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You're thoughts on communism please


Well-known Member
Yet another thread by me where I'm gonna make you think. THINK!

My question:

Does communism go against human nature?

So there's no confusion I'm gonna tell you where I stand right now. I love Ayn Rand. Nuff said.


Don't trust people
I like the general idea of communism, but of course there is so many people who is power greedy that use their power wrong. Communism gets too much hate because of US propaganda when it is really the leaders of communism that causes the havoc. Lenin had good thoughts of a fair empire!!!! D:


Well-known Member
I see what you mean and I do agree that a lot of the hate comes from the US gov. However, communism is a terrible idea. Oh sure it may sound good after its been fluffed up with fanciness about how it brings the poor up and what not, but on the most blunt and basic level it is slavery of the soul.


Don't trust people
Meg;289734 said:
I see what you mean and I do agree that a lot of the hate comes from the US gov. However, communism is a terrible idea. Oh sure it may sound good after its been fluffed up with fanciness about how it brings the poor up and what not, but on the most blunt and basic level it is slavery of the soul.


I do not know how that would work. Please, explain.


Well-known Member
What's with the :D? There is no room for happiness in a thread about communism Rwaaar! XD

Anyway. :lol:

Its pretty simple. Communism removes ownership. It puts everyone on the same plane and any attempt to be different, to rise, to express oneself is shot down. And if you live in the Soviet Union, a one way trip to Siberia. Collectivism, the foundation of communism, is a horrible idea.


Don't trust people
Meg;289739 said:
What's with the :D? There is no room for happiness in a thread about communism Rwaaar! XD

Anyway. :lol:

Its pretty simple. Communism removes ownership. It puts everyone on the same plane and any attempt to be different, to rise, to express oneself is shot down. And if you live in the Soviet Union, a one way trip to Siberia. Collectivism, the foundation of communism, is a horrible idea.

Well, I agree to that. But everyone being treated the same sounds good, at least on paper. :\


Nein, not ze puppies!
If I remember correctly...Canada has a bit of communism in it because of Pubic Health care and other public services in general for the people. All the taxes go towards funding things that other people can use.

As for full out communism...it's almost like you're a slave because you have the same thing every one else has, nothing is really different. As Meg said, if you want to be different, either your house will be burnt down, you will be shot or maimed or simply shipped out into the middle of no where.


Well-known Member
Canada has a socialist health care system. Its different.

@Aka- to me it sounds bad even on paper. :lol:


Oldschool DMC fan
Yes, I think it does go against some of the stronger pulls of human nature. After all, we aren't social insects, who are usually one big happy family. All life is selfish to a degree, and it's natural to compete over resources rather than share them. That is the way we're made.

But one of the main problems with communism is motivation. A person is generally better motivated to work hard and put in 110% to better themselves and their families under a more capitalist system. If everyone simply worked to benefit everyone else and only reap the same rewards as everyone else, there is little incentive but to do the bare minimum of work to get your due. And I do believe that those who work hard deserve for themselves and their families - not for it to have to go to everyone else. One of the reasons I'm utterly against UK Inheritance Tax. You don't work all your life so that the State can take a big bite out of your efforts - or at least, you shouldn't, because you pay your dues to the State in life as it is. The rest should rightly be going to your heirs, not everyone else (or lining politicians' pockets). Capitalism is very far from perfect but it drives a sense of perfection.

Faust - it's socialist health care you speak of. And the same can be said of most public services you get in any country including the U.S., funded by taxpayers. It's not 'communism' proper. It works quite well to have certain services freely available to all and funded by all so a semi-socialist system is ideal; it leaves room for capitalism and competition and a drive toward better, while at the same time ensuring everyone gets a modicum of basic care and civilisation without having their possessions wrested from them.

A society in which you are not allowed to own isn't one in which I'd wish to live. Not least because communism is hardly free from corruption.


Nein, not ze puppies!
Ah, I didn't know what it was properly called, my apologies then. (I live in Canada and that was the term it was sometimes called, so I used it. :lol: )

No government is free from corruption, that much is proven.


Well-known Member
What about the DMC.org government? ;)

@Lexy- I agree that a mix is good to. I don't know of any country that is 100% capitalist even though America is often the main example for it.


Entertain me.
it's the best form of government in theory. in theory, the government is completely transparent and has no hidden agendas. in practice, they do. it's foil is it's relying on the absence of human error, which is something impossible to dispose of.

if it could be run by a super computer, that would be a utopia. with a person in charge, you enter the realm of george orwells 1984.


Enma Katana no Kami
cheezMcNASTY;289755 said:
it's the best form of government in theory. in theory, the government is completely transparent and has no hidden agendas. in practice, they do. it's foil is it's relying on the absence of human error, which is something impossible to dispose of.

if it could be run by a super computer, that would be a utopia. with a person in charge, you enter the realm of george orwells 1984.

if you put a computer in charge the country will be taken over by a 14 year old computer nerd with a laptop. just because he ( or she) can.


Entertain me.
darkslayer13;289762 said:
if you put a computer in charge the country will be taken over by a 14 year old computer nerd with a laptop. just because he ( or she) can.

yeah, if you were to host it as a website. 14-15 year old hackers are NOT hackers. they google search the most simple and ineffective DDoS method and spam it. a computer running a country wouldn't be hosted on the internet. :/
you "hack" my cellular phone right now and i'll concede that point.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Great idea, brilliant even, but only on paper.
In practice it can never truly work, purely because humans, by nature, tend only to look out for themselves and are far too selfish for a perfectly Communist society in which everyone works for the good of the nation to ever work.

Also, an equal divide of power could never work either, we instinctively seek positions of power, someone would inevitably rise up and take the power, then you don't have Communism, you instead get State Capitalism.

The dark knight

Well-known Member
It is the best government system. Until you actually put it into practice. That's when the crap hits the fan. It needs a lot more religion though.


Enma Katana no Kami
The dark knight;289815 said:
It is the best government system. Until you actually put it into practice. That's when the crap hits the fan. It needs a lot more religion though.
would you mind explaining that last sentence to me because i'm not sure how that would help.


Don't trust people
The dark knight;289815 said:
It is the best government system. Until you actually put it into practice. That's when the crap hits the fan. It needs a lot more religion though.

darkslayer13;289857 said:
would you mind explaining that last sentence to me because i'm not sure how that would help.

Same here.

Do you mean the control that religion brings or...? Because the only thing I can see religion fit in is people abiding by it without question, thus giving the church power to control it all. Like, how much control the church had in the medieval age.


Well-known Member
Marx believed religion was unimportant. I think that's all dark knight meant.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
The dark knight;289815 said:
It is the best government system. Until you actually put it into practice. That's when the crap hits the fan. It needs a lot more religion though.

Mass religion breeds organised religion, which breeds power, hierarchy and control, which just so happens to be what communism opposes.
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