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what is my mother's problem?


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
my mother is a very hard person to live with (not just my opinion. all my other family and her past loves and roommates say the same thing as well). She is very demanding and has unbelievably high standards. she wants me to be a straight A student, a devout christian, celibate, afrocentric, and highly successful (financially). I can see how she really wants the last one (maybe two), but thats just not me. and not just me, but others have explained to her that i am not what she wants me to be. its been explained to her that i am more focused on my writing career than my student career. telling her my religious beliefs would send her through the roof since the last time i tried even hinting at not being christian, she threw a bitchfit. she views every teenage woman i talk with as a succubus who can control men's minds with their vaginas. everyone (including me) has told my mother that i am (obviously) not into afrocentrism. and i have made it clear that i don't give a damn about money. i view success on a person's happiness.
not only are those things we can't stand about her. its the fact that she either doesn't take responsibility for her actions or will make up some **** excuse. like her hording issue. she made so many excuses and blamed so many others, she wouldn't admit to her problem. and then she decides that she can take time out of other people's schedules to help her when the land lord gets on her ass.
that leads me to another point of her hypocrisy. she is always getting angry at my father for wanting people to visit him and she will say "its his fault he's in that position, let him fix things himself". the nerve of her. not just that, but she tells others to do things this way and do things that way and to lead a life that is "respectable" when she will turn around and do the exact opposite the next day.
i just don't see what her issues are. but i need help. because i've held my anger in long enough and my bomb is about to explode


All hail The King
Just stop giving a **** about her standards. It's YOUR life, not hers and she has no right to control your life and your future.
And if that "not giving a ****" solution doesn't work, you can always Tell her what I said in the most polite way possible.
Or the most aggressive way. Your choice.


Devil hunter in training
This sounds like a difficult situation to be in.

Your mother, I think, is doing what she sees as best, but it's causing a lot of tension.
It seems like she's trying to live life through you considering all the expectations she has said she wants you to do. Problem is, when you start trying to live the way a parent wants, usually leads to a lot of resentment.

Have tried talking to your dad or friends about this? Sometimes talking to others about your problems can help, and maybe they can find a solution for you.

Is there any way you could move out? Maybe live with a friend or your dad? It can't be good for you living with your mother in that kind of tense environment.
Or, if you're going to university or college soon, you could use that as a god time to move into student housing/ dorms.


Keyser Söze
Well i don't see a problem here.. you can just pretend to be a devout christian/celibate/afrocentric and highly successful while not being a devout christian/celibate/afrocentric&highly successful.

by nature she doesn't seem to be honest person to me.. so why should you be honest to her ? just troll her for real.


Tell your mum to walk the walk rather than talk the talk. You can only do as well as she has raised you and that is first and foremost BY EXAMPLE. She ought to know this as a parent. If she's not that perfect, she most certainly can't expect you to be!
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