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Why in the holy Fu%# is backwards compatibility such a fu#@ing taboo in modern gaming


Keyser Söze
In the old days you could play all your atari 2600 games on Atari 7800,Sega master games on your Sega genesis,NES games on SNES and even gameboy games! Ps2 slim could play ps1 games and the fat ps3 could play all your Ps1&ps2 games but in the later versions you can't because.. WHY? WHY?

Why in bloody hell did sony executives think "hmm backwards compatibility? like who would bother playing all those timeless classic ps1&ps2/3 games on ps4? no gamers would be more interested in playing those 10 or 20 hastily produced launch titles!"

SONY YOU SUCK! that's why i didn't buy a ps3 not because it was so costly but because it didn't play my ps2 games! and now sony's doing it AGAIN!
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Keyser Söze
Because backwards compatibility doesn't force gamers to buy the next systems.
Actually it does..

What would you rather buy?

A) A console which can only play a handful of next gen games
or B) A console which can play all of your classic,current AND next gen games?
Eliminate the reason to keep playing older games & you've got gamers spending money on newer systems
Why would you buy a new system if it doesn't play lots and lots of games? i brought a ps2 only because i knew it could play lots&lots of games.

I don't care how technically hard it is program ps3&ps2 games onto PS4.. if they actually did that i would actually go and buy a damn ps4 right now.

No one gives a damn about these launch titles.. only 2 next gen games on ps4 actually catch my attention and that's also available on PC so what's the incentive of buying a PS4? nothing.. its just a slab of plastic which refuses to play ps1,ps2,ps3 games from the get go whereas my PC is very much willing to do that.


Well-known Member
Actually, it's a technological issue. In consoles like the Wii and the PS2, both were just more powerful versions of their ancestors, so they had chipsets built- in from their previous generation and thus were able to play older games. The problem is that the more technologically- advanced the console is, the more energy is required to run both the new systems and those of the older generation, which means that overheating is bound to ensue. On the other hand, there are emulation programs that could make the newer consoles "pretend" to be the old ones but that's a whole other series of issues such as timing between the hardware- based processing and program itself, and testing out each individual case of what could go wrong (and that takes way too much time).

Devils Never Cry

Devil Hunter
What Railazel posted, and the fact that consoles are becoming more and more powerful as time goes on. The amount of energy required to emulate a previous gen game without the use of cloud-based streaming would be considerable. Heck, it will still take quite a few years for high end PCs to emulate a PS3 game. The fact that it used such a complex architecture doesn't help.

As for the 360, it's a powerful system in its own right. The closer consoles come to computers, the more time and effort it will take for backwards compatibility functions to be successful. It has nothing to do with being "taboo".


Keyser Söze
Actually, it's a technological issue. In consoles like the Wii and the PS2, both were just more powerful versions of their ancestors, so they had chipsets built- in from their previous generation and thus were able to play older games. The problem is that the more technologically- advanced the console is, the more energy is required to run both the new systems and those of the older generation, which means that overheating is bound to ensue. On the other hand, there are emulation programs that could make the newer consoles "pretend" to be the old ones but that's a whole other series of issues such as timing between the hardware- based processing and program itself, and testing out each individual case of what could go wrong (and that takes way too much time).
Ps4 supposedly has a "Streaming" service which lets you play all ps1,ps2&ps3 games.. BUT they didn't bother to include that feature at a launch and it seems like its just going to be a PSN 2.0 that's such a damn rip-off!

Heck WiiU can play GameCube&Wii games! so if the Sony actually gave 2 craps about backwards compatibility they would've released PS4 with backwards compatibility at launch.

Its just obvious to me now Nintendo actually cares about the people who brought their consoles&games.. Sony doesn't! its more interested in pandering newbies of this generation well fine then! i'm not interested in a hunk of overpriced plastic anyway.


Keyser Söze
Why buy a new gaming system that plays the games i'm already playing when i can just hold off on buying a new console altogether & wait for a better next-gen library.
But Sony&Microsoft doesn't want that do they? No they want people buying their consoles on Day 1..

I'm just asking why would any sane person buy a next gen console on day 1 which doesn't even play old games?

2. You buy new because older systems aren't made anymore.
No you buy new consoles because it has a good selection of games to play.
backwards compatibility is eliminated so gamers can buy those launch titles
Hmm that makes no sense.. why would people not buy launch titles? if you already own a ps3 game you don't want to buy it again but PS4's "Streaming" service may force you do so.

In fact this whole digital contraption actually encourages jailbreak&piracy because people do NOT want to buy the same game over and over.

PS Vita has a backwards compatibility,3ds has backwards compatibility so why can't Ps4 have one too?
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The Final Offer

Well-known Member
It's convenient for us, but not for them.

Honestly, from my point of view, you would literally skip (S-K-I-P) a console entirely if the new one played all the old games. Now from a gamer who's jumped from Nintendo-Sony-Microsoft-Sony-Sony, I'd be a little ****ed if I have an old console with no purpose in my house just gathering dust.

Sony did the right thing and released several PS3's that could play alot of old PS2 games. Sony then went on to make PSN users capable of purchasing and playing the PS1 + PS2 classics. Sony has now went forward into a service that makes PSN users able of playing thousands of games from the Playstation era for the same amount you'd pay for the games (maybe more) at retail stores. You're paying 3 or 4 dollars.

On a side note: I'm psyched about playing Megaman Legends again. I've been playing the X series on PS3 and yes, I have a slim PS3 therefore you can still play some old PS1 games on PS3. If you didn't know that already.

The other complication is the well known fact that these games have certain types of memory that aren't inside the console to begin with (PS3 has it though!). Does anyone remember trying to use a memory card from PS1 in a PS2? Ugh right?

PS4 is the latest and they're way ahead of any complaints you may have about backwards compatibility. Playstation NOW. The issue is solved here and you can't deny that it's a step in a positive direction.


Supporter 2014
Because shut up.

Seriously though, it's to force gamers to buy previous-gen systems. More potential system sales equals more money in their pockets.

Also, because they're really lazy. As in, so lazy they'd go out of their way to screw players over with their laziness than actually try to make an effort.

There's also the fact that Sony has been trying to stop their VAIO production because it's been costing them too much money. Microsoft will soon follow and everyone will just produce tablets (and I really don't like that, but oh well) until the "ipaper" or whatever comes out.

No one will buy a google glass or oculus rift... at least not now anyway.


Supporter 2014
lol @ this video --

Also, just because there are ps1 games available doesn't mean that anyone can buy them.

You need a PS3 to play ps1 games on your Vita.
Horse. ****.

Besides, I don't have the means to buy them online yet (and probably not for a long time) -- There are no old playstations available, so I'm screwed if I ever feel like playing ps1 games.


Well-known Member
I'm just asking why would any sane person buy a next gen console on day 1 which doesn't even play old games?
It's like some people who think they have to have the latest phone. It could be to say they were one of the first to get it, to have something others might want and show it off, to just keep up to date even if it's a waste. There are several reasons why people buy a next gen console as soon as it's out.

And there are plenty of people who won't play older games because they're not as flashy or just not up-to-date. It's easy to find a person who, if you tell them you still play PS1 games, will give you a lot of criticism and insults because they're not high quality as far as the technology. Even if some of those old games are better. I'd say a lot of it boils down to ego.


Well-known Member
*enters thread*

Two words: HD Collections.

*thread explodes*

*leaves thread*


Well-known Member
Oh whoops, I'm sorry. I wasn't clear at all. I meant HD collections are probably one of the reasons why backwards compatibility isn't a thing anymore. Why let people play their old games on new consoles when you can just make them buy shiny versions of those old games?

I thought people would know what I meant. Sorry. :blush:


Well-known Member
But wait! Now you can (eventually) buy it AGAIN once Sony gets its streaming service up. The again, you aren't even buying it, you're just paying for the right to play it as long as Sony will let you. Woot.


I Saw the Devil
Backward compatibility is not as simple as that.

With the X-Box, 360, and the One, that's not clear to me, I didn't follow that as it was progressing. But the PS1 though 4? I know a little bit of that. The PS3 was a new technology, B.C. was very expensive to maintain so with the cell processor it was a matter of incompatible technologies. The same reason applies to the PS3 to 4, the 4 has the power but not the same technology, like the difference between Lenox, Mac, and Microsoft. However, the PS4 is compatible to the PS2 and 1, the technologies are compatible and the rumors are that they are working to make it happen and to upscale the PS2 to render the games to 1080 and 720, like the PCSX2.

There might also be the reason that they want PSNow to have more successful run by limiting your ability to play PS3/2/1 games on the PS4. If you already own the game how will they be able to charge you for it? I hope I'm wrong but there is still that possibility.
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Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Whole architecture of the Xbox One and PS4 is different to that of the Xbox 360 and PS3 so not possible to get lots of games running from one to another. They have however started to figure out how to transfer saved games from one to another but again not always possible. Some games may be easier to transfer from one system to another but with some its simply impossible to get them running on the new systems due to incompatibilities.


I Saw the Devil
Say the PS4/X1 recognises previous gen disks.
Now when you put in a previous gen disc, you're prompt to buy & download the emulator for that previous gen title from PSN XBLive.
Then install the full game from the previous gen disc onto the HDD &able to play it.
That's the ideal set up. However, to just download a game rental, let's say DmC, where you download the data in a PS4/One format that will only play when you have the disc in drive might not be appealing to them. They still need to pay for research, development, and service, if you can get a copy cheaper at amazon or a game store and you just run an emulation they won't get any money from it. If they charge you a small fee for a few days use, $1 a day (?), then they can make money from you and keep the lights on.


Well-known Member
Ps4 supposedly has a "Streaming" service which lets you play all ps1,ps2&ps3 games.. BUT they didn't bother to include that feature at a launch and it seems like its just going to be a PSN 2.0 that's such a damn rip-off!

They probably didn't have it at launch because adding a "streaming" service for games would probably come with a series of problems on its own and would demand taking alternative approaches such as making a "PSN 2.0". It would probably be best to wait until they figure out all the potential bugs that could come with the service rather than have it in at launch and people at their throats complaining about it.

Heck WiiU can play GameCube&Wii games! so if the Sony actually gave 2 craps about backwards compatibility they would've released PS4 with backwards compatibility at launch.

Its just obvious to me now Nintendo actually cares about the people who brought their consoles&games.. Sony doesn't! its more interested in pandering newbies of this generation well fine then! i'm not interested in a hunk of overpriced plastic anyway.

Again, that just goes back to technology. The Wii U is basically the Wii just slightly improved just like how the Wii was the Gamecube just slightly improved. Some of the tech from Wii is still in the Wii U which is why you're able to play Wii and Gamecube games and use Wiimote and other Wii devices.


Supporter 2014
The again, you aren't even buying it, you're just paying for the right to play it as long as Sony will let you. Woot.
Don't... remind me.

See, this is why I support piracy; even the completely morally bankrupt parts of it.
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