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What Are You Thinking?

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Why is it that, whenever I want or need to go to a store, my family never takes me? I mean, seriously?! You guys promised me we'd go last week. You've gone twice in the month. This is just mean.

+ Why can I never have anytime to myself online? I'm in a cr*p place, at the moment, everything's going wrong and I'm still trying to do NaNo, and do they respect it? Nope. Instead I'm gettin getting emails about "I wish you'd hurry up and come back on MSN because life sucks right now". I've been off MSN for TWO DAYS. The world is not going to end. Trust me. And I'm sure you'd rather not hear me b*tching, if your life is really seeming that bad right now.

CT: I'm sorry but this is not a matter of opinion or being offended. This is plain disrespect and I'll have none of it. Thank you.
I've got babysitting this morning. I'm totally unprepared. MWWWWWWWWWWHHHHHAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Should be fun.
So I set my alarm to get up at 6am to exercise but I dismissed it both times it went off. I was just too snug to get out of bed. I need more discipline. Starting training on Monday and I'm so OUT OF IT. Seriously need to crack down on getting fit again.

I feel like Jackie Chan. I'm a janitor and a karate master-in-progress. Whoohooo. XDDDDD

I need to write some today. This morning. When I get back from babysitting. NEED. TO. WRITE.

Chimera Khaos

Hades Leading General Commander
I feel like I'm being either avoided, ignored, unloved, unwanted or uncared about...
Ftw, what a nice friend they are...

*sigh* Hurry up weekend so I can relax!...


Well-known Member
baby po is the most cutest thing ever hands down!! just look at this
:D:D the king of awesomeness :D


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Fable book is expected to be here on Thursday. Day before vacation. MWAHAHAHA!!! *evil laughs*

I forgot that was released this month...

Thanks to George Takei, I finally know who that actor is now.

Aww, I can't post that pic in my art thread *has blocked out nude-y themes in it.* *Ish very pleased with how it turned out*

Well brain... are you going to let me sleep tonight? or not?


My math professor is awesome 8D
So is my biology professor 8D

Maybe it's just the sciencey part of me, but yay!

Also, food and sleep would be nice.
Before I pass out on the bridge.
And starve to death in my sleep.




the horror was for love

*cuddles* Thank you. ^^; *needed hugs*

I forgot that was released this month...

._. I almost wish I had...then I wouldn't be so "Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet?" *wonders if your xbox is connected to LIVE**heard about something that might help with not being able to buy the Journey*

Plan to work through vacation is go. Plan to get up the courage to apply for that writing job, is...erm...yeah. Plan to get me into a bathing suit when we go on vacation is fail. It's not happening. I still haven't lost the weight I gained from the holidays.... XP


Well-known Member
I watched 5 and half hours Metal Gear Solid 2 cutscenes, and boy, did that make my eyes swirly for a while... and funny thing is, I'm in for more. Other Metal Gears, here I come! :D


Oldschool DMC fan
How much this new Vergil and the reboot in general has just killed my desire to make any fanart of anything, at all. Devil May Cry R.I.P.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
._. I almost wish I had...then I wouldn't be so "Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet?" *wonders if your xbox is connected to LIVE**heard about something that might help with not being able to buy the Journey*

Sadly not. It would've been had we not had a set back with money... (ie not much of it :p)

I just want to sleep for the next few weeks... i hope they make up their minds soon, i don't think i can take 5 weeks of full-time anxiety .
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