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Why is batman the only DC character getting solo games?


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
why does he always have a game? he's a pretty cool character. but what about someone like green arrow? all you have to do is put connor kenway in arkham city and its officially a green arrow game. all jokes aside though, why hasn't he earned a videogame yet? and not just green arrow, but other comic book characters that aren't as well known, like the flash and wonder woman. hell, even superman is having trouble getting a decent video game.


Supporter 2014
Because no one wants an Aquaman game.

Seriously though, think back before Arkham Asylum. Batman had almost no decent games. The only one that was better than good was Spider-Man 2 and Ultimate Spideman -- and that was considered "cheating" because he could do some of the stuff that Dante could like Quicksilver (Spider-Sense) wall-running, and aerial combos.


My point is, that even good superhero games are hard to make. And you have to remember, almost every game to come out will be compared to the one before it. If a game comes out that slightly improves on Arkham City, then people will just dismiss is as a rip-off.

It's like when DMC fans say that DmC should have been another IP. If that had happened, then they would have claimed that it wasn't doing anything original anyway. It's a no-win, total catch-22 situation.


Keyser Söze
Well Batman only has like one game series so i don't see your argument here.

If this was spiderman then i would agree he has a crapton of games.


Fake Geek Girl.
Batman had quite a lot of video games even before Arkham but, Arkham were like the first Batman games that were actually good. Well, I like the Batman game for the NES but he didn't have a good game since. They were f#cking awful.

Superhero games in general were never that great for the longest time. Good ones were few and far between. The classic X-Men game and old TMNT games were good. Then I didn't play another good one until Spider-Man for the PS1. Didn't get another good Spidey game until Spider-Man 2 came out.

The DC universe has so many great characters that could make awesome video games. Superman should totally get a good video game because he's like never gotten one and you can't say that a good Superman game wouldn't be awesome. You're f#cking Superman.

Green Arrow is someone I would personally love to get his own game because Green Arrow is my favorite DC comics hero. Also a Flash game would be great. I love the Flash.

I would also like an Aquaman game. Aquaman is awesome and one badass mofo. You just had to pick up a comic in like the past decade to have any bad opinion about Aquaman change. The dude's the King of Atlantis, has super strength that could arguably match Superman at times, can see in the dark and has limited sonar, is bulletproof, can even open portals to other dimensions, and just the power of the goddamn ocean is far from useless. I'm sick of people giving Aquaman grief.

Maybe I'm just being that guy though again. Still, I feel like the lone Aquaman defender and I shouldn't be.
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Enma Katana no Kami
Batman gets solo games and other DC characters don't because Batman is the character that gets the most attention. Batman gets the most attention because he was the main character of a very good trilogy of movies recently and most other DC characters don't have recent movies because the superhero movie market is 90% Marvel.


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
my thing is, there are so many DC games that were cancelled and i'm just sitting in my chair at work and screaming at my monitor because the beta versions looked amazing
and here's a quick time event


Well-known Member
A large part of it is just how damn popular Batman is. That said, I would love a game staring The Flash. :D And hey, I hear they are making a movie for him. Maybe a half decent game will be made too? :D


Keyser Söze
Batman video games has been around awhile.
I agree Jak, even though Batman Arkham series is great i'd like to see other NON Batman related heroes & heroines.
LOL that video is a freaking rip-off of AVGN

Anyway all the other batman games suck hard as far i know so only arkham series stands out so its not really fair to say that batman has so many games when he's like the only main DC character who actually got a chance to make a video game whereas marvel has tons of games.


Keyser Söze
It doesn't matter if the games were good or not, the point is Batman has had a ton of video game titles made.
And Marvel isn't to blame for having a more appealing list of characters to base video game titles off of, blame DC Comics for not really pushing other characters then Batman & Superman.​
That's because DC isn't really known for its broad approach. there are more Marvel games&moveis made almost every year whereas batman was like the only movie DC icon for years..

and for video games well.. its a totally another story but i would love to see a game based on Justice league other than a fighting game.

I just watched Man of steel on my friend's house boy i was so bummed out it was nothing like this trailer >

I know i shouldn't be complaining considering its a superman movie and it is bound to have action but the trailer really gave me a picture that it was going to be something really touching.


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
Well alot of DC Comics characters weren't really all that appealing anyway.
Aquaman, plastic man, buster gold, flash, Hawk man, the wonder twins, Omg seriously Zan a bucket of water or ice? Even WonderWoman.
Alot of them had to be infused with more power to as a start to make them interesting.
WonderWoman always had the ability to fly & super strength but i don't really remember even noticing till sometime after Doomsday's appearance.
Nearly all of DC Comics characters were uninteresting till Doomsday hit.

Haven't seen it yet but the trailers makes the special effects look good.
As for Superman.........the trailers aren't that inspiring for me.

i recommend watching it. but if you're a fan of superman pre-crisis and absolutely hate earth-one and smallville season 10, then you'll most likely not be too fond of the new superman. this one kind of reminds me of the 90's animated series.
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