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What was the most scariest thing that ever happened tp you ?


Anti - Little D
Whta was the most scariest thing that ever happened to you or someone you know? Like ever seen a ghost , or any other paranormal events ..
I thought was Halloween is coming .. it would be cool to tell the stories that really scared you :p
Mine is that I was in a car with my mum (aww) and saw this white figure standing by a swing in the local park ( it was night time ) and as we drove past , i looked in the wing mirror and it had vanished.

I Know its not the best :lol: but thats mine really ..
Nice to hear what yours are :)


Oldschool DMC fan
Heard a strange voice when I was living in a place I was convinced was haunted when I was younger. Since it was 1 am and I was in bed by myself and only 7 years old, it was pretty scary.


Dad stumbled home rip roaring drunk when I was 6 and proceeded to yell at Mom for several hours while I cowered under my covers, weeping. I had never heard someone threaten to kill someone else so many times in my life.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I've got too many, lol.
Scariest thing to ever happen to my dad:
My dad was a kid when he got home from school one afternoon. He was alone in the house, doing his homework in his room, when he heard high heels clicking across the floor down the hallway right past his room. He called out thinking it was his sister, but when there was no reply he went to investigate. Just as he did he heard the bathroom door close at the end of the hallway, and when he went and grabbed the doorknob, it was icy cold. As in, burn your hand kind of cold. He ran out of the house and didn't go back in until my grandma got home from work that evening. He also threw a brick through the bathroom window at whatever was in there. Yep, bad temper regarding the supernatural run high in my family ^_^

Scariest thing to ever happen to my mum:
She woke up one night and saw someone standing in front of her dresser mirror. She was too out of it to ask questions and fell back asleep. The next morning she asked her sisters if any of them had been in her room, but none of them had gone into her room. Dun dun dun - creepy stuff.

Scariest thing to ever happen to my grandma:
Well...lots of things, but the scariest (for me) was a few years back when I went to visit her, and she was so upset and told us 'there was a boy in my room last night. He stood there with a bike at the foot of my bed and he had black eyes, and he just kept staring at me.' I shat myself. And never went near her room again either. There was also a story about her hearing a baby crying under a rock outside in her garden, when she was younger, and the man who appeared beneath the kitchen table and sent her screaming out of the kitchen... and the face that appeared right in front of her out of nowhere while she was doing the ironing one day.

Scariest thing to ever happen to my big brother:
Me finding out he had a crush on a girl I knew at school >_<

Scariest thing to ever happen to my little brother:
We moved a couple of years ago into a bigger house. I wasn't present at the time because I was visiting my BF six hours away for a month. When I came back from holiday and actually 'moved in' to my new room, I had nightmares every night. Like really bad ones that I can recall til this day in vivid detail. I told my family I couldn't sleep well in the house, and I didn't like being by myself because I could feel something watching me. They thought it was just my exaggerated imagination (stupid much? but anyway). My little brothers' room is right next to mine. So I moved out and relocated, and now my little brother complains about hearing someone in my room in the middle of the night, just about every night. He'd hear the bed creaking, or just generally ominous noises coming from my room. So he's scared that I wasn't making up stories when I said that place is haunted. I think I'm going to bet him to sleep in my room this Halloween. XD

Scariest thing to ever happen to a family friend:
Said family friend was also a work colleague of my dad's. They were working late one night out in the field rigging up lines or something (telecommunications experts) when the door opened and a guy walked into the building. To get in and get out you need a card, and the only people out in the middle of nowhere who had those access cards were him and my dad. They heard no 'beep' from the door mechanism. The guy who walked in had walked past right past them and right past a shelf. Or, rather as I understood it, he went behind the shelf and didn't come out the other side. Just disappeared into thin air. Scared the crap out of our friend, but my dad was all 'meh' about it.

Scariest thing to ever happen to my cousin:
He was taking a shower and an old woman suddenly appeared in there with him. He crapped himself.

Scariest thing to ever happen to me:
Getting attacked by a demon when I was at the lowest point of my life. It came at me screaming like a fudging banshee that was about to rip my head off. The worst of it all was that I felt it coming and when I was too late to react, I just kind of froze over. I couldn't move, couldn't breathe, couldn't do anything. I can't sleep without a light since that incident.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Not really a ghost story, but i found out a few days ago that a man(a past tenent) died in the frontroom of our house a few years ago.

When the light is off in the hallway there is a really creepy, cold feeling in the stairway... I don't think ghost, i think Nelo Angelo and still 'cr@p' myself with fear.

But, (nothing ghost related)but still scares me and kinda makes me feel lucky, I was on one of those metal scooters when it started to rain. I rode over a manhole cover and put on my break, but i slid, and face planted the floor and travelled on my face for another 10 meters. (A bit like Vergil when he came face to face with Jester at the end of mission 13).
I was very lucky that when i stopped, no traffic was coming down the road. AND, I didn't break anything either.
I was pretty cut up down my left side and i bruised the left side of my face. It scares the cr@p outta me everytime i think about it.


$mok!n $!ck $tyle!
3 guys stop me and put a gun in my face just to take my cell phone !, i gave it to them :( , but i got another one after that.
the one they stole was nokia 6270.

it was the scariest moment in my life that i won't forget.
I was 10(at hat time i slept in the same room as my brother). It was summer(we had our winows open) and we were trying to sleep(it was really hot). Strange light lit the WHOLE room, this of course couldn´t happen under normal circumstances. There is no road near the window of my room only a narrow field with old neighbours near. One light can´t lit the whole room beacuse window is not that big. I just turned away ikn my bed and asked my brother: Did you see that? he answered: Yes. I was just too scared to ask him anything else. Tommorow we agreed that aliens visited us and that they have an airport on that field :D.
I´m still quite scared though.
Second scary thing that happened to me:
I was at the bathroom when i eard an old lad screaming, i was frightened i couldn´t move i called for my dad. He came but there was no one there.

I had scary dreams:
I woke up and went to the living room. On the table soup waited for me. I asked myself what time is it, nevermind i´ll eat that soup anyways. When i started to eat soup i saw circles in it and i woke up(can you believe me i woke up in my dream). I was just too scared i was never sure if i´m really awake BTW this could also be a dream lol.
I had a dream that i woke up, wanted to scream for help but couldn´t i had no voice. I don´t know why i wanted to scream for help there was nobody there (at that time i still slept with my brother, he was not in his bed??). I felt so helpless.
Oh and i once saw a shadow in my room standing over my bed (my room was open and light were on). When i went in there there was nobody in.

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
It's really simple,but fairly understandable...he...EXISTS :




Devil May Cry
the scariest thing was i am being followed by the dead every day
when i joke death surrounds me it is true


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
The scariest thing that ever happened to me was when I was at my friend's house for a sleep over, and we were sleeping on the floor in sleeping bags in his living room. Above the fireplace there was a statue of a horse, and we both watched it move forward. Nobody else was in the room, except for me and him, and we were both lying down. I just remember asking him if he had seen what I had, and he had. Freakiest thing that's ever happened to me.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
You guys freak me the hell out. At least your stories do. XD

I nearly died, but everyone who read that story already knows what happened.


Nein, not ze puppies!
Nearly drowned when I was a kid in my friends pool...but I still swim. Um...my mom got hit by a car when I was a child as well...she's fine though. I was riding my bike a few years ago down a grassy hill, I didn't see the a father and son coming up until I spotted their T-shirts. I slammed on the back brakes, the back tire slid underneth and I skidded down the hill. I was winded and scared for a bit...haven't ridden a bike since.

Last but not least was when I received a text from one of my friends saying that one of them got hit by a truck and wasn't moving. I was really scared that I lost a friend then...but it turns out to be a sick and twisted joke. I was furious :mad:
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