Tori Jacobs
Zira Firestone
Madeira Roberts
Imai Katayo
Logan S. Gunn
Peter Fargason
Aminee Starlight
Meryl Silverburgh
Wedge Antilles
#16 New Beginnings
The scene fades in on Isafaro, Sector Four. Tori's jeep and the carrier parks in the entrance of the rebel base as Imai and Logan comes out to greet them.
Logan: I was starting to think you guys would never come back.
Imai: Where the hell have you been?
Tori and co. exit the jeep.
Imai: Where are the others?
Tori: Lowers her head in sorrow
Imai: No...
Wild Geese: Walks up to the pair and salutes On behalf of the Hellsing Organization and Her Majesty the Queen, I've returned to you the body of your fallen comrade.
Imai: Only one?
Tori: Garrus was the only body we could get. The others were lost in the ruins of Aircano.
Imai: Ruins?
Tori: I'll explain everything inside.
Cut to: Back of the Base
Soldiers fire off their weapons into the sky as Garrus' casket is put down in the ground. Five more graves next to his with tombstones holding the the names Shinta, June, Lily, Nex, and Mary on them. We get a closeup of Tori's face, looking in the direction of where she can hear the burial. Imai walks up to her side and looks over the tombstones on the ground.
Imai: They were good people. They kept this place running smoothly, but we have to keep pushing forward.
Tori: What do you want me to do?
Imai: Go home.
Tori: Ma'am?
Imai: Consider this an honorable discharge. You've done more for me and this army than can ever be repaid, but you're in no condition to fight anymore. Go home. See your family. Your friends. Live.
Tori: You expect me to just walk away?
Imai: We can give you a desk job, or put you in communications if you really want to stay. With your blindness you're a liability on the field. I know that might not be what you want to hear, but I'm only trying to be straight with you as I feel you would for me if our roles were reversed.
Tori: I understand.
Imai: Take as much time as you need to decide what you want to do next. I stand by my original recommendation. You're long overdue for a trip home. Walks away
Tori: Walks towards the graves. Stands in front of them in silence before bringing up her hand into a salute
Cut to: Kitchen
Tori: Walks into the kitchen
Zira: Is alone at the table eating a steak Hi.
Tori: Hi.
Zira: This place has some good food.
Tori: It's mostly scavenge from when we took the sector.
Zira: How did you take the sector?
Tori: Opens up the icebox Dumb luck.
Zira: I can make something for you if you'd prefer.
Tori: I don't need eyes to make a sandwich.
Zira: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you.
Tori: I'm not offended.
Zira: Yes you are.
Tori: Are you a mind reader now?
Zira: As a matter of fact, I am.
Tori: Looks at Zira in surprise. Finishes her sandwich and sits across from Zira, taking a bite out of her sandwich, chewing and swallowing before she spoke You've been reading my mind this whole time?
Zira: It's not something I can control. I can only read thoughts you're thinking in that moment, so I don't know your life's story or anything.
Tori: When were you going to tell us this?
Zira: I was looking for the right time. I was afraid if I told you up front you'd be reluctant to take me with you. In addition to the telepathy and pyrokinesis, I'm also a telekinetic and empath.
Tori: You just have everything, don't you?
Zira: I was experimented on by the Vulture. They increased my brain's capability until I was able to do impossible feats. Feats my body wasn't able to handle. When I escaped the thoughts and emotions from other people became too much. They would cause me to panic, and panic would cause me to burn up. Rolls up her sleeves to unveil the third degree burns on her arms, and brings Tori's hands to them so she can feel them It still hurts even now. I couldn't take it, so I went to the one place I knew where I could get away from it all.
Tori: The Crystal Expanse.
Zira: No one ever stayed in the expanse for long. I figured with my control over fire, I'd be able to keep warm where others would freeze to death. I was at peace, isolated from the world. But ever since the tower showed up, and people from other worlds started magically appearing, the voices came back. Then that star exploded and I knew there'd be no peace left for me there.
Tori: There's no peace for you here, either.
Zira: Says nothing
Tori: Did you ever find that girl?
Zira: Yeah. She refused to come with me. Took off for the tower calling herself Sincara.
Tori: Sincara? Strange name.
Zira: She was in a lot of pain from losing her parents. I feel the same pain in you. It makes breathing hard, and I feel like my heart stopped.
Tori: I can leave.
Zira: No. I have to learn to control these powers some time.
Tori: There are easier ways for you to do that than to be around me.
Zira: I actually enjoy your company. You have a determination I never felt before in anyone else. No matter how hard things get, no matter how impossible they seem, you never give up. Right now you're in so much pain, but you endure. How do you take it?
Tori: I just do.
Zira: I hope to one day have that kind of strength.
Tori: Stick around, I might rub off on you.
Zira: Smiles and eats with Tori
Fade out.
Fade in: Military Base First Floor
Kragen, Armando, and Madeira are line up with other soldiers as Tori and Zira joins the group. Imai, Logan, and Peter Fargason enter the room. The soldiers line up and salute at their presence
Imai: At ease.
The soldiers lower their arms.
Imai: We lost a lot of good people in the past couple of days. I don't intend for their deaths to be in vain. We're going to find out more about the Ancients, we're going to find out more about Bane, and we're going to put a stop to them all.
Tori: Bane was after me, ma'am.
Imai: Bane may have wanted you dead, but the amount of planning it took to build those tunnels would have taken months. You were just the frosting on the cake.
Armando: How will we be able to find Bane?
Peter: Hallowton's intelligence tells us that the technology used in the attack was Isafaro. That would suggest that Bane may be working for them.
Logan: Or at the very least had dealings here. We can start the search there.
Imai: In light of recent developments, we have a couple of changes to make to the ranks. Logan and I discussed it long and hard, and decided that Armando will be taking over Tori's command as squad leader.
Armando: Me?
Imai: You're the most qualified person here, and you already proven yourself a good leader with the squad you came in here with.
Madeira: What about Tori?
Imai: Tori won't be going back to the field.
Kragen: Discharge.
Imai: Honorable discharge.
Armando: You can't just kick her out.
Tori: It's okay, Armando. Imai and I talked about this during the funeral.
Imai: Time to meet your new squad mates. Introducing first, Pop Idol by day, ass kicker by night, Aminee Starlight.
Aminee: Walks up to the group blowing bubblegum. Hi.
Armando: What do you do?
Aminee: Sing, dance, takes out her pistols and spin them around, firing off several shots to the bottles on the table on the other side of the room before holstering the guns Shoot things.
Imai: Next up I'll admit is a hired gun. A mercenary with a mouth the size of the Crystal Expanse. Deadpool.
Deadpool: Walks in with his arms in the air WOOHOO! Give it up for Deadpool! He's so awesome! He's the greatest! Looks at the camera How are you enjoying the fanfic disguised as a television show so far?
Tori: What is he talking about?
Imai: I learned to just roll with it. And finally, Meryl Silverburgh. Former Vulture soldier until her men turned on her, now she fights with us.
Meryl: Enters the room and salutes Armando Reporting for duty, sir!
Armando: At ease.
Meryl: Lowers her arm
Imai: Your first assignment is to return to Sector Twelve and find any information you can on the child that escaped there, and save the people who are still stranded on the rooftops. Logan, deploy a pickup team to collect the Golden Trio from the Morlocks and move them into the prison here. Commander Fargason, collect all the intelligence you can on this Bane character to help us track him down. You have your orders, now move out!
The group salutes and then move out to perform their assignment, leaving only Tori and Zira remaining with Imai
Zira: Commander, what about me?
Imai: I need to get you in training to see what you can do before knowing how to use you. We can start tomorrow at 0900 hours. Walks up to Tori
Tori: You're just now picking up the Golden Trio?
Imai: The Vulture has doubled their attacks on this sector since you left. I haven't had the time. Have you decided what you're going to do?
Tori: I'm going to take your advice and go home.
Imai: What made you decide this?
Tori: I have something I need to do.
Imai: I'll have Wedge prepare the helicopter.
Tori: Are you sure that's a good idea?
Imai: Wedge is the best pilot we have. I'm sure he can avoid whatever Vulture decides to throw at him. I'll let him know you're coming. Leaves the room
Zira: Looks at Tori You're leaving?
Tori: There are things I need to do away from here. Don't worry. I have a feeling you're going to do fine here. Leaves Zira's side and walks up to Madeira who's preparing for her next mission
Madeira: I don't like this. It's not going to be the same without you.
Tori: You're in good hands. Armando knows what he's doing. Don't worry about me. I don't plan to be gone forever.
Madeira: It was an honor serving with you.
Tori: It was an honor serving with you. Walks over to Armando
Armando: So, this is what responsibility feels like?
Tori: You've had responsibilities before.
Armando: Never on this scale. Any advice?
Tori: Listen to your gut, and your teammates. Don't try to take on everything on your own. You'll do fine. Walks away from Armando and goes over to Kragen
Kragen: Turns to look at Tori
Tori: I'm going to miss you most of all.
Kragen: Give them hell.
Tori: You too. Don't you die on me, Kragen. That's an order.
Kragen: Yes, Captain. Salutes
Tori: Salutes
Cut to: The Resistance Helicopter Pad
Tori: Walks up to the helicopter
Wedge: Waits for Tori You ready, ma'am?
Tori: As ready as I'll ever be.
The two enter the helicopter and Wedge gets in the pilot seat. Before they can take off, Zira enters the helicopter and straps herself in across from where Tori is sitting
Tori: Who's there?
Zira: It's me.
Tori: Zira? What are you doing here?
Zira: You need someone with eyes.
Tori: Smiles
The helicopter takes off into the sky and flies out into the horizon.
Tori Jacobs
Zira Firestone
Madeira Roberts
Imai Katayo
Logan S. Gunn
Peter Fargason
Aminee Starlight
Meryl Silverburgh
Wedge Antilles
#16 New Beginnings
The scene fades in on Isafaro, Sector Four. Tori's jeep and the carrier parks in the entrance of the rebel base as Imai and Logan comes out to greet them.
Logan: I was starting to think you guys would never come back.
Imai: Where the hell have you been?
Tori and co. exit the jeep.
Imai: Where are the others?
Tori: Lowers her head in sorrow
Imai: No...
Wild Geese: Walks up to the pair and salutes On behalf of the Hellsing Organization and Her Majesty the Queen, I've returned to you the body of your fallen comrade.
Imai: Only one?
Tori: Garrus was the only body we could get. The others were lost in the ruins of Aircano.
Imai: Ruins?
Tori: I'll explain everything inside.
Cut to: Back of the Base
Soldiers fire off their weapons into the sky as Garrus' casket is put down in the ground. Five more graves next to his with tombstones holding the the names Shinta, June, Lily, Nex, and Mary on them. We get a closeup of Tori's face, looking in the direction of where she can hear the burial. Imai walks up to her side and looks over the tombstones on the ground.
Imai: They were good people. They kept this place running smoothly, but we have to keep pushing forward.
Tori: What do you want me to do?
Imai: Go home.
Tori: Ma'am?
Imai: Consider this an honorable discharge. You've done more for me and this army than can ever be repaid, but you're in no condition to fight anymore. Go home. See your family. Your friends. Live.
Tori: You expect me to just walk away?
Imai: We can give you a desk job, or put you in communications if you really want to stay. With your blindness you're a liability on the field. I know that might not be what you want to hear, but I'm only trying to be straight with you as I feel you would for me if our roles were reversed.
Tori: I understand.
Imai: Take as much time as you need to decide what you want to do next. I stand by my original recommendation. You're long overdue for a trip home. Walks away
Tori: Walks towards the graves. Stands in front of them in silence before bringing up her hand into a salute

Cut to: Kitchen
Tori: Walks into the kitchen
Zira: Is alone at the table eating a steak Hi.
Tori: Hi.
Zira: This place has some good food.
Tori: It's mostly scavenge from when we took the sector.
Zira: How did you take the sector?
Tori: Opens up the icebox Dumb luck.
Zira: I can make something for you if you'd prefer.
Tori: I don't need eyes to make a sandwich.
Zira: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you.
Tori: I'm not offended.
Zira: Yes you are.
Tori: Are you a mind reader now?
Zira: As a matter of fact, I am.
Tori: Looks at Zira in surprise. Finishes her sandwich and sits across from Zira, taking a bite out of her sandwich, chewing and swallowing before she spoke You've been reading my mind this whole time?
Zira: It's not something I can control. I can only read thoughts you're thinking in that moment, so I don't know your life's story or anything.
Tori: When were you going to tell us this?
Zira: I was looking for the right time. I was afraid if I told you up front you'd be reluctant to take me with you. In addition to the telepathy and pyrokinesis, I'm also a telekinetic and empath.
Tori: You just have everything, don't you?
Zira: I was experimented on by the Vulture. They increased my brain's capability until I was able to do impossible feats. Feats my body wasn't able to handle. When I escaped the thoughts and emotions from other people became too much. They would cause me to panic, and panic would cause me to burn up. Rolls up her sleeves to unveil the third degree burns on her arms, and brings Tori's hands to them so she can feel them It still hurts even now. I couldn't take it, so I went to the one place I knew where I could get away from it all.
Tori: The Crystal Expanse.
Zira: No one ever stayed in the expanse for long. I figured with my control over fire, I'd be able to keep warm where others would freeze to death. I was at peace, isolated from the world. But ever since the tower showed up, and people from other worlds started magically appearing, the voices came back. Then that star exploded and I knew there'd be no peace left for me there.
Tori: There's no peace for you here, either.
Zira: Says nothing
Tori: Did you ever find that girl?
Zira: Yeah. She refused to come with me. Took off for the tower calling herself Sincara.
Tori: Sincara? Strange name.
Zira: She was in a lot of pain from losing her parents. I feel the same pain in you. It makes breathing hard, and I feel like my heart stopped.
Tori: I can leave.
Zira: No. I have to learn to control these powers some time.
Tori: There are easier ways for you to do that than to be around me.
Zira: I actually enjoy your company. You have a determination I never felt before in anyone else. No matter how hard things get, no matter how impossible they seem, you never give up. Right now you're in so much pain, but you endure. How do you take it?
Tori: I just do.
Zira: I hope to one day have that kind of strength.
Tori: Stick around, I might rub off on you.
Zira: Smiles and eats with Tori
Fade out.
Fade in: Military Base First Floor
Kragen, Armando, and Madeira are line up with other soldiers as Tori and Zira joins the group. Imai, Logan, and Peter Fargason enter the room. The soldiers line up and salute at their presence
Imai: At ease.
The soldiers lower their arms.
Imai: We lost a lot of good people in the past couple of days. I don't intend for their deaths to be in vain. We're going to find out more about the Ancients, we're going to find out more about Bane, and we're going to put a stop to them all.
Tori: Bane was after me, ma'am.
Imai: Bane may have wanted you dead, but the amount of planning it took to build those tunnels would have taken months. You were just the frosting on the cake.
Armando: How will we be able to find Bane?
Peter: Hallowton's intelligence tells us that the technology used in the attack was Isafaro. That would suggest that Bane may be working for them.
Logan: Or at the very least had dealings here. We can start the search there.
Imai: In light of recent developments, we have a couple of changes to make to the ranks. Logan and I discussed it long and hard, and decided that Armando will be taking over Tori's command as squad leader.
Armando: Me?
Imai: You're the most qualified person here, and you already proven yourself a good leader with the squad you came in here with.
Madeira: What about Tori?
Imai: Tori won't be going back to the field.
Kragen: Discharge.
Imai: Honorable discharge.
Armando: You can't just kick her out.
Tori: It's okay, Armando. Imai and I talked about this during the funeral.
Imai: Time to meet your new squad mates. Introducing first, Pop Idol by day, ass kicker by night, Aminee Starlight.
Aminee: Walks up to the group blowing bubblegum. Hi.
Armando: What do you do?
Aminee: Sing, dance, takes out her pistols and spin them around, firing off several shots to the bottles on the table on the other side of the room before holstering the guns Shoot things.
Imai: Next up I'll admit is a hired gun. A mercenary with a mouth the size of the Crystal Expanse. Deadpool.
Deadpool: Walks in with his arms in the air WOOHOO! Give it up for Deadpool! He's so awesome! He's the greatest! Looks at the camera How are you enjoying the fanfic disguised as a television show so far?
Tori: What is he talking about?
Imai: I learned to just roll with it. And finally, Meryl Silverburgh. Former Vulture soldier until her men turned on her, now she fights with us.
Meryl: Enters the room and salutes Armando Reporting for duty, sir!
Armando: At ease.
Meryl: Lowers her arm
Imai: Your first assignment is to return to Sector Twelve and find any information you can on the child that escaped there, and save the people who are still stranded on the rooftops. Logan, deploy a pickup team to collect the Golden Trio from the Morlocks and move them into the prison here. Commander Fargason, collect all the intelligence you can on this Bane character to help us track him down. You have your orders, now move out!
The group salutes and then move out to perform their assignment, leaving only Tori and Zira remaining with Imai
Zira: Commander, what about me?
Imai: I need to get you in training to see what you can do before knowing how to use you. We can start tomorrow at 0900 hours. Walks up to Tori
Tori: You're just now picking up the Golden Trio?
Imai: The Vulture has doubled their attacks on this sector since you left. I haven't had the time. Have you decided what you're going to do?
Tori: I'm going to take your advice and go home.
Imai: What made you decide this?
Tori: I have something I need to do.
Imai: I'll have Wedge prepare the helicopter.
Tori: Are you sure that's a good idea?
Imai: Wedge is the best pilot we have. I'm sure he can avoid whatever Vulture decides to throw at him. I'll let him know you're coming. Leaves the room
Zira: Looks at Tori You're leaving?
Tori: There are things I need to do away from here. Don't worry. I have a feeling you're going to do fine here. Leaves Zira's side and walks up to Madeira who's preparing for her next mission
Madeira: I don't like this. It's not going to be the same without you.
Tori: You're in good hands. Armando knows what he's doing. Don't worry about me. I don't plan to be gone forever.
Madeira: It was an honor serving with you.
Tori: It was an honor serving with you. Walks over to Armando
Armando: So, this is what responsibility feels like?
Tori: You've had responsibilities before.
Armando: Never on this scale. Any advice?
Tori: Listen to your gut, and your teammates. Don't try to take on everything on your own. You'll do fine. Walks away from Armando and goes over to Kragen
Kragen: Turns to look at Tori
Tori: I'm going to miss you most of all.
Kragen: Give them hell.
Tori: You too. Don't you die on me, Kragen. That's an order.
Kragen: Yes, Captain. Salutes
Tori: Salutes
Cut to: The Resistance Helicopter Pad
Tori: Walks up to the helicopter
Wedge: Waits for Tori You ready, ma'am?
Tori: As ready as I'll ever be.
The two enter the helicopter and Wedge gets in the pilot seat. Before they can take off, Zira enters the helicopter and straps herself in across from where Tori is sitting
Tori: Who's there?
Zira: It's me.
Tori: Zira? What are you doing here?
Zira: You need someone with eyes.
Tori: Smiles
The helicopter takes off into the sky and flies out into the horizon.