2 was made without his knowledge. It's only logical to define the series by DMC3 and DMC4, as that is what DMC has been since it was redefined in 2005. DMC was redefined when DMC3 came into play.

The DMC *series* in the form that it was intended by Kamiya never really existed, since that old DMC1 never became a franchise.
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Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Quite a bit of people here seem to be fans of basically only 3 and or 4. Thus the way they define the series as a whole, is pretty different than what really defines Devil May Cry.

I'm not the only one here who believes there was a spirit and charm lost once Itsuno and his team took over.

I missed the dark and almost gothic feel of DMC1 and DMC2.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
''Both games poke fun at tropes that they are built up from. I hate how no one here can see that and argues which had a more serious story.''

I think DmC tried its best to come across as cool in an edgy way -- it was serious about it, it didn't try to poke fun at tropes all *that* much. But they went overboard with the seriousness. They wanted it to be serious, but then it unintentionally started to seem like a 'bad B-movie', like you said. Just my thoughts, though, and I don't mean to offend.

That's what I meant. Poke fun at the seriousness while telling a serious story that wasn't really serious about being serious.


That Guy Who Hates Fox McCloud
I missed the dark and almost gothic feel of DMC1 and DMC2.
I honestly miss that more than anything. DMC1 still has the best locales out of any game in the series...and DMC2 Dante had the best culmination of Gothic style with his attire.

DMC4 had a nice Renaissance look, and DmC had gorgeous surrealism in its backdrops, but neither had the DMC factor that really made DMC1 stand out. DMC3's backgrounds were just ugly up until you reached the Underworld.

That's what I meant. Poke fun at the seriousness while telling a serious story that wasn't really serious about being serious.
Both games were poking fun at their respective genres, but both also took repeated breaks to take themselves seriously.

The difference is that whenever DmC took itself seriously, it actually worked. The characters weren't one-note caricatures, and the story had some level of cohesion. DMC4's attempt at portraying characters was lukewarm at best, and DMC3's attempt was abysmal at worst.


Fake Geek Girl.
I missed the dark and almost gothic feel of DMC1 and DMC2.
When it came to the first game, Devil May Cry had this spirit of self awareness and actual direction. Dante was like the epitome of what was considered cool at the time, and embraced that identity knowing damn well how silly also it could be ,and in the process didn't care because it took advantage of those traits. It never tried to be anything more, but it never tried to be anything less. Dante reminded me lots of characters like Ash Williams of the Evil Dead movies.

And what made it rise above and beyond that simple formula was an action game like no other at the time. Fast, furious, and obsessed with style. Devil May Cry knew exactly what it was.

After Kamiya left you notice that direction kinda abandoned because it's was now done by people who were never able to meet each other half way in these new things they added making for an experience that sometimes became rather jarring in tone especially because it wasn't very well done.

Dante became a wannabe ninja turtle and just a dork who thought he was cooler than he actually was. You saw his signature attitude, but in what seemed like a less self aware approach. Where there was like two separate sides to it all. One side was wanting to keep this cartoonish over the top flare, and then the other wanted to get dramatic and give Dante development but in arbitrary ways with a supporting cast of characters that never could even hold these games on their own because they would all have to play off each other.

A wonky character arc while still trying to keep what they thought people missed about Dante. I'm not the only one who feels Dante in the first game is rather different from his later incarnations in the sequels. This also just goes to show how **** poor their story telling is. They could never stay focused. They could never keep the characters straight or plot points they establish. You see people seriously TRYING to tell a story and failing.

DMC 4 rolls around and they try to do even more with it without understanding still, how to tell a damn story. They shoehorn in a love interest in this arbitrary attempt to appeal to female gamers. In the process you have what is basically a poorly written teen romance which one kid being angsty as hell, and the girl being absolutely bland. And they wanted you to get emotional invested in this! They stressed that point like hell through development.

Dante......is just there because he has to be. Being an idiot. Nothing particular interesting goes down with him. He's got unfunny jokes and cringe worthy dialogue. Not even the cool cheese, just like its all an afterthought because Nero was their protagonist and they tried so hard with him and his cardboard cutout love interest.

DmC I accept as it is. It pushed forward with confidence trying to be this fresh approach, but also nodded to the originals where it counts. And that over the top self aware cheese? Please do not say when it came to the social satire they were really taking themselves all that seriously. This is a game that has the most ridiculous energy drink ads since Futurama's Slurm, and makes a level out of malicious Fox News icons. It's pretty self aware.

And the more dramatic parts (that DMC also has) I can take a bit more seriously because the overall dialogue is more natural and the voice performances better at actually portraying some emotion.

I never said it was the best thing I've ever seen, I personally would have done things differently, but it did its job to say the least and I can simply give credit and criticism where its due.
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I Saw the Devil
First things first. I hope they fix the shadows. They were really choppy and low res in the PS3/360 versions so I hope that's the first thing to get fixed.


I'll show how to use the power!!!



Vergil should get new weapons like his Nelo angelo great sword http://

And They should stop teasing us with the SPARDA sword my favorite weapon in the game and let us finally use , Give it to Dante .

And imagine a playable Trish .


Fake Geek Girl.
''Quite a bit of people here seem to be fans of basically only 3 and or 4. Thus the way they define the series as a whole, is pretty different than what really defines Devil May Cry.''

DMC has been like DMC3 for just about its entire lifespan. DMC4 continued the DMC3-ishness.
DMC3 and DMC4 *are* DMC. DMC1 was made by Kamiya, but he abandoned the whole DMC idea after DMC2 was made without his knowledge. It's only logical to define the series by DMC3 and DMC4, as that is what DMC has been since it was redefined in 2005. DMC was redefined when DMC3 came into play.

The DMC *series* in the form that it was intended by Kamiya never really existed, since that old DMC1 never became a franchise.
Translation: I like this better so here is my arbitrary explanations trying to validate my opinions on things.

I don't mind having a discussion, but if you're just gonna shove off any opposing point without any consideration, then don't bother quoting us. This was a chips and cheese conversation, nachos. Unless you can get in on the discussion with food for thought friend.

DMC has been like DMC 3, since DMC 3. DMC 3 redefined the approach to gameplay because it got more in to its obsession with spectacle. And don't get me wrong, I still LOVE that game. I've completed it so many times I lost count.

But you remember how everyone felt when Dante wasn't himself in 2? Yea, quite a bit of us felt that same way with 3 and 4. Because we were brought in from the get go. I've been with this hack n slash baby since the inception.


Fake Geek Girl.
Vergil should get new weapons like his Nelo angelo great sword http://

And They should stop teasing us with the SPARDA sword my favorite weapon in the game and let us finally use , Give it to Dante .

And imagine a playable Trish .
Trish was playable in DMC 2.

But yea, I would like to play as her over Vergil to be honest.


Fake Geek Girl.
Wait I thought Terry was born through gene-splicing and not date rape. o_O
Yea, Talia and Bruce did the deed. And I question whether or not it really wasn't with consent. This is Bruce Wayne we're talking about here. Btw, Damian is awesome. My favorite has to be Grayson though. Nightwing is my personal favorite of the Bat family.


Well-known Member
DMC4 sold 3 million copies and DmC sold around 1.2 million, so the DmC DE has to sell another 1.8 million copies to beat DMC4 which I don't think is likely.

*ahem* DMC4-2.9 million, DmC-1.6 million

Yeah, yeah, I know your point still stands, but I'm just correcting ya.

Lord Nero

Ultraviolet Sentinel
Didn't it sell 1.7 million by now? I thought I heard that.
But anyway, maybe we should stop this weird, awkward talking about how DMC still needs so-and-so many copies to match DMC4? This might not even be a contest in Capcom's mind, and honestly, this whole mentality of DmC vs DMC (in whichever form it may be) is starting to get annoying.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
The difference is that whenever DmC took itself seriously, it actually worked. The characters weren't one-note caricatures, and the story had some level of cohesion. DMC4's attempt at portraying characters was lukewarm at best, and DMC3's attempt was abysmal at worst.
That's where I have to stop you. DmC did what DMC did with its seriousness to be honest. It used tropes to make a fun little story.
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