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Vergil Revealed for DmC


"Fair" DmC Skeptic
Not sure if this has been shown yet, but I did not see a thread for it so I thought I would make one.

What are your thoughts on this?

What are mine you ask?

Considering NT's design of Dante, this design for Vergil really wasn't that suprising...

And a kindhearted/compassionate/brotherly Vergil?


Chimera Khaos

Hades Leading General Commander
First take: Excited...
Then it kinda went downhill a little...
Guys, look out, this Dante has feelings for Kat...
And a nice vergil?...
No wait, a rich multi-millionaire Vergil?...
Yeah, I could see that one happening...

Question: Any new weapons yet?...


"Fair" DmC Skeptic
I'm really not against his look.

Giving NT's track record with this new Dante, I expected Vergil to look like this.

Its just his personality that made me completely dislike this new Vergil.

At least Dante retained many personality traits from his previous counterpart.

This new Vergil's personality seems to have hit a complete 180.

I found myself actually hoping that Vergil would show some sign that he is more sinister in the trailer.

Sadly that never happened...

Chimera Khaos

Hades Leading General Commander
Remember TooCool74, this is a reboot, so I guess they went all out in a different direction with this one...


"Fair" DmC Skeptic
Remember TooCool74, this is a reboot

I see people using this so much lately lol.

Almost as if its a security blanket or something lol.

I know its a reboot.

But I don't think its to much to ask if the character at least retains some of his personality traits from his previous incarnation.

Batman did it
Spider man did it

Its not so impossible or out of the realm to want a character your a fan of to retain some of his qualities from the previous series.

As I said earlier, I have nothing against his look.

Its nice to see he still has blue in his color scheme,white hair,and yamato, but his completely different personality killed what could have been a passable rebooted character for me.

Chimera Khaos

Hades Leading General Commander
I see people using this so much lately lol.

Almost as if its a security blanket or something lol.

I know its a reboot.

But I don't think its to much to ask if the character at least retains some of his personality traits from his previous incarnation.

Batman did it
Spider man did it

Its not so impossible or out of the realm to want a character your a fan of to retain some of his qualities from the previous series.

As I said earlier, I have nothing against his look.

Its nice to see he still has blue in his color scheme,white hair,and yamato, but his completely different personality killed what could have been a passable rebooted character for me.

I guess so, but when are you ever gonna get to see a nice Vergil?...
I'm not saying this Vergil is a complete dick, but it would be nice if he had some I dunno "Dirty Little Secret" about him...
But we'll just have to sit back and watch...


"Fair" DmC Skeptic
I guess so, but when are you ever gonna get to see a nice Vergil?...
I'm not saying this Vergil is a complete ****, but it would be nice if he had some I dunno "Dirty Little Secret" about him...
But we'll just have to sit back and watch...

I hoping that at the end of the game he becomes a total evil jerk to redeem himself.

Because right now he seems like a tool lol.

Chimera Khaos

Hades Leading General Commander
I hoping that at the end of the game he becomes a total evil jerk to redeem himself.

Because right now he seems like a tool lol.

Maybe, but I think it'd be even better if like something happens to Kat, Dante gets ****ty at Vergil...

And BAM! Your sibbling rivalry!...
YAY Vergil!...


"Fair" DmC Skeptic
Maybe, but I think it'd be even better if like something happens to Kat, Dante gets ****ty at Vergil...

And BAM! Your sibbling rivalry!...
YAY Vergil!...

I would rather see Vergil cast the first stone.

Maybe actually KILLING Kat to further his cause?

That would certainly redeem him in my eyes.


"Fair" DmC Skeptic
That's what I was getting at, but you said it for me...

Yea if that happens my opinion of him will most likely change.

But if he stays with this brotherly love/save humanity stuff through the entire game to end I will be disappointed.

I'm fulling expecting him to turn, but with reboots(and NT/Capcom) you never know...

Chimera Khaos

Hades Leading General Commander
Yea if that happens my opinion of him will most likely change.

But if he stays with this brotherly love/save humanity stuff through the entire game to end I will be disappointed.

I'm fulling expecting him to turn, but with reboots(and NT/Capcom) you never know...
I think if he does change, most people's opinions about him will change...
Although his brotherly love will probably stay...
I wish Nt would be specific about certain details...


Enma Katana no Kami
Not a compleatly different personalty just a different goal. Vergil being Dante's enemy was not a personality trait it was a difference in goals. In DmC Vergil's life is different so is goal is different and because this Vergil has the same goal as Dante they are on the same side. There is no major personality change involved in that.
1. DMC3 Vergil was obssesed with his goal and willing to do anything to accomplish that goal, DmC Vergil is obssesed with his goal and willing to do anything to accomplish that goal.
2.DMC3 Vergil loved his brother, DmC Vergil loves his brother.
3. DMC3 Vergil didn't understand why Dante didn't have the same goal. DmC Vergil doesn't understand why Dante considers Kat more important than their shared goal ( being willing to help Dante save Kat doesn't change that. 1. He needs Dante to accomplish his goal 2. Dante won't help him until Kat is safe 3. If Vergil doesn't help Dante than he might not be able to save Kat and then Vergil loses the brother he loves who is also the weapon he desperately needs to accomlish his goal)

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
I see some trait of coldness in this new Vergil like how he was easily willing to sacrifice Kat for the cause if he was kindhearted he would've agreed when he first heard Kat was kidnapped rather than argue with Dante until he decides "fine lets have it your way" and if he was kind he wouldn't say that he would've said "You know what maybe your right" plus when he agreed with Dante he said it in a....errrrmmmm....devious tone like he doesn't care about Kat but he needs Dante on his side like he is using him and plus this Vergil says he is doing this for the sake of mankind but me think he is out for revenge for what the demons did to his adoptive family.

Plus the whole being a millionaire thing is like another reference to Batman/Bruce Wayne....in the morning he is Vergil *insert last name here*, rich & classy millionaire, but at night he is Vergil the Leader of the Order and notorious demon slayer.

He even looks like Bruce Wayne(well one of his many variations from the comics, cartoons, and movies).

I wouldn't be surprised if he starts referring to himself as the "Dark Knight" or the "Dark Angel".

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
I'm okay with even if i'm more skeptical/curios about his batman-esque background.

I think most of the backlash for vergil is because his aura of mystery is now gone and the image people built up in their heads is refuted. Vergil as a character was sort off an unknown quality and now that they peeled back the layers, people are disagreeing what they find.

A brotherly love vergil maybe possible but this one might not be as kind-hearted or compassionate as you think. The trailer and recent promo art seem to hint at vergil's duplicitious side.

He seems to be more of a suble manipulator than the old one was. I'm not saying vergil wasnt cunning, but if he wanted someone to do something, he would just slam their head against a wall repeatedly till they did so.

This one seems more likely to get you to do what he says by way of words.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
I can't honestly say that I am surprised by this news. When Ninja Theory hinted a while back about the possibilities that other DMC characters may be making an appearance, I just got the feeling that Vergil wouldn't go amiss. I'm glad he hasn't though to be completely honest.

His appearance isn't much different. I'm just confused that if they are meant to be twins, how comes Vergil's hair is a different colour? Unless they aren't meant to be twins in this, I have no clue.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
I can't honestly say that I am surprised by this news. When Ninja Theory hinted a while back about the possibilities that other DMC characters may be making an appearance, I just got the feeling that Vergil wouldn't go amiss. I'm glad he hasn't though to be completely honest.

His appearance isn't much different. I'm just confused that if they are meant to be twins, how comes Vergil's hair is a different colour? Unless they aren't meant to be twins in this, I have no clue.
Maybe they are fraternal twins instead of identical or maybe its just symbolism. Vergil has hair from his dad and Dante from his mom or something.
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