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What is time for you?

Time, a problem or not?

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The King Of Chinese Dragons
Supporter 2014
This has been bothering me for so long now. I can literally not calculate time at all. Must be because
I am having fun. Time slips by so fast. So unfair. When I am bored, minutes by minutes slowly moves. When I am having fun, time goes really fast. Sick. Like hour by hour. I also get stumbled on meaning of life and time. For example. I am now 23 years old. Then I ask myself. I remember that time when I was 11 for the first time. Not every time a child gets to be 11 years old. That feeling that I had that time is not present now. So what was the meaning of it I thought. Time controls life. That's how I feel sometimes. Since I feel life is meaningless sometimes because time flows, I might need a better life that is filled with more joy.
Will I the be able to enjoy the present moment someday?...

So does any other of you get bothered with the time that feels faster the older you get? Thinking about this could be a thread for that to discuss.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
When I think of time, I think of these two quotes from Star Trek: Generations

Aren't you beginning to feel time gaining on you? It's like a predator. It's stalking you. You can try to outrun it with doctors... medicines.new technologies... but in the end, time is going to hunt you down... and make the kill.

Then there is this:

PICARD (to Riker) It's not how many years you've lived, Will... but how you've lived them.

Someone once told me that time is a predator that stalks us all our lives. But maybe time is also a companion who goes with us on our journey, and reminds us to cherish the moments of our lives... because they will never come again.

We are after all only mortal.

Angel General

Cristal, Advisor to Emperor Glaser & sky goddess
Enjoy the time you have, it's a gift you may only get once. When your time is up, it leaves a space for somebody else to fill, so they can enjoy their time too. Life is just a cycle that carries on, you live to improve the lives of others, while others live to support you. All of us have a purpose, so don't ever feel like you are a waste of space. You're appreciated and needed.
I watched a video once, can't remember what it's called, but basically there is a wind - up doll walking along. It walks until it reaches a second doll, winds it up so it starts walking, then dies. The second doll walks forward and winds up the next doll, then dies, and the cycle continues. To me time is just energy transfer. Our parents gave us time, and our grandparents gave them time before that.


The King Of Chinese Dragons
Supporter 2014
Enjoy the time you have, it's a gift you may only get once. When your time is up, it leaves a space for somebody else to fill, so they can enjoy their time too. Life is just a cycle that carries on, you live to improve the lives of others, while others live to support you. All of us have a purpose, so don't ever feel like you are a waste of space. You're appreciated and needed.
I watched a video once, can't remember what it's called, but basically there is a wind - up doll walking along. It walks until it reaches a second doll, winds it up so it starts walking, then dies. The second doll walks forward and winds up the next doll, then dies, and the cycle continues. To me time is just energy transfer. Our parents gave us time, and our grandparents gave them time before that.

Those where touching words. Indeed we should take care of each other than destroy each other because someone is better than another. That time spent on earth doing something good would be more valuable than waste time on it trying to achieve the impossible. What power creates is perfection and divided lands. Not balance and the real values. I believe God would take you out of ''The Last Judgment'' if you lived and died without a trace but only when the souls sleeps people will remember. We only have them time on earth once. Value it or destroy it? Apart from apocalyptic ideas of ressurrection I think that might just be another way of us t oescape death. We use that term in media always. Games, moveis etc... Still it is inevitable. Look at Bayonetta. I love the concept theory of how far back things might have been. Just by thinking about it feels like a wormhole of a 4 dimension in my chest.


Laurence Barnes

Still not dead. Just not really here any more.
my view on time changes drastically along with my mood

when i'm happy it's pretty much everything thats been said
when i'm sad it's a countdown
and when i'm angry it's like whatever we were all born to die -.-

i'm weird like that :|


The King Of Chinese Dragons
Supporter 2014
we were all born to die -.-
Yes! True true! Sad though. I really like the good parts of this world.
Will I dare believe in an afterlife. It wont hurt believing at least :)


Entertain me.
Not trying to make a religious point here. I just love his breakdown of what believing in the afterlife (or reincarnation for that matter) essentially is and why people would be attracted to the idea.


Angel General

Cristal, Advisor to Emperor Glaser & sky goddess
I don't believe in the afterlife, I believe that when we die, we go back into the food chain, and become part of other organisms. Like I said before, energy transfer. I don't think souls or anything exist, just that we're powered by energy, (Glucose and stuff,) and conscious due to evolution making us intelligent. I'm very cynical, sorry -.-


The King Of Chinese Dragons
Supporter 2014
Ouch, AG. That might be true but we don't know. All I know is that I want to be remembered when that time comes. Right now I do not want to talk about it. First I have to experience a natural life with my own desires...

Angel General

Cristal, Advisor to Emperor Glaser & sky goddess
Yeah it's a good idea to not take anything too seriously - no matter how bad it gets, it could be worse.


Oldschool DMC fan
So does any other of you get bothered with the time that feels faster the older you get? Thinking about this could be a thread for that to discuss.

What bothers me is not that time goes by when I'm having fun, but the fact that until now I haven't had much fun, too many obstacles - alcoholic/abusive parents, suicidal or manically depressed partners, chronic anxiety and dysphorias, dissatisfaction with many things in life, especially myself, and it has taken me too long to turn my back on all of that or climb over it. The potential best years have already passed while I was dealing with it.

Quite honestly I don't take life that seriously any more, there's not much point in doing so in my position. It helps.

I don't believe in afterlife, I'll be satisfied to realise my own personal goals/revelations and then die.


I honestly never considered time. I never really saw the point on being sad about it because it's everyones problem.

What bothers me is not that time goes by when I'm having fun, but the fact that until now I haven't had much fun, too many obstacles - alcoholic/abusive parents, suicidal or manically depressed partners, chronic anxiety and dysphorias, dissatisfaction with many things in life, especially myself, and it has taken me too long to turn my back on all of that or climb over it. The potential best years have already passed while I was dealing with it.

Quite honestly I don't take life that seriously any more, there's not much point in doing so in my position. It helps.

I don't believe in afterlife, I'll be satisfied to realise my own personal goals/revelations and then die.
I think it's varies. I think taking life seriously is good, as in, working towards a goal and making the most of what short time you have here. But I don't take life seriously in that 'I don't waste time on pointless shi-' but I take it seriously to make the most of what I have.
Either way, nobody gets out alive.


Oldschool DMC fan
I guess I meant I used to take it too seriously to enjoy it, but now I just enjoy it for what I've got and what I can get, and I don't take myself or other stuff deadly seriously.

Goals are important, yea... without them, I don't think I could go on.


The King Of Chinese Dragons
Supporter 2014
I need love before I die. I never had relationship yet. I am afraid to be taken away before I find someone and I don't want that.
I want what we all people want. To have a good life and be liked in by someone you like.


The King Of Chinese Dragons
Supporter 2014
My time is my sorrow. The lost life. The lost love. The lost ways.
What kept me going and still does is my passion for music.
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