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  • I'd say she has a hell of a character arc. She started off b*tchy and ended slightly less b*tchy. XD Its just that she shrunk from being the main character to a supporting character. :verymad:

    As a writer I have a lot of problems with the method of story telling in that game.
    Heh heh heh. I have no idea why, but the biker outfit combined with the spy glasses and the overall appearance makes him look absolutely badass! XD

    I like you.

    I think the reason a lot of people say she has no character development or no personality is because its all very subtle. It takes a helpless fan like me to see it. XD
    Maybe. There's another character I want to use as well.

    Oh my. That's hard....well she's really strong willed and really confident. Hmm...I'd say its her self confidence. Maybe. GACK! I don't know.
    I say the cyber-zombie apocalypse of dmc.org. XD I'm having fun with it.

    Did you just randomly get kicked out? I did. Uh oh. *stocks up on food and ammunition*

    *comes out of hole* Whew. Looks like we survived the DMC.org apocalypse. Only a few of us survived. We're gonna have to ravage what we can and- *looks* Oh wait there's more people now. Never mind.
    Mr. Fuzzums had heard of your marrage so let me be the first to shoot you with the simi-poisonus dart of happy-ness.
    Hi Spawnshooter.
    I'm okay, thanks. Bit of a cold though.
    Never had anyone say about football on here before...
    Yeah it was 2-0. :D

    Hope you're okay.
    I had to jump through a thousand hoops that were on fire, sacrifice a small child to ancient Egyptian gods and swear and curse a thousand times. >.>

    No seriously, it was actually quite easy, patched the game to 1.7, put it to run in compatibility mode for Windows 2000, added -32biteverything and -disablegamma to the target line when you right click the shortcut and go to properties, disable visual themes and then turn off Hardware Acceleration in the game's main options.

    The screen will still be black etc initially, but when you load a level, everything should pretty much be fine, I still experience one or two random crashes on a rare occasion, but it's bearable, I just save frequently. :lol:
    Hi thanks! All of a sudden loads of people are requesting sigs made by me?! I'm flattered! I enjoy doing them. Mini Dante is ok, he's no problem compared to poor Meg and psycho Lightning! :D
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