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What ****es you off?

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Knats that bite.
Cats devouring our rubbish bags.
Being tickled. Like DON'T EFIN TOUCH ME, y'know?
And when people can't stick to their word. Let your yes be your yes and your no be your no, don't talk hot air. Oh, sure, we're a team, I'll do night shift and you do morning shift. What happens? I STILL DO EVERYTHING MYSELF.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
Being tickled. Like DON'T EFIN TOUCH ME, y'know?

I lol'd. :laugh: If they sustain enough injuries while doing it, that usually helps to discourage them. I feel ya, though; there are people I'll tolerate it from, just barely--but if someone I really don't want touching me in the slightest tries to do it? That's a big helping of NOPE.

Things that p*ss me off?

-Being phoned by the same person every damn day, because they're fishing for sympathy (while pretending they give a damn that you're undertaking the one thing you've wanted to do the vast majority of your life).

-People that force their opinions down the throats of others.

-People who don't take responsibility for their words or actions.


"Waiting for one's arrival."
I've got lots of things to rant about:

I stay fit, I eat healthy, I go to the gym and work out regularly. I go hiking and what not with the dog. Staying fit and taking care of myself are a big part of my life.

When I politely recline that cake or order something that isn't dripping liquid obesity (grease), someone always has to criticize me for my healthy choices. Why? I'm not judging you for eating that Big Mac or guzzling that extra large coke, so why is it such a big problem? Jesus Christ. There's so much ignorance/misconceptions out there when it comes to working out and eating right. I kid you not, my Aunt told me that if you work out regularly and skip a day, you'll gain twice as much fat back. wat. Another person told me AT THE GYM: "Reuh Womyn have curves. Real men liek curves, only dawgs go for the bones."

I need to get the **** out of Oklahoma.

People need to understand that exercising regularly is only have of the equation. You need to eat right and healthy. What you put into your mouth is what you get out of your body in performance.

On another note:

I have a German Shepherd named Jaeger. Beautiful and well-behaved dog, she is literally my best friend. She gets a lot of adoration out on walks, but I've also encountered some pretty ****ty people. Please, don't walk up to my dog unannounced and try to pet her. She's a German Shepherd, she's very protective. When I tell you stop, you need to ****ing stop and not try to get any closer to my dog. I won't be at fault for when she snaps at your fingers. Keep in mind that all of the people who walk up to my dog unannounced are ADULTS. Not children. What the ****. Kids ask from afar if they can pet her. If I say no, they say okay and walk off.

My dog isn't vicious either. She doesn't bark, growl, or even snarl at random people. Unless you get too close for comfort to me, she doesn't really care. So please don't try to tell me that ALL Shepherds are vicious. I'm not going to put a muzzle on my dog when she isn't doing jack ****.

Your pompoodledoodlerat isn't cute when it tries to attack me and my dog on a walk. It's not cute when it tries to nip at my ankles, and it certainly isn't cute when it lunges for my dog. It won't be cute either when I ****ing football punt it (I'd never do that, but I'm tempted all of the time.) Get your poorly-bred rat dog under control, actually bother to train it. Just because it's small doesn't mean it gets to run around the neighborhood and lash out at people.

End rant.


I Saw the Devil
I've got lots of things to rant about:

I stay fit, I eat healthy, I go to the gym and work out regularly. I go hiking and what not with the dog. Staying fit and taking care of myself are a big part of my life.

When I politely recline that cake or order something that isn't dripping liquid obesity (grease), someone always has to criticize me for my healthy choices. Why? I'm not judging you for eating that Big Mac or guzzling that extra large coke, so why is it such a big problem? Jesus Christ. There's so much ignorance/misconceptions out there when it comes to working out and eating right. I kid you not, my Aunt told me that if you work out regularly and skip a day, you'll gain twice as much fat back. wat. Another person told me AT THE GYM: "Reuh Womyn have curves. Real men liek curves, only dawgs go for the bones."

I need to get the **** out of Oklahoma.
I had a similar situation when I was younger. I wasn't much of a drinker back then and I got so much sh!t for turning down drinks. I don't like alcohol, I don't go out of my way to get it and when I'm not surrounded my by people who are going to give me sh!t if I mention that I don't like it I don't drink it. The only times I actively get drunk are in situations where I want to relax or I had a stressful day and I will have one beer on super hot days. Other than that I have to put up with jackasses who condescend to me if I'm not as stupid drunk or exited about it as they get.


Devil hunter in training
TV adverts that treat people like they are stupid. For example, those 'Life Skills' adverts. They come across as showing teenagers are idiots incapable of acting normally in a social situation.
Then there are those adverts that show everyone is happy, perfect and having a good time when they use a particular product. The reality on the other hand is very different. :tongue:

I know adverts are supposed to show the best to get attention, but sometimes it is too much.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
One of those adverts says, "standing with your hands on your hips makes you look bored".
It made me think about Richard O' Brien on the Crystal Maze. He stood with his hands on his hips for 90% of the episode... how bored must he have been :laugh:
Plus, it's something I do (pretty much) all of the time when I stand (I think I may have picked it up from Richard O' Brien).

Then there's the latest version of those Ads. "You want to gain an employer, not a friend". If some teens think that's how you get a head in life, they should be put back through school :hungover:
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Devil hunter in training
One of those adverts says, "standing with your hands on your hips makes you look bored".
It made me think about Richard O' Brien on the Crystal Maze. He stood with his hands on his hips for 90% of the episode... how bored must he have been :laugh:
Plus, it's something I do (pretty much) all of the time when I stand (I think I may have picked it up from Richard O' Brien).

Then there's the latest version of those Ads. "You want to gain an employer, not a friend". If some teens think that's how you get a head in life, they should be put back through school :hungover:
Those adverts are so patronising. It's like they think all teenagers are stupid. Sure, maybe a few say words like 'innit' or dress badly in trousers almost past their behinds, but it's not the whole lot of them like these adverts seem to think.

I fail to see how these adverts are helpful at all; they're showing basic human skills that people are taught when they are children. We shouldn't need adverts sponsored by a bank telling people the rules of basic behaviour. How stupid do they think this country has become? :rolleyes:

Something else that pees me off: credit ratings.
I pay for everything up front, so therefore I have a bad credit rating. I have no debt so shouldn't that be a good thing? It's like this country wants to encourage people to borrow money and be in debt that they can't get out of so that they can have a good credit rating to borrow even more money and more debt.


Well-known Member

I think this thread is more for something that gets you to the point of getting so upset you wanna hit something & talking just won't do it.

Ranting i this is more for things that's irritating & annoying but you can talk it out.
Yeah but now there are three threads dedicated to ranting about things that are bothering you: this one, the ranting thinking thread, and What are you sick of. That's a lot of negativity. :unsure:
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