Don't you mean will have killed Lady and Trish.
It seemed Itsuno was going into a more darker direction with the series until Kobayashi stepped in.
I would be okay with Kyrie being the final boss (as funny as that sounds) and Nero killing her that could've created some interesting character development and many ways they could take Nero's character.
Not so sure about killing Lady and Trish though. I'm not against Dante killing them but against killing them so early. Like that would be a **** move killing off 2 important characters so quickly before giving them some time to shine. I'm okay with Lady since she got some proper character development in DMC3 whereas Trish got practically nothing and killing her off in the 4th game in which she was only relevant in 1 of the games and rather poorly too with zero character development outside she now likes Dante (after trying to kill him 2 times) and can cry.
I would've liked a game where you can play as Dante and Trish, tag team and whatever where she becomes more of a character and grow on me some more......THEN kill her. Same goes for Lady.
One female I'm okay with dying is Lucia....don't know why but I feel compared to the rest of the females she got the most attention (even if in only 1 game and that is it) or perhaps her dying wouldn't be as big a deal as Trish and Lady's since those 2 matter more to Dante and now the series than Lucia.