Ah, music, my immortal enemy. I was never surrounded by music by choice until a few years ago. My parents loved music, and were spamming me (not because they wanted to, they just put music very loud...frequently

) and after that most of my friends were obsessed with it, to a point of it being what makes them feel alive, or just one of the most important things in their life in general, something that I accepted but could never understand 100% as it had not happened to me.
I value silence a lot, so even now, when I start putting music and it ends, sometimes there'd be hours before I notice. Silence ftw

But there was a period in life in which silence was unattainable. And if I was going to be listening to stuff, at least I could choose what to listen. So, I bought an mp3 player. Which is still alive by the way and I love it<3 I'm going to keep it if/when it stops working<3
In there music functioned like Silence. It was used to block off sound, albeit by using sound itself, paradox? Heh. That's how I came to term with music. And it's now really important to me too.
As for what I like. I kinda have a way of liking things. They must mean something to me. They must be connected with something important. Something of value. Therefore instead of being an actual fan of a band, I am in love with most of the (nice - nice in my opinion of course) OSTS of series/movies/etc that I like. Mostly for series because, in there the BGMs have been used already a lot, and some of them are constantly used on awesome scenes - which makes them even more lovable while in the movies, ok they last about 3 hours, how much of the music will you remember in the next few days? Whereas in a series, you hear them like once a week or something similar. I guess that would make love ambient music (like most of the bgms are consindered ambient) but that's not so. As long as it's connected with me, I might like anything, but if they aren't I ignore them^^;
Ok enough info on myself, carry on
And let's not forget: music ftw!