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Why Fanboys Need to Stop Being Fanboys



Joke aside, I really am an fanboy, I'll never stop liking DMC!


Don't trust people
I doubt grade school kids say that either. XD

I doubt they don't. <.<
I was just listening to some calm music to relax a little and a fat little kid comes telling me to turn off the crap music. Of course the kid thought rap was real music, which in my opinion is the worst kind of music (yes, I even like noise music more than rap). What did I do? I told the kid he is nothing but an ignorant kiddo thinking he is something.
That was a young kid at the age of 12-13. Of course kids like these are normal in Sweden, so me and my friends usually call them P12's, the kids who thinks they are something and everyone else is inferior.

But that's a little off topic. DX

I can't take what DT said for realz. A fanboy/girl doesn't neccessarily mean an extremist fan, that is but a degree of a fan. I'm a fanboy of the Final Fantasy series, but hell I'm not a blind runt because of that. I just like most games in the series for different reasons.


Well-known Member
^Stupid kids are stupid. Mind if I ask what you were listening to? :)

There really is no set definition for a fanboy/girl anyway. I consider people that either follow something blindly, don't let others have an opinion about said thing and so insult them whenever they dare challenge them on any point, or believe themselves to be the unquestionable authority on the subject as a fanboy/girl (All of which are wrong in my mind).

The fact that their is no set definition means everyone has their own which can lead to some confusion. :confused:

That being said, by my standards I don't consider myself a fangirl of anything (despite how much I joke about me being a Lightning fangirl. Really, I consider myself a loyalist....that made me sound like a fangirl XD).

Elton John

Well-known Member
The fact that their is no set definition means everyone has their own which can lead to some confusion. :confused:

My definition of a fanboy is when someone is being completely ignorant that a game or product not made by their most hearted company is **** and will always be **** to them.

Well, the definition of the OP is there and I believe we were talking according to that definition?

With that definition I don't like fangirls/boys either. One can dislike (or love) some games as much as he wants , but he can't say that they are **** just because he doesn't like them. Like I said it's a matter of taste. One man's treasure is another man's trash.

There's no point in quarelling over which game is better (Halo or CoD for example) really. Just play whichever you like.


Well-known Member
Well, the definition of the OP is there and I believe we were talking according to that definition?

With that definition I don't like fangirls/boys either. One can dislike (or love) some games as much as he wants , but he can't say that they are **** just because he doesn't like them. Like I said it's a matter of taste. One man's treasure is another man's trash.

There's no point in quarelling over which game is better (Halo or CoD for example) really. Just play whichever you like.

Sure, but that's still only his definition. I was speaking about the grand scheme of things since the thread wasn't just about the OP anymore, but was moving to a more broad sense of fanboy/girl-ness.

Klawed Flaw

Fallout Nut
Then we are all fanboys/girls to different degrees on here since DMC has brought us altogether. Yeah, I should have thought of that before your post, meg. lol :p
I'm actually just a fan of the games that happens to think too much about anything. Basically, I'm just the one in the middle of the crowd on most forums saying what I consider needed to be noted. Not every fanboy/fangirl is a blind follower, of course, but many on the internet are. I could be considered a bit creepy if you mention any of the flagship PS2 Platformer games, and can be considered on the verge of sane fangirlism towards Sucker Punches games.

I'm a huge, huge, huge fan of the second Silent Hill game, and am, in fact, still very effected by it in how I purchase horror games. That is... Until I bought Condemned 2. I'm a bit of a psychological horror fanatic, and love 1950's motifs in my games that involve sci-fi. I love Sony's products for the quality, and was quite a braggart when I got a PS3 for Christmas. I told everyone about it.

I'm more of a horror fanatic at heart, as well as, a tech fanatic. Not all of us here are rabid DMC fans, and I'm one of those people. I find the plot interesting, and want to talk about it. I like the people here, and they seem accepting of my odd ways, which I want in anyone who I wish to associate with.

Now about being criticized for tastes. Since I'm a huge fan of horror, heavy metal, extreme music in general, and cartoons, I will get a bit of backlash. Most of it is from religious family members who believe digging the dark parts of entertainment is stepping into evil. Most people who flip only flip once, and are thinking, "Eh. She's herself." after that.

People in grade school made fun of me for being in left field more than they did over any other topic. Putting grade school into this just confuses me, as I was in a grade school where hairy legs was the thing people made fun of a girl for. Not being into scary things. I was still playing with my action figures, and watching Toon Disney by 5th grade...

I guess I live in a place where the girls are the little whiny annoyances, and boys are jocks or Halo fans. Now in the neighboring town... Don't get any kid there mad. It's like a village turned into a street fight there from what I know...

I like to listen to Lady Gaga. Crap. Now you guys know.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
^There are a lot of people on this forum (or there was, I know Sparda was like 'I'M NUMBER ONE FAN YEA!' - do you guys remember the spoon in his sig? Gah! It was so gross! :rolleyes:) who like Lady Gaga. I like a couple of her songs too, she's a good artist.

On topic: rants about fanboys and fangirls often gets me laughing because a.) either the person writing about it is naming issues which are so true it actually is laughworthy or b.) the person writing is very obviously a major fanboy/fangirl himself who doesn't see eye to eye with other fans and thinks it necessary to degrade them.

All I'll say is that the kind of fanboys the poster was talking about are the kind who will get really ticked off/butt-hurt by what he wrote. I'm a major DMC fan, I'm also a major fan of the Xbox 360. And I fangirl over Dante a lot. But as the poster said, why shoot yourself in the foot by sticking only to what you know is fun, when you could possibly be missing out on BETTER? Albeit I don't think it's just a fanboy/fangirl thing. It depends on the type of person - if you're not open minded and insecure about change, you're going to bare your teeth at anything different that comes your way.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I don't declare myself as the no. 1 vergil fan (well only in private), but as a pretty over-obsessed fan-girl, but i wouldn't have a fight about why Vergil is better than whatever other character in the series... why? Vergil ends up serving mundus... you can't really give an argument supporting a character who ends up being defeated by the demon lord. (if that makes sense.)


Oldschool DMC fan
I don't really understand fanboyism either. I know that I am lucky in that I've built up a broad collection of games over the years and I own all the major platforms to play them on, PC, Wii, XBox, PS2 and PS3 (and used to have PSP), but because I do I have been able to compare the quality of platforms against each other objectively. I know for example, certain people who are rabid PS3 fanboys and they actually claim that the XBox graphics are inferior to the PS3 across the board. They aren't. DMC4 - I had a copy of that on PS3 and XBox at one point and the PS3 version was inferior graphically/resolution wise and the aliasing was bad. Other games show the reverse, although to be quite honest the difference isn't something to have a thrombo over at all, they are still very much playable and enjoyable.

And loyalty to companies or game series for me only really applies if they consistently produce games of good quality. I love the DMC series, but I'm not afraid to say DMC2 was definitely sub-par and they should have done better. Or that certain characters in the series have been made worse.

Like I said I just don't understand it. If something deserves credit for being genuinely impressive it deserves credit, and if it doesn't it doesn't, but nothing deserves credit or discredit until it's been properly experienced. Like the original article says, you should try everything and try to get the best of all worlds before judging. Someone who has a wide knowledge of the subject will be a better judge than someone who refuses to see what else there is to offer. I don't pay much attention to the truly diseased fanboys, lol.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I prefer DMC4 on the 360 because it displays in 60hz mode (unlike the ps3 which only does 5ohz) and the loading time isn't a pain in the ar$e


Super Penguin Number 2
I think a fanboy is someone who bitches about something in a game or system that isn't 'broken' by modern standards. By that, I mean...take Halo for example (because it's what I know)...we all now that a lot of Shooter fans don't like Halo for x amount of reasons. But when you take the time to look at the game, there's nothing wrong with it as far as technicalities go. It doesn't have any major glitches, or any at all that I know of, aside from multiplayer games just dropping out sometimes.

Which means, by my definition, the only thing that someone could properly complain about without me considering them a fanboy is the fact that multiplayer games drop out. If you dis the controls, gameplay, story, art style, or whatever, which at heart, has nothing messed up...then you're stepping into fanboy territory, because you're dissing something which is only bad by your opinion, where as everyone can agree that multiplayer games dropping out is bad.

As far as systems go, I can understand that sometimes. Systems CAN beat eachother in certain areas. Graphics quality or frame rate or just any other kind of thing that deals with hardware or how a system runs games is fair to argue and ogle over. But bitching about how "PS3 has a controller that will **** on 360s controller because it's fat" is stupid to me. That's just a preference. It's okay to express an opinion. But not in a complaining or argumentative fashion, because really...no one cares what you think. They either or agree or disagree.

So viola, I think THAT can be a good definition of a fanboy/girl. It covers EVERYTHING minus the varying levels of fanboyism. Which would simply fall into worsening categories of the same things xD


Oldschool DMC fan
I'd just say they tend to argue repetitively beyond the bounds of personal preference by criticising the 'other side' on impulse, or criticising others for their choice. At the end of the day everything is a matter of opinion, although common sense can usually separate opinions into logical and illogical opinions. Fanboys hold opinions that don't always appear logical, and defend them ad nauseam.

That's what I think of when I hear of a "fanboy" or "the fanbois" from when the word was invented to describe that kind of person. I think now it's used as well to describe people who're just huge fans of something, DMC fanboys and fangirls... that's not the sort of fanboy I mean. ;)
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