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WWE Fans


Supreme Ruler
Yea SvR 2007 is pretty good I like playing GM Mode alot, but I can't wait for SvR 2008 to see what WWE 24/7 mode is like


Supreme Ruler
Yea it's supposed to be Season mode and GM mode put together, the ultimate goal is to become a WWE legend, it sounds pretty cool to me.


Supreme Ruler
Yea I know, we need somebody to make things interesting again, not that they aren't now but with Stone Cold, buisness would definately pick up.


Supreme Ruler
lol.....Brock Lesnar! Yea I remember him, I used to think he was so cool until he became a heel, it's just a shame we lost him to the NFL (and he didn't even make the team, or so I think correct me if I'm wrong). I'd like to see him again too, maybe Goldberg also.

Oh yeah, also wondering, did anyone else besides me get to see WWE live? I've been to 2 live events, a televised event, and a PPV.


TimeLord Detective
Please, do use the


Supreme Ruler
Sorry Tony, I didn't think the thread would've gotten updated if I used the edit button, but now I know.:)


I know he'll beat Cena. :p The reason I know is because WWE has asked John Cena to make another film, and he needs a month or two off, and so someone has to fill in. That person being Randy.


Supreme Ruler
That seems logical, Cena could also win, building up his publicity. I think Cena could possibly hold on to it longer, since the WWE hasn't had someone hold on to the title for a long time for a really long time if you know what I'm saying. But, then again he could loose and go off to being a movie star, then Orton becomes the champion and Triple H challenges him. Guess we'll just have to wait and see until Summerslam. Anyone gonna get it on PPV? I definately am.


Yeah I'm getting it, and dude trust me it has been confirmed that John is losing at SS, he needs time off for the movie.


Supreme Ruler
Steven;48786 said:
Yeah I'm getting it, and dude trust me it has been confirmed that John is losing at SS, he needs time off for the movie.

He he guess your wrong dude Cena just won last night so I guess theirs no movie.


Yeah, they're reporting on various news site that Cena scrapped the idea. lol. Why doesn't he just go lose that title. -_-
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