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What game is the hardest game you ever played?


Don't trust people
The title says it all really.
Which one is it? Counting you play on the hardest difficulty of course.

I have to say it is DOOM 3 after I've started my journey on the Nightmare mode. T_T


Well-known Member
I think difficulty can either be annoying and uncomfortable or difficult yet fun.

Devil may cry 3 was fun with dante but DMD was jus annoying.

Really annoying games:

Resident evil 4 : PRO mode and mercenaries(Need to setup zombies in locations to get higher score)


Capcom vs SNK 2 - Need to stick to basics of parry, dodge and super move execution. Also need to be good in cancelling and chaining combos.Too much in a fight not less than 2 minutes. But worth a try.

Street fighter alpha 3 : My disc is overused and am not able to play it. But survival is a hard mode.Not finished yet.


Super Penguin Number 2
Devil May Cry 3 was fairly difficult for me.

Armored Core 2: Another Age was insanely hard for me >.<...I literally spent months trying to beat some of the fights in that game. The game took me about 2 and a half years to beat.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner: EVIL. EVIL EVIL EVIL on ANYTHING higher than easy!

Gradius III arcade version: It was made to be difficult so people would keep pumping quarters into the damn machine. I bet that plan backfired horribly.


Devilicious Devi
Robot Wars on GameBoy.
The game was in Japanese, so i knew S* what i was doing, but after i sort of figured what every ability does and how much damage they do, i couldn`t defeat even 2 Robot enemies.

Another game that i couldn`t play the way i wanted to was the remastered Ninja Gaiden 2 on PS3. I went to visit my ol` buddy, who has both the PS3 and the game, sat down and got my butt handed to me on a bamboo sword. Maybe i just didn`t get used to the controls, since i`m using an XBox gamepad to play games like DMC, so the PS gamepad was a little awkward to me, but that`s just an excuse to make me differ from everyone else :lol:.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2 on Master Ninja mode.


^ Exactly how that difficulty on those games goes.


Don't trust people
^Hmm... I'll have to try that one day... But there are only two difficulties in Ninja Gaiden 2, I think...

I've tried Ninja gaiden black on the hard difficulty and that's a pain I don't want to re-experience. But since I haven't played it on Master Ninja and DOOM 3's Nightmare exceeds the hard difficulty on Ninja Gaiden I'll have to say DOOM 3 is the worst one I've played.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
aka, beating Ninja Gaiden I and II on their hardest mode unlocks a new, even HARDER mode.


Don't trust people
I know that on Ninja Gaiden 1, but not about 2. Since in 1 you were granted only one difficulty in the beginning, while in 2 you where granted two, and it looked like it didn't want to offer any other ones.


Fearfully and wonderfully made
I'd say that DMC3: Special Edition was probably the mist difficult game for me. Although, I'm sure I'll think up a much more difficult one after I've logged off... I recall a really difficult game on the ol' Amstrad system but for the life of me I can't remember the name of it...

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
aka958;257076 said:
I know that on Ninja Gaiden 1, but not about 2. Since in 1 you were granted only one difficulty in the beginning, while in 2 you where granted two, and it looked like it didn't want to offer any other ones.

Same case with 2, finish it on one difficulty, unlock the harder difficulties afterwards, I think Team Ninja wanted to save people the embarrassment of dying a million times to unlock the lowest difficulty.

Steve;257122 said:
I'd say that DMC3: Special Edition was probably the mist difficult game for me. Although, I'm sure I'll think up a much more difficult one after I've logged off... I recall a really difficult game on the ol' Amstrad system but for the life of me I can't remember the name of it...

Odd, considering they actually toned the difficulty down for the Special Edition, the Vanilla DMC3 was MUCH harder.


Well-known Member
My favourite hardest game are here.

Medal Of Honour Frontline
Resident Evil
Brothers In Arms D-Day
Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare
Majora's Mask:Zelda
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