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What's with all the Justin Beiber hate?


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall

Now before anyone says anything, yes I do make fun of JB every now and then, but atleast I admit it's a joke. Meanwhile, others really do wish JB would die or get killed. Wow, really? People actually wish for this guy to die? That's the part that always disgust me to no end. And then I began to actually think; why do people hate Justin beiber? And not the whole "Oh, he's so gay and is a f*ggot bitch" no, I mean an actual legitimate reason.

Is it his music? If people don't like his music that's fine, but there's a difference between not liking music, and being a total douche to him on a higher level like death threats, and sh*t. I personally only like one or two songs from the pop music he has, but I feel he's better with Acoustics.

Anyway, I'm so-so with his latest stuff, and I could understand how Baby, and the stuff he sang when he was younger was annoying, but enough to want a thirteen year old boy dead? And plus, why do people complain with "He's way too young to be singing about love"? Oh really?

well, if I remember correctly, the Jackson 5 (Micheal Jackson and his brothers back when they were kids) song about love just as much as Justin has. And then there was also Lil Romeo

He made plenty of songs about love but with a gangster-like image, and hardly anyone complained about that. Yeah there were complaints, but they weren't that huge. my point is; there have been so many other young singers. I just find it stupid an really spit-filled that suddenly, Justin get's the short end of the stick.

Is it the decisions he's making these days? Yes, some of the things he's done so far have been reckless, and stupid, but so was what every other music star has done before him.

Chris brown punched Rihanna, but after about a year, all was forgiven.

Mel Gibson has done some horrid crap, but yet he's still got fans.

And don't even get me started on Whitney Houston (R.I.P). But I think that if he did die, he'd probably be remembered like Micheal Jackson;


everyone made fun of him and stuff, but after he really died, people started saying how big of fans they were of him. But I digress, I really don't think these mistakes Justin is doing, makes him suddenly get a rain of hatred on him, but other music artist who have done even worse get forgiveness.

Maybe it's his fans? Justin's fans are a rabid pack of wolves that pounce on anyone who says Justin Beiber sucks. Even so, I still don't see that as a good reason. Fans are always going to be like that no matter who it is. I just don't find that as a reason to hate him with a passion; "His fans made me hate him." really? Well what if I said "Sherlock Holmes fans made me hate Robert Downey Jr." or "Daryl Dixon fans made me hate the Walking Dead", and even "I just want to kill every child on earth because they get all the love and attention". (I don't mean that, I'm using it as an example) Fans should not be your reasoning for hating on a guy who just sings songs. It should be more then that. Yes, I've seen some fans and their idiocy and almost cult worshiping of Justin Beiber,
viewer discretion is advised

But there have been even worse things that fans do for what they love, and I don't even need to show a pic to tell you that they're worse then this.

So in the end, I just don't really get it. If anyone could give me a better reason as to why, I appreciate it. Because it feels like everyone's just jumping on a band wagon.

Angel General

Cristal, Advisor to Emperor Glaser & sky goddess
I make fun of Justin Bieber a lot, I dislike his image and what he stands for. I know a lot of girls who are Justin Bieber fans, the kind of drooling fangirls with topless pictures of him on their phones, with Justin Bieber wristbands, scrawling the words, "Believe," and, "I ♥ JB," all over their arms. They irritate me beyond belief, but that isn't why. The thing is, I dislike him because he is so incredibly famous, but has done little or nothing to be a good role model to his screaming fangirls. All he does is look good and sing supposedly good music, which is actually rubbish written for him, targeted towards an audience who mainly listen to the songs just because everyone else does; and because they're often catchy.
The reason he is so famous is because he is appealing to little girls - he's a pop singer, he's good looking, (In a childish way,) and all of his songs are about love and relationships. No wonder girls drool over him.
Naturally, other people are going to think he's pathetic. Much like little boys recoil from associating with the colour pink, the act of a boy liking Justin Bieber is like a declaration of being girlie and in essence pathetic.
There are so many other reasons that I can't be bothered to write down, it's late. :/ Here's one last reason:


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
You list that, but the one where you said "he's not a good role model" who said he was trying to be one? He's just a person who sings and looks good, as do many other singers who also sing and look good.

And yeah he's looks to appeal to young girls, but wasn't that the image he always had? He started at a young age, and obviously would have a lot of fans. He's like Justin McCartney when he first came out. Only it seems as though after Jessie voiced Roxas in KH, he's been getting a little bit more love all of a sudden. What is all it takes to make the hate go away is to make him voice a video game character? I just don't find very good reasons to hate him other then "He got famous when he was young and has millions of fans and that makes me envious with hate."


Fake Geek Girl.
I don't give a flying f#ck about Justin Bieber. He makes music for a genre I don't even particularly listen to. His music is not for me. Why should I waste my time hating on some 12 year old kid or something?

He can be a little douchebag though. I was reading Cracked and found out he got p!ssed off because some dude said one of his songs reminded him of Justin Timberlake. He tried to tell a yo momma joke of all things to the guy which turned out to be in a bit of bad taste and just hung up.

For one, I don't think he should have got offended when being compared to Timberlake. The only reason he got p!ssed was because the little punk thinks he's better than Timberlake. HAHAHAHA yea right.

Plus recently I heard he won something called a Milestone award and was actually booed.

Remember when Pop use to be a respectable genre of music?


Fake Geek Girl.
I don't give a sh!t about his music and what not but, from what I heard about him I do think he's a little douchebag and I wouldn't mind hearing someone giving him a nice a$$ whooping to teach him a lesson. Still, I just don't care.


Fake Geek Girl.
Styx, Dinosaur Jr., Queen, all considered pop. Pop started as a rock genre. Even Nirvana's Nevermind album is considered pop. Posies, Beach Boys, Beatles, the list goes on.
Yes, Pop WAS good.

Look up the definition of pop music. I'm not saying everything is bad but, it use to be a quality genre.


Keyser Söze
Q-What's with all the JB hate ?

Ans- Because....

1) He's terribly popular and girls of all age are gaga over him.
2) His music sucks.
3) Its an internet meme.

What's my view on this ? well i don't like his music so i don't even bother about him.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Well from what I've gathered from why people hate him is;

He's got fans
His music
and his recklessness.


"Plough the lilies"
I do make fun of Justin Bieber because of his music sometimes but i really don't go saying that the guy should die or posting thousands of hate memes of him in Facebook. Those people needs to get a life.

I don't particularly care for the guy since i didn't give a **** about the genre of his music and i didn't listen to any pop music since Michael Jackson's with the exception of Gangnam Style and Gentlemen.


"Plough the lilies"
Styx, Dinosaur Jr., Queen, all considered pop. Pop started as a rock genre. Even Nirvana's Nevermind album is considered pop. Posies, Beach Boys, Beatles, the list goes on.
Yes, Pop WAS good.

Look up the definition of pop music. I'm not saying everything is bad but, it use to be a quality genre.

lol once a music gets very popular then it would be considered as pop no matter what the genre is even if it's rock or metal. Nirvana is pretty much the last really big pop band and it's album Nevermind gave birth to a new genre called Grunge. Okay, maybe not literally the one that invented it but the one that popularized and pioneered the Grunge genre.


Fake Geek Girl.
lol once a music gets very popular then it would be considered as pop no matter what the genre is even if it's rock or metal. Nirvana is pretty much the last really big pop band and it's album Nevermind gave birth to a new genre called Grunge. Okay, maybe not literally the one that invented it but the one that popularized and pioneered the Grunge genre.
Yea, Nirvana was there but you can't sell short the other bands that made major waves like Pearl Jam and Soundgarden. Even though I like Nirvana and think they were a fantastic band pretty much responsible for the rock anthem of the 90s, they're overrated at times. Don't kill me people.


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
i don't know the guy personally, so i really can't hate him or like him. i can say that i'm not a fan of his music, but beyond that, i really have nothing else to base a hatred or love on him off of. however, i can say that judging by what i know of him already (attitude and what not) i'd be cool with him, but nothing beyond a fist bump or a a "whats up". sorta like how i act around 70% of the people at my school.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Something JB wrote in the Anne Frank Museum Guest Book "If if she was alive today, I hope she would be a Beliber"
He tried to get a monkey into a country without the right documents, and the monkey was taken off him.

I think he's trying to be like MJ (I don't know why, but I get that feeling).


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
i think his current behavior was shaped by the remarks of people who hate him and make fun of him for no reason. always saying he's this or that, and its like he's trying to prove them wrong by doing all of these "bad boy" type antics.

Angel General

Cristal, Advisor to Emperor Glaser & sky goddess
You list that, but the one where you said "he's not a good role model" who said he was trying to be one? He's just a person who sings and looks good, as do many other singers who also sing and look good.

And yeah he's looks to appeal to young girls, but wasn't that the image he always had? He started at a young age, and obviously would have a lot of fans. He's like Justin McCartney when he first came out. Only it seems as though after Jessie voiced Roxas in KH, he's been getting a little bit more love all of a sudden. What is all it takes to make the hate go away is to make him voice a video game character? I just don't find very good reasons to hate him other then "He got famous when he was young and has millions of fans and that makes me envious with hate."

My point is, he's done nothing admirable that justifies his massive fame, and it irritates me that people idolise him purely because he's famous. They then want to copy how he looks and what he does, and because he isn't a good role model, the only thing people do is end up wearing snapbacks and getting into relationships too young. I know that a lot of other artists are like that too, but it doesn't take away from the fact that Justin is doing nothing positive.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
My point is, he's done nothing admirable that justifies his massive fame, and it irritates me that people idolise him purely because he's famous. They then want to copy how he looks and what he does, and because he isn't a good role model, the only thing people do is end up wearing snapbacks and getting into relationships too young. I know that a lot of other artists are like that too, but it doesn't take away from the fact that Justin is doing nothing positive.

Neither are others, and they don't get it as hard as Justin does.
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