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Baby Jane Hudson

Well-known Member
The Lift is a weird Dutch horror movie about a lift in a building that murders people. Yeah. It is super intelligent, or something. I think it's a neat film, really. The lead male is good in the role.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters

i prefer Nando's take on the Venom films over the actual films lol.

The sonyverse could've been an intetesting showcase but none of the trailers worked for me.


The King Of Chinese Dragons
Supporter 2014
Very interesting and important subject I think. What is truth these days? With the siloed newcasting left and right, conspiracy theories in between. what are you to believe? Why are some people completly closed off from reality. What can you do about it? At least start talking about the issue like this guy. Good stuff.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
"Doctor Who:Empire of Death".

the Sutekh stuff was classic Doctor Who finale shenanigans. it was a fun time.

ruby's mom reveal was a mixed bag. i liked it but felt making it the center of Sutekh's defeat and a mystery to be solved was a misstep.
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Earthbound Immortal
Another breakdown of the AssCreed Shadows debacle, but from a different angle this time.

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