reading theese the only thng to say.......................................................HAHAHAA XD
Oh darn! Oh well at least I made demon genral laugh.Railazel dear, I know you're trying to be funny, but these sort of comments could be regarded as sarcastic and end up starting a flame convo. So please refrain from doing that next time. Thank you
I always liked Kyrie. She was normal and not complicated of a character. But in all honesty, she's just Capcom's version of Orihime Inoe from the anime Bleach.
And this is why i chose him to work on the sitcom with meLet's see, how many comments can I make about this?
"What in God's holy name is this?" Your mother at her high school prom. My bitch, your hoe, the kicker of Nero's ass. Nero's mom when I did her. Kyrie BEFORE she became a virgin. Sanctus' church hoe. The reason why Agnus studders. The only reason why Vergil decided to be in some kids arm. Sparda's other woman. Sparda's other other woman. Sparda's other other other woman. The Ann before the Kalina. The reason why Lady doesn't like her name. The reason why Trish is blonde. The reason why Dante has a big sword, why Vergil is super quick, why Sparda "awoke" to justice, why Nero has a powerful right arm, why Agnus is such a bitch, why Credo never got laid, and why Lucia is in the last game of the storyline.
"Lol Are the wings coming out of her butt?!" They should be, that @$$ needs to be covered! Those feathers are what seperate her from an @$$- spanking from Chuck Norries. It would be bestiality if anyone was to fall for her without the feathers. And feathers tickle.
"And really can those breasts be any bigger?!" If you have to ask that question, then they aren't big enough. In the words of the most horrible scientist, "b-b-b-b-b-breasts...?" Don't you know my friend? She would be a convicted felon if they weren't that big. "b-b-b-b-b-breasts...?" Come on, if Nero didn't expect those kind of titties, do you really think he would go for Kyrie? (the answer is yes). "b-b-b-b-b-b-breasts....?"
Thank ye, sir.And this is why i chose him to work on the sitcom with me
He has talent