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Windows Vista..... What more can I say?


After putting off buying this thing for a long while; in fact since last January. I went out and bought it - nearing the end of July. Well, I recently went to Microsofts website and saw that they have an upgrade advisor. Which I thought was just great, because if my system did not meet the compatibility, then I could go out and buy the needed things to run Windows Vista. So, I downloaded the advisor, ran it through, then discovered a couple of weeks later that I had un-installed a couple of programs, so, I go back and install them through. Then after they had all finished installing (the programs were as follows; Nero 7, Disc2Phone and Sony Ericsson File manager (both Disc2Phone and Sony Ericsson were essential to me, because I use them to put media on my Phone). So, after installing - I run the upgrade advisor again, and see that it has given me the all clear to install. I thought this was great, considering all of the programs that I had on my computer and none of them failed the advisory. I could finally keep all of my programs.

So, I was finally ready to install Windows Vista. I had the ultimate edition by the way, and everything was looking promising. So, considering everything had just passed the advisory, I thought:

"Why do a clean installation - everything has passed, so I might as well just upgrade"

So, I started the installation, everything was working perfectly, it copied all the files and everything. Then when it got to the third thing down - expanding the files it rushed to about 14%, which I thought was odd, considering it was 3.11 GB on there. So, I thought well maybe its copying most of the files; such as Fonts, and Internet files. Everything was looking swimmingly at this point, I thought I would have Windows Vista running in no time, so I left it for a while to watch some TV - I was watching Family Guy at the time, and well, I watched one episode then came up to check on it. I came upstairs, and saw an error message;


As you can see from the screenshot there - anyway, for people who can't see it clearly it was the error : 0x80070017. Upon seeing this, I clicked OK, noticed that the installation had failed and needed to start again. Anyway, I ran the upgrade advisor again - saw that there was nothing wrong - and then later went to try the installation again. Again, from the start of the installation I went downstairs and watched some Family Guy. I watched two episodes this time, then came back upstairs to see that the installation had failed again, with the same error message - 0x80070017, so at this time I was getting a little worried, figured it might be my disc or something. So, I took the disc out of the machine, and saw no scratches or anything - in fact it was perfectly clear.


Not a mark on the front, nor the back - no fingerprints at all. So, at this point I figured it could be some hardware malfunction - so I searched on-line and put the keyword :


It came up with various results, so I thought the best place to check would be Microsofts very own website. I saw nothing there, even after typing in the Error, so again, I searched and then I went to Microsoft Supports forum. So, I eventually found a topic relevant to my query, it said that I should disable my Graphics card. Now - I was a bit edgy doing this - because I couldn't find my disc that came with all the drivers and everything. But - I went ahead and did it anyway. So, after doing this, I ran the installation again. Of course I had to waste time to get to the part I was having troubles with - so I went ahead and played a game - Devil May Cry 3 : Special Edition. I came back upstairs about half an hour later - only to find the error there again. At this point, I was fuming, so I thought to myself :

"Maybe I read the support wrong, and didn't follow all the necessary instructions"

I went back to the same page of that topic, and saw that I had indeed followed the instructions properly. Anyway, I later read on in the topic - because apparently the method stated before was 100% guaranteed to sort the problem out. Anyway, I later read that the person who was trying to install still had the problem. So then another guy replied and said that you had to download VLite, which was meant to fix the problem thoroughly. His actual words :

"I ain't no computer whiz, but I did this when I had the same error message, and it worked perfectly. I don't know what it does to the disc, but it definitely fixes the problem."

So, I followed his advice, and thought that this would actually work. So I had my disc and ran this, I had to do some really weird stuff too. I had to copy the files from my Windows Vista Ultimate disc - and then Mount them and that would sort the problem. I did just this, I started copying the files, but noticed that it would not copy certain files, I thought this was a good thing - maybe this is what he was talking about. The Files from the disc that would not copy are the following;


So, when I noticed this message that came up :

"Cannot copy file 'BOOT.WIM'"

I clicked OK, and it stopped, anyway, I thought this would've sorted the problem. So, I ran the installation yet again - it was going quite well (this time I stayed and watched every part) and I began to get bored. So I put some music on, anyway, it got to the same part of where I have been having this Bug. And yet again, it stopped. It was about at this point where I was ready to throw the disc, anyway, I hesitated, knowing I had paid $375 for it. I continued searching for a way to get rid of this bug, it came up with numerous things - some very funny. This one guy said :

"What you have to do is disable all your USB ports, and disable your Graphics, Video, Sound and un-install all messengers, i.e. ICQ, AIM, MSN, Yahoo and Trillian."

Believe me, I would not try that, as it could potentially disable all your USB ports so that you couldn't get them back, and that would cause a lot of hassle. Being that some people rely heavily upon USB ports, I certainly know I do. I have various things that require the USB ports, including my Graphics Tablet, web cams, projectors, portable hard drives, Flash drives, Internet leads when setting up new Networks around the house. So, I would not recommend this. In fact do NOT do this.

I continued searching and saw the real fix to the problem. What you have to do is the following :

"You have to re-burn the files at a slower rate, I recommend a 1x Speed.I did it using Nero 7, some people recommend Alcohol 120%, but I don't."

You'd think that with a Genuine copy of Windows Vista Ultimate that it would go right through right?

Anyway, after re-burning - I ran the installation again, doing the upgrade. And it got to installing new features and didn't work. I was fuming, I had this error this time.

Error code; 0x80070241

So, I eventually just took it as it wouldn't install over the top. So, I rebooted my computer and attempted to install it using a clean install. It worked fine, went in and everything, nothing wrong. And I had no trouble installing all the necessary programs, it was working fine. I was very pleased, but the fact that I had to re-install everything, took quite a while. Anyway, I finally had everything I wanted. And up to the current day I have been quite pleased.

But, lately, I have had trouble running Windows Vista Aero theme. The translucent windows and everything, it really is cool and I would like to get the most out of Windows Vista. I know I have a Graphics card capable of running it, because I spent $240 on a new one the other day. It is top of the range and I even asked the guy if it worked with Windows Aero. But, I find out that Windows Aero only runs on Home Premium and Business, so I contacted the forums about this, and they said that I should search for the file. I eventually found it, but for some odd reason it doesn't work. And I have been mad ever since, I want to experience the most of Windows Vista possible.

Anyway, this is basically wrote because of someone who may need to know what you have to do to get past initial errors.

Off note; I'll probably be updating this later - I have just bought Microsoft Office 2007. Well I have had it for a while. So, if I experience any troubles, I'll post it up.

On another note, the best way to install Vista is lol. this way


Fearfully and wonderfully made
Whoa... that really sucks, Steven. I bet you were ripping your hair out after that, huh? Good to hear you got Windows Vista finally installed though; And I'm sure you'll be able to get Aero functioning at some point.

Nice video too! :lol:


Lol, yeah it does really suck. And I was pretty close to doing that, it took a lot to get that working, and fake things going over the Internet on how to fix your problems don't really help either. I think that you have Vista as I saw a picture on the Fable 2 Forums I vaguely remember, what is your overall opinion on it? Does it function properly, it is more stable than XP for you? Or is it worse?


Vista is not confusing actually, it really is User friendly, but installing and third party programs won't work so much. But, a lot has been fixed, and the interface to it is attractive, I find it a lot more stable than XP was at first, and it has proved to be a very nice Operating System. It has a lot of features, and if you get Windows Vista Ultimate™ then you can get a whole lot more features than that of XP. They have an add on thing. It is really good.


Lost Soul
My comps too old to install Vista. It wont even play Lost Planet. I need a new comp really.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Heard of many people having problems with installing and running Vista but glad you got it working eventually.


Yeah, I'm glad to. If I didn't get it working - I think I would have demanded my money back, considering I bought the dearest one. And I plan to install Microsoft Office 2007, that should be real fun.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Steven;48063 said:
Yeah, I'm glad to. If I didn't get it working - I think I would have demanded my money back, considering I bought the dearest one. And I plan to install Microsoft Office 2007, that should be real fun.

Technology for you, can be a real pain in the *** at times.
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