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Oldschool DMC fan
...Of these 'sins' would you say you are the most guilty of?

ACEDIA (neglect of duty)

....Say why if you like. Always fun finding out what makes y'all tick.

Me, I'm terribly guilty of PRIDE. And some GREED. Although it isn't so much material greed as a sort of personal hunger that makes me very disatisfied.

Elton John

Well-known Member
ENVY is what describes me, but I don't care and for me it's not a sin. It is the way I was born, my personal moral guide.


Despair. Been having a number of problems for damn years and so it's only natural that I'd end up feeling despaired.

But really these "sins" are just some of the many characteristics that make us human. Are they as bad as they are made out to be? Well obviously if taken to the extreme then yes but I think it does one good to experience them and learn from them and not just to follow what a religion says is "bad" and "good".

I don't really know what I'm talking about since I haven't had enough sufficient caffeine intake yet and I had an exceptionally stressfull night last night.


Super Penguin Number 2
Sloth, Lust, Acedia and Despair.

When I say Lust...it isn't necessarily the normal idea of lust. I only lust after a few select things, and no...women aren't actually among them. At least not the major majority, there is one. And yes! I lust after her.

Despair would probably tie in with all of my depression, worry and stress over various things, most of which either concern my baby brother, school or my relationship...which is going to get really hard when next month rolls around.

Sloth and Acedia kind of fit together.


Oldschool DMC fan
Osaka's right - which is why I stuck the word 'sins' in inverted commas. It's just a fun question really, I mean nothing by it, and I don't imply these are actually wicked things to be guilty of. No person is without 'sin', because these are all very human characteristics indeed - and it's impossible to live life without experiencing them at some point. I only think religion seeks to separate them out because it recognises that in excess these things lead to unhappiness, social instability or harm. Therefore they are seen as 'wrong'.

I see nothing wrong with my pride and greed. My personal code is to experience and know as much of interest as I can from life, free myself from the undesirable things in it and improve myself - and to feel good about it. This is essentially what they call the Left-Hand Path, and is associated with Satanism, the occult, etc. 'Satanism' and 'sin' conjures up all kinds of silly cliche images in people's minds, but essentially it's about the betterment of the self, for oneself. Which is what I do, really... only without labels. It's possible to do this without harming another person and so I don't see it as bad in the least to strive for more.


You Think You Know Me
Pride, aren't we all i mean its a ridiculous sin don't you agree. all of us in our life have felt pride, we take pride in what we do, what we create. we are all Sinners in our own way.


Don't trust people
KenekaKowazaki;261836 said:
Pride, aren't we all i mean its a ridiculous sin don't you agree. all of us in our life have felt pride, we take pride in what we do, what we create. we are all Sinners in our own way.

Pride as in one of the seven death sins or whatever it is called is pride for something bad you've done. Like hurting people, murder, etc.

I was proud over me being a fool, doing reckless things, but that is what keep me from falling when I was a victim of despair. <.<


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Despair is a sin? That's ridiculous.

Anyway... I fall victim to despair, pride, lust, wrath, and sloth/acedia.

Yes, I'm a naughty person, ain't I?


Oldschool DMC fan
DreadnoughtDT;261838 said:
Despair is a sin? That's ridiculous.

Apparently it is. There were more sins than the '7 deadly' sins, another was despair, since despair tends to precede suicide (in the West), and in Christian belief suicide is usually seen as sinful. So the idea was that to wallow in despair and think thoughts of suicide (or act on it) was almost bad as suicide itself. Or maybe it suggested a turning away from God and the task of living, or something like that.
Sloth, Pride, Acedia, Wrath :ninja:
@DT- Despair means when you think god wont help you, or maybe better to say when you think there's no god to help you.
@lexy-Dont you hink it was better if Suicide were one of the seven death sins?


Don't trust people
Despair is when you think there's no god to help you?

You mean that I'm in despair all the time?
I thought despair meant that you had nowhere to turn and you crumbling because you have no support. <.<


Oldschool DMC fan
I suppose in this religious context 'despair' means turning away from God by turning away from hope.

I think it means a protracted form of despair rather than a temporary one, too.

Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.
All of them, actually. Some more than others, but I'm not religious, so I never really thought to be how sinful I am. But according to the Dante's Inferno test, I'm going to the seventh level of hell. Party on the way there, Y/y?


Lust and despair being my most common sin, extravagance and pride being my least with everything in somewhere in between those.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
o_O People who call that Satanism clearly don't know **** Lexy, as the word itself states, Satanism is the act of worshipping Satan, sacrificing living things, murdering people without remorse. I mean...Satanism is really twisted and dark and, yeah I'm gonna say it, EVIL. Paganism falls into the same bracket.

Wiccans, on the other hand, are not evil. Yeah, they can do little spells and whatnot to improve their lives and themselves, but they don't sacrifice living things for anything. They celebrate the solstice, are very clued up on their herbs and spells, and besides, in the Wiccan rede it says 'an' ye harm none, do what ye will'.

So whomever told you that you're a Satanist or whatever, I'm guessing must have been Christian in some form or another, in which case I'd say they ought to count their words. God will judge us on the same principles as we judge others.

Anyway, religion aside! I haven't had my morning coffee yet, and I'm going to psychoanalyse myself now. Dun dun dun.>_<

Writing all the time means I'm writing all the time which means my house starts to look worse than a pigsty. I can't count the number of times I just opened canned food and served that for dinner because I didn't have time to cook a proper meal. Plus if I'm left to it, I'd be in my PJs all day long and I won't even get around to brushing my teeth until the 4pm mark. So, yeah, I'm working hard, but in doing so I'm neglecting just about everything else.

I'm pretty darn proud to be of my lineage. I carry my name with pride, and will flash it at anyone at anytime, even if they don't know wth I'm on about. And I get an ego boost of note when people pump it up with positive reviews for my work. Well, who doesn't get that way? Pride leads to arrogance and vanity, and eventually a god complex. As Mr.Sparda himself has proven before.

...I envy Meyer's success. :mad:

DANTE! Need I say more?

I always want more money. More power. More friends. More enemies. More time. More money. I'm a pretty greedy person.

ACEDIA (neglect of duty)
Guilty! See 'sloth'.

Guilty-ish. If it's seen as a 'sin' then in religious context it's due to abandoning hope. I feel like giving up some days, and with the whole suicide thing I think was mentioned before? Yeah, despair can cause that. My family has a lot of despair in it, for good reason. But they're holding on, so I'll try hold on, too.

Why do you think I look like a little porker? I have strawberry sundaes and KFC for breakfast, I mean, c'mon!

...Guilty. Very, very guilty.

I wish.>_<


Wild Ranger
Guess I'm not the only one guilty with gluttony! Yes, I do actually have some extra kilos. While I don't look obese, or even fat, I have a belly .... Hopefully, with more training, I'll lose these pounds.... But there's a problem - acedia! Too damn lazy to go and workout, thus skipping one session a week...

I also lustful. Very lustful! I get naughty and rascal thoughts whenever I see a pretty girl, and there are plenty of them, wearing Revealing shirts and shorts due to the hot climate of my country.....

And - wrath... Sometimes I lose my temper....


Oldschool DMC fan
Chloe_Ryder;261870 said:
o_O People who call that Satanism clearly don't know **** Lexy, as the word itself states, Satanism is the act of worshipping Satan, sacrificing living things, murdering people without remorse. I mean...Satanism is really twisted and dark and, yeah I'm gonna say it, EVIL. Paganism falls into the same bracket.

I certainly don't worship Satan, so I can't be classed as one, but in discussions elsewhere what I basically have they say is a case of following some of the principles of the Left Hand Path. Which I wasn't especially aware of, but after I read a little more... (and it depends on which literature you pick up) some of it is much about advancing yourself or a hedonistic lifestyle. The idea that Satan was the first revolutionary is some ways people look at it, others say that it's about Man's empowerment, and there's also this idea that Satanism is about drinking blood and taking pleasure in committing forbidden acts (doing something for the sake of the fact it's taboo, in other words... to enjoy some aesthetic experience of 'badness' I guess). There seem to be loads of different opinions on what Satanism really is, and there are probably many different 'churches' of Satanism, but I know the type you mean. And it's not anything like me.

So whomever told you that you're a Satanist or whatever, I'm guessing must have been Christian in some form or another, in which case I'd say they ought to count their words. God will judge us on the same principles as we judge others.

I'm not sure, but they seemed rather clued up on the subject of Satanism, and so they might have been a Satanist. What I remember was that we were discussing the idea that Satanism (esp. LaVey's school of it) believes that wilful ignorance and stupidity are the greatest of sins. While I don't agree that they are the greatest wrongs, the idea that a person should seek to be ignorant and not open their eyes to better themselves is strange to me, and I agreed that mankind should strive to be more/better than it is. This, they said, was in accordance with the ideas of the Ubermensch, Satanism, etc.
But, it's also in accordance with Christianity and most other religions as well, as they all speak of changing oneself for the better. I guess the difference is that I like to change myself according to my own measure, rather than Satan's, or God's.
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