Actually, according to Sony's president, the PS4 won't have a restriction on used games. Lack of backwards compatibility via physical copies yes but, no restriction on used games like Xbox. That's a little sigh of relief there. All in all, none of the systems are actually impressive but at least the WiiU and PS4 have time to improve and all that good stuff.
Microsoft really shot themselves in the foot with the console. Funny how after their conference I kid you not sales rose for the WiiU and more interest was held in the PS4. Congratulations Microsoft, you sold more copies of the WiiU than Nintendo themselves it seems and also you're so nice to deliver free marketing for your competitors.
Unfortunately, this console will sell to some degree. There are a bunch of delusional Xbox enthusiast who are going to stick by Xbox forever even if they are just basically dropping their wallet down a trash compactor with this thing. When I think about it, Microsoft feels the climate is right to do something like this. I hope not many people out there are truly willing to roll with this bs and will see through it. If this console becomes a bestseller, I will lose a bit of faith in humanity.