Because those suits only think of the business side of things...and they see the money CoD makes and wonder why as beloved as their games are they aren't selling as much. Misguided idiocy, really :tongue:
Heh, agreed.
Yeah, that makes me think that Nero may have also been another way to get the less than skilled into the game. There's all that talk about how DMC4 was made for the female fans, and I wonder if they felt that they needed a character who wasn't as complicated as Dante for those fans to play.
I hope when it was in development, they weren't thinking solely about the female gamers. After all, I have male gamer friends who have done less in the game than I have. XD That being said though, they probably were trying to cater to new gamers of the franchise in that manner to help them ease into it, while still giving veterans of the series what they needed, as well. Of course, this varies from person-to-person, as not everyone found it sated their gaming "lust".
I'm not sure, the common idea is that Nero was going to be the only character in the game originally, and then they crammed Dante in late in development >.< I think they probably had the same team working on both, but Nero also plays a little bit more fluidly than Dante simply by virtue of his controls being a bit more refined.
That makes sense; after all, Nero is built lighter than Dante, with fewer weapons in his arsenal, so it would be easier to give him that fluidity. Any idea how late in development Dante was brought in? And on top of that, does that mean they simply meant not to have him as a playable character, or did they intend not to have him in the storyline at all? If the latter, I imagine there was a great deal of panicking if they found themselves having to rewrite the entire story. If I had to guess though, they probably intended the former; have him present, but untouchable. Either way, I'm glad he made it into the game.
This was a problem I often had in DMC3, too. However, in DMC4 they had a lock-on option for giving priority to whomever you tilted the left stick towards (the same system that is in use in DmC, actually). That stick-modifying option allows for players to change direction really easily, and to ensure your target more easily.
*Nods* Yup, I noticed and utilized it, in fact.

I can't remember what settings I switched it over to, exactly, (it's been awhile since I did; I'll have to check) but I noticed that it made it easier when multiple enemies were present. Especially when the damned Angelos were involved. XD I prefer to take the Alto out before the Biancos, since their precision decreases without their "leader".