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Woman Throws Cat Into Trashbin + other

Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.

I was on Youtube watching some deefizzy videos, and I saw he had one about a woman who had just thrown an innocent little cat into a trashbin and walked off. In the related video section I found this video.

Can I just say I'm am COMPLETELY disgusted by this woman? I can't even begin to describe how much this woman needs to be put behind bars. If she could do that to an innocent cat, imagine what she could do to a human. People can antagonize, animals can't. I just don't understand how someone could do something like that. Luckily the owners found the cat about a day later, alive.

+ Other, warning, this video is a lot more horrendous than the woman throwing the cat into the trash.

I don't even like dogs, but this had me in tears. They're ANIMALS for Christ's sake! How can you do things like that to something so innocent?

I want to know your guys' opinion on this, so discuss.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I know what you're on about.
I found it... words can't describe it... cruel, disgraceful, f**king sick.

What is wrong in someone's mind that they have to do these sort of things.

The cat in the bin really p***ed me off. The animal protection ppl don't even think that they will prosecute her because she seems genuinely sorry.
She's only sorry because she didn't get away with it.
She said she thought it was funny and it was JUST a cat... WTF.

Ppl like that should be treated the way that they treat animals, and see how they like it. If it was a human, there would be a definite jail term... but because its an animal, its not as important.


Darth Angelo

Tuck-yet-chi-say-denie trieve trick-dis-nie
We truely are the most disgusting idiotic species on the planet and don't deserve to be here...what animal have you ever seen do something so cruel for no reason? (other than maybe a chimp, our closest relative) they don't because they understand and respect the world around them in a way most "civilized" people can't even comprehend.

I thought the cat in the bin video was bad but I after reading the title I didn't even want to see the second one. I hope the second one has been/will get id'd and such terrible things are done to her for so long she decides to take her own life.


Super Penguin Number 2
The world is full of sick people. The only thing you can do for animals is be happy for the ones that are with kind and caring owners.

I can't understand what would possess someone to think that it would be funny or cool or entertaining to do these kinds of things.

Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.
The second video was of some sick **** throwing PUPPIES into a LAKE. So, if you're faint hearted, don't watch it. (Should have warned in the OP).


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
No. Just f*cking NO. That's not right in the least bit. Who would DARE to do such a thing?

I adore animals (I am a scaly/furry after all) so this sickens me to the very core. These people deserve to be punished more than they have been, I'm sure.


Dante enthusiast!
The video with the woman and the cat was shown on the national news over here to help identify the woman and a facebook group plotting her death had to be removed! I'd like to see her dumped in a bin for 15 hours as punishment I really would stupid cow!!!

I don't wanna watch the 2nd video from what I've read :-(

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
What really surprises me is how quickly /b/ got ALL of her details, address, name, phone number, place of employment etc.
But then, /b/ doesn't surprise me these days, did anything actually happen to the silly bitch in the end?

Satsui no Hado

I feel so bad for the cat and puppies.They were so cute and inoccent...yet they were treated like **** by random people.Worse part is:those people didn't have a reason to do the things they did,they just did it just for the hell of it...


Is not rat, is hamster
I've stuck a warning at the top of your post, Henorrhage - just in case people just click the links and don't bother reading properly :)


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
I was just reading earlier that it may apparently be a hoax with the woman throwing the puppies in the lake. But to be honest with everyone, I couldn't give a **** if it was a hoax or not. It's ****ing disturbing to watch someone even joke about such an inhuman thing like abusing animals and causing them harm and distress. These freaks are just sick and wrong.


Oldschool DMC fan
That happened in Coventry right? I just spent 3 years living there before I moved down here. I'm not surprised, is all I can say. There were quite a few loons in the neighbourhood. The fact the cat owner has two cameras on the side of his house says it all.

The stuff her mother was saying on the bbc page for it made me laugh. Was she as nuts as her daughter or was she still convinced her daughter was a charming little child who loves animals and not a middle aged woman who looked left and right before deliberately putting the cat in the bin? Some people are delusional.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Lexy;270241 said:
That happened in Coventry right? I just spent 3 years living there before I moved down here. I'm not surprised, is all I can say. There were quite a few loons in the neighbourhood. The fact the cat owner has two cameras on the side of his house says it all.

The stuff her mother was saying on the bbc page for it made me laugh. Was she as nuts as her daughter or was she still convinced her daughter was a charming little child who loves animals and not a middle aged woman who looked left and right before deliberately putting the cat in the bin? Some people are delusional.

Apparently she claimed this was 'Out of character' for her to of done such a thing. Which reminds me, I really shouldn't of poisoned my rabbit last week... Some people make up such bullcrap, she's a sicko.


Well-known Member
Isn't it a bit hypocritical to shed tears for the cat and then hope that the woman, ostensibly of greater dignity and equally if not more deserving of compassion, comes to some harm?

And if I may ask, how many of us here are vegetarian? Just out of curiosity.

I have to say, the whole trashcan thing does not really bother me. I don't see how it was funny, but I don't find it cruel either. She didn't abuse the cat did she? She just put it in a trashcan. It would have gotten out eventually.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I'm going to half-heartedly agree with Moses on this one. Every life is valuable, even the life of that sicko. My grandaddy threw a bag of puppies in a river to drown when my dad was a kid, he was heartless and ignorant like that. It doesn't mean that he should die for doing that though, because his life is just as precious as those puppies' were. That's like Brad Pitt wanting the death penalty to come back because the people who screwed up with the oil spill needs to be executed. I get that. People need to be punished for their crimes accordingly. But people are also stupid. You can't fix stupidity with stupidity. Eg. a life for a life. Really, wtf people?! (Not saying anyone here would wish the cat lady to die, I'm just going on extreme animal activists)

There was on the news about a bunch of teenagers over here playing basketball with a puppy. As in, the puppy was the basketball. It's still alive and the SPCA intervened in time to save it. Everyone is shaking their heads and going 'ah, kids these days!', which I guess is better than 'kill those damn teenagers for their cruelty!'

I say actions should have consequences. Doing nothing about it isn't going to stop them from doing it again. Send them to 'animal behaviour' bootcamp or SOMETHING to teach them to respect other creatures. I hate when society throws their hands in the air and drag all these extreme ideas out, but nobody has the mind to actually sit down, THINK, and formulate a plan that will benefit all. Nah, it's just easier for everyone to whine and complain and rant about the injustice of the world.

Anyway, did you guys know it's dolphin season September? Watch The Cove. It's much worse than a spiteful lady putting a cat in a trash can.

/ramble over ^_^


Well-known Member
I'm not saying animal abusers should not be punished, let me just clarify that. But generally I find that, the cuter the animal is, the more outrage it elicits when one is abused or hurt. And then, understandably, some harm is wished upon the abuser. That makes sense to me, but IMO there are two positions that can be taken:

1. All animals have equal dignity with humans.
2. Some animals, but very few, have equal dignity with humans. The rest are lower than humans in essence and do not deserve the same fundamental rights as humans.

While I think that the animals would be better off if some of these abusers did die, the fact remains that the animals are animals and the humans are humans. Saying that the humans should die because of what they do is tantamount to elevating animals above humans, and reducing humans to mere animals. A human life is worth more than an animal life in general, if only because of its potential. I do believe that all sentient beings have the right to life and to be free of pain, but if I had a choice between killing an animal and killing a human (in some strange twilight zone scenario), I would go for the animal. It is the lesser of two evils, basically.

That said, these people obviously have some mental problems and they need help.


Is not rat, is hamster
I couldn't be veggie - I just don't like enough vegetables :lol:

I firmly adhere to the belief that human life comes above animal life in the vast majority of cases. For example, I do not agree with dogs getting put down because some kid gets bitten for stroking them without prior permission and without knowing the animal first. Parents should be teaching their kids not to just walk up to strange animals and get all up in their faces. When our dog was alive, she was horrible and we warned our eldest (Jake wasn't born at the time) that if she and her friends got bitten, it was their own fault and we'd have no sympathy. If the dog just went berserk and attacked them for no apparent reason, then we still wouldn't have put it down but rather had it re-homed. Animals are just that - animals. To expect them to react the way we would to a situation is bizarre and to elevate them to that status makes me wonder at the mentality of some people.

I do not condone abuse to anyone or any animal but I also do not think someone's budgie deserves a state funeral when it dies. I'll go right out on a limb here and alienate everyone right now by saying I'm all for animal testing when it comes to medications - I know what they do to the animals and I also know why they choose the animals they do before they select human testers. I don't need someone to go on WikiFail and "educate" me - I used to be an avid animal rights protester until I was convinced otherwise. I still do not agree with cosmetic testing but when it comes to medication to save human life, sorry bunnies. You draw the short straw.
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