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What Do You Love and Hate About DMC4?

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
Share us what do you love or hate about DMC4. Since this game has disappointed a number of people (including me) in many ways, might as well share what we have love or hate in common about this game.:)

What I love about this game:

1. Addictive gameplay that makes you play the game many times. Nero's Exceed attacks and Buster are the stylish moves of the games, and Dante can switch Styles anytime to suit the phases of each battles effectively.

2. Superb graphics. Characters facial emotions are delivered perfectly, and plenty of refreshing fan service. Environments like Fortuna Castle and Mitis Forest are exceptionally well designed.

3. Memorable characters and bosses. Characters like Credo, Kyrie, Nero and Agnus are well-done by the developers. Berial, Echidna, Angelo Credo, Angelo Agnus are well designed bosses. The lesser demons are well designed too.

4. Well-done soundtrack. Multiple tracks in the game are epic masterpiece, like Angelo Credo's battle theme and Echidna's battle theme too.

5. Solid voice acting. Nero's and Dante's voice actor delivered great performance with high quality motion capture stunts.

What I hate about this game:

1. Easy difficulty. The difficulty is much easier than DMC1, DMC3: DA and DMC3: SE but harder than DMC2. Enemy attacks doesn't deal much damage to Nero and Dante, and they are quite slow compared to DMC3 enemies. Weaker demons and bosses were only challenging in Dante Must Die! Mode and Hell and Hell Mode. Tuned up difficulty can make this game better and more challenging.

2. Repeated level designs. Replaying Nero's sections with Dante and seeing the same environment all over again can makes you bored seeing it. Exclusive levels to Nero and Dante only will fix this problem.

3. Lack of boss's variety. Repeating of same boss fights with Nero and Dante can be quite annoying to some people, especially if there are no variety of bosses like DMC3. Exclusive bosses to each character and added number of bosses can make this game much better.

4. Shortage of missions. Nero has only 13 missions while Dante has only 7 missions, which makes an uneven gameplay balance. Nero and Dante should have a fair share of missions, like 20 missions for each of them. Two side of stories for this game like DMC2 will work, with two DVDs for XBox 360. One is Nero's story, and one is Dante's story. The PS3 version should follow the same, except all in one Blu Ray disc.

5. Strange and rushed story telling. The addition of Nero to DMC franchise has not only popularised the DMC series, but confusing the entire DMC series as well. No background story about Nero is told, no confirmation of his relationship with Sparda, the origins of Devil Bringer, and etc. The story also looked like rushed, with fast pacing of the story telling. A steadier story telling with more information telling will work much better to complement Nero's relationship with Sparda. Hopefully, DMC5 will explain this.

6. Lack of bonus costumes. This game has the least of bonus costumes available like DMC2. Dante's clothes in DMC1 and Nero's original art design will work well as bonus costumes.

7. Lack of weapons. Dante lacks more Devil Arms and Firearms than the previous games, even in DMC2. Nero has only 4 weapons (including Yamato and Devil Bringer), Dante has only 7 weapons (including Yamato). Addition of more weapons will make this game better too.

Share what do you love and hate about this game with everyone else. And please, no flaming or bashing towards other people's opinion.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
^ You hit it right on the head. If you wanna see my opinion, read his post. He knows what he's talking about.


Super Penguin Number 2
Personally, I thought the game was pretty much spot-on...minus perhaps the bosses. Most of them were pretty easy to beat. I'm not totally bothered by the lack of other outfits, because while it was a cool addition in the other games, the extra costumes never appeared in any of the actual cinematics, and that bothered me. I love the fact that they kept Dante's move set from DMC3, and gave you the opportunity to switch combat styles on the fly, and I love Nero's style of fighting, along with the Devil Bringer, and the Exceed, as mentioned above. The only thing that would make Nero better is the addition of new weapons. Also...I do agree that there wasn't enough missions, but hey, give Capcom a break, it's the first time they've tried a DMC game from two different characters point of view in one story. I personally loved the levels...except for Mission 19's level...which just ticked me off! I'd say the game is about as hard as the first one, which doesn't bother me...because I don't want to play the same damn thing fifty times over in a row.

Graphics are great, gameplay is great, story is great, characters are great, demons are fun to beat the hell out of...Ichigo FTW.

Yay ranting!


Oldschool DMC fan

Purdy graphics, especially on XBox. After comparing it with PS3, XBox is the purdier, and it's a joy to wander through the gothic locations as you play.

I thought they did a fair job of introducing Nero as the new 'main' character. I didn't dislike Nero, nor did I think he was whiny/a wimp/annoying (as some people have described him). I also liked the Devil Bringer - turns out I liked using it more than Dante's moves and chucking those frosts about a bit too much.



The fact the game is split the way it is - you just have to backtrack for half of it as Dante over the exact same areas fighting the same bosses. Feels a bit like laziness on CAPCOM'S part.

Lack of explanation. Nero's connection to the Sparda bloodline, namely, and why his arm is different, when Sparda's other descendants don't have anything like it.

Agree with Chaos Master about the missions - they could've have a disc for Dante and a disc for Nero respectively with a decent number of missions for both.

Savour boss fight as Dante. Hated fighting Mundus at the end of DMC1, (leaping about on little islands, slow fight, etc.) and this guy brought me right back with a jolt.


Don't trust people
All Chaos master said except the backtracking and repetive bosses.

The backtracking where in the same areas but they had different ways to get through, also mission 17 was pretty different as Dante took another way than Nero did.

The repetive bosses isn't all that great but i love to beat Echidna with Dante with lucifer and handgun only also i love to beat Agnus with Dante. But they should have added more bosses though, lack of bosses for Dante...

And one more thing, Nero was slow, hated always needing timing to deal good damage and extremely repetive buster moves. Why have only one buster attack for one enemy? What did they think?! I'll fight against 30 scarecrows and i've seen the god damn buster move at least 10 times in one fight, i don't even get an alternative buster move. Also he does not have a great enough arsenal and almost no attacks, all i have to do with nero is spam attacks and it's annoying to get stylish points with him.

Darth Angelo

Tuck-yet-chi-say-denie trieve trick-dis-nie

Nero: I liked the idea of a new young fiesty protagonist from the start and I wasn't sure why. But I am now, Nero reminded me of why I got into DMC he was everything I used to love about Dante to the extreme. He was a tough guy but not too ott, aggresive and above all else was passionate in everything he did.

The setting: I was happy to see another castle setting, it felt very nostalgic and made the whole game feel so much more epic for me.

The enemies: I was never a big fan of the cartoony black cloaked sand demons so seeing the return of some of the classic lizard demons made it really feel like the series was finally going in the direction I wanted it to. The new demons like the knights and blitz etc I also thought were perfect for the game.

Bloody Palace: I didn't really like the BP in DMC3:SE but I actually had a lot of fun going through this especially with the added "what if" Dante vs Credo fight. If only I didn't have to put up with the same battle theme almost 100 times in a row.


The music: I am not saying I hated the music in general but im sorry I don't like lyrics in the battle theme. Never have done never will do. It seems to make them get more repetitive easier.

Dante: Dante really did die a death in DMC2 and didn't come back IMO. I don't know who the hell this new guy is but everytime he talks I want to slap him though the TV, he annoys the hell out of me waay too over the top.

The story: It was a good story but the least they could do is introduce this new character properly. I didn't mind the almost complete absence of any kind of DMC plot that much but come on a little more info on Nero would have been nice.

Dantes story:...the fact that there was none...he just smack talked a few demons, did a little dance and killed a big statue. What was the point of that?

No costumes: Not even as DLC what the hell Capcom?

The stupid dice game: If I didn't discover how to cheat in that it would have driven me insane.

Repeating bosses: Most of them were cool but not cool enough to not get annoying the third time you fight them.

Up the hill down the hill: Going through almost exactly the same place I came from as Dante felt boring and didn't feel very nice in general. A big part of the reason why I hated his section so much.

Although I have more hates than loves the loves outweigh the hates. This game was AWESOME.


Legendary Demon Hunter
The no costume thing was ridiculous. I liked most of the settings (would have liked a really demonic forest, not what it was) and a lot of the enemies were very kool (LOVED the knight like enemies). Loved Dante in "holiday" mode, you could tell nothing was a threat to him at all and being a Dante lover, I thought it was cool seeing the jump in power between DMC1 & DMC4 (Canon wise). Loved the way he didn't take Nero serious in their fights as well. Was peeved off to get another "human" big bad (Sanctus.) The gameplay graphics were VERY nice. Didn't like the music, think they should bring back the DMC1 composers. Didn't MIND Nero but didn't love him either. Darth Angelo sais he is everything he used to love about Dante, but even in DMC1, Dante wouldn't run around screaming and let himself get out of control (leading up to the second Dante fight Nero was really getting on my nerves) and I think this is because he is more "human" than Dante. Like Nero's DT, thought it was kool and unique. Would have loved to see a lot more moves with Dante. Some more DB attacks would have been kool with Nero too. All in all a good game but not GREAT. Still doesn't measure up to DMC1 & DMC3 but this was more or less an introduction game for Nero so it wasn't going to be a massive epic. Oh and some more massive, grand scale bosses would have been nice to. Its all muddled with the likes and dislikes but that's my 2 cents :D PS. switching styles on the fly was excellent fun!


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
The biggest thing that Peed me off (and still does) is Santcus Diabolica (mission 20)

I loved having Darkslayer as a fighting style.

But I really agree with Lexy.
You would have thought Capcom would have done the two story, two discs thing again, like with DMC2.
I thought it worked well. (I kind of wished that Crystal Dyanmics had done that with Legacy of Kain: Defiance. Kain of One Disc and Raziel on the other)


Well-known Member
Darth Angelo;202917 said:

Nero: I liked the idea of a new young fiesty protagonist from the start and I wasn't sure why. But I am now, Nero reminded me of why I got into DMC he was everything I used to love about Dante to the extreme. He was a tough guy but not too ott, aggresive and above all else was passionate in everything he did.

The setting: I was happy to see another castle setting, it felt very nostalgic and made the whole game feel so much more epic for me.

The enemies: I was never a big fan of the cartoony black cloaked sand demons so seeing the return of some of the classic lizard demons made it really feel like the series was finally going in the direction I wanted it to. The new demons like the knights and blitz etc I also thought were perfect for the game.

Bloody Palace: I didn't really like the BP in DMC3:SE but I actually had a lot of fun going through this especially with the added "what if" Dante vs Credo fight. If only I didn't have to put up with the same battle theme almost 100 times in a row.


The music: I am not saying I hated the music in general but im sorry I don't like lyrics in the battle theme. Never have done never will do. It seems to make them get more repetitive easier.

Dante: Dante really did die a death in DMC2 and didn't come back IMO. I don't know who the hell this new guy is but everytime he talks I want to slap him though the TV, he annoys the hell out of me waay too over the top.

The story: It was a good story but the least they could do is introduce this new character properly. I didn't mind the almost complete absence of any kind of DMC plot that much but come on a little more info on Nero would have been nice.

Dantes story:...the fact that there was none...he just smack talked a few demons, did a little dance and killed a big statue. What was the point of that?

No costumes: Not even as DLC what the hell Capcom?

The stupid dice game: If I didn't discover how to cheat in that it would have driven me insane.

Repeating bosses: Most of them were cool but not cool enough to not get annoying the third time you fight them.

Up the hill down the hill: Going through almost exactly the same place I came from as Dante felt boring and didn't feel very nice in general. A big part of the reason why I hated his section so much.

Although I have more hates than loves the loves outweigh the hates. This game was AWESOME.

almost agreed:p
I like Dante tho..


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Okay, that's enough. Why all the Nero hate? If you lost someone you loved, would you walk away with a smug look on your face and not even care? I'm gonna be outward about this. If you look at Nero and the way he acts and talks, even the way he fights, you're looking at me. I mean, I don't have white hair, but other than that, I'm pretty much Nero.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Is it just me though... or does Nero have a smart@rse mouth though... I mean, what comes out of it. Are you like that Dreadnought?


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Vergil'sB*tch;202962 said:
Is it just me though... or does Nero have a smart@rse mouth though... I mean, what comes out of it. Are you like that Dreadnought?

Unfortunately, yes. I am... But not with my parents. HECK NO.


Well-known Member
DreadnoughtDT;202952 said:
Okay, that's enough. Why all the Nero hate? If you lost someone you loved, would you walk away with a smug look on your face and not even care? I'm gonna be outward about this. If you look at Nero and the way he acts and talks, even the way he fights, you're looking at me. I mean, I don't have white hair, but other than that, I'm pretty much Nero.

does that mean you have a devil arm? ;)


I didn't like the level balance either. Dante should of had better missions. I also don't like how Nero just showed up. Don't get me wrong, I like him, but I think there should have been some type of intro for him.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
NO ways DT. I adore you *glomps*
You can't be like Nero! If I like you, and you're like Nero, that means I like Nero, which I really really REALLY don't. You confuse me:wacko:

And if you're implying that Dante walked off after losing Vergil with a smug look on his face, you need to go check again, cos tough-boy Dante squirted some real tears. The only one who wore a smirk on his face after 'killing' a loved one was Vergil, which is okay because he's twisted.

Dante has more depth to his character, imo. But that's all I'll say before this turns into another Dante vs Nero fight, since the topic is to discuss the game itself, I think.


Legendary Demon Hunter
Probably one of my favourite parts is in the first fight when Nero is pummeling Dante in the face and D is lying there like "yeah punch away kid" then when you see his body trying to go DT it's like "no, no, no... just relax body" I LOVE it:D Also like the Nero/Dante interaction, the way Nero is basically like screw you Dante, then you get Dante replying "Damn punk" - they are almost like older/younger brother interaction. In a human sense, not a Dante/Vergil instance when you get them stabbing each other to say hello!


s00per smexii style
clairavance;202976 said:
And if you're implying that Dante walked off after losing Vergil with a smug look on his face, you need to go check again, cos tough-boy Dante squirted some real tears. The only one who wore a smirk on his face after 'killing' a loved one was Vergil, which is okay because he's twisted.

When...when did Vergil kill a loved one? I only remember him stabbing Dante to awaken his Devil Trigger. And he wasn't smirking, I don't think. ._. But he WAS smirking when he killed Arkham, but I was, too. XD

Dante giving Nero Yamato
The easiness of the game
Mission 18. I can't stand boss fights like that. >_<

The Lucifer cutscene. Oh yes. XD
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