What are you reading?

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Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Apr 3, 2008
Probably in bed
Kinda got inspired to start this thread because of the 'what are you working on' thread.
Plus I think I'm getting lots of ideas for threads now that my time on the forum is very quickly running out.

So! Share with us!
Gush about it if you want!
Rant about it if you must!
What are you currently reading?

I'm going to start reading Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr tonight. Yep, yep, about a year or two later after it was suggested to me by (can't remember who, it might have been Red or someone from the VD forums). But I finally found the darn book and I'm gonna read it!
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I am reading I Am Not A Serial Killer and Mr. Monster by Dan Wells. I love that series...and I love John. He's so...yeah. *shuts up so she doesn't give stuff away* Need to finish reading, though, cuz I think Mum wants her books back. Oh! and I'm rereading Pride And Prejudice by Jane Austen.
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When I can actually be bothered to take the book out of the library you'll find me reading Empress Orchid by Anchee Min. To quote from the books description :

To rescue her family from poverty and avoid marrying her slope-shouldered cousin, seventeen-year-old Orchid competes to be one of the Emperor's wives. When she is chosen as a lower-ranking concubine she enters the erotically charged and ritualised Forbidden City. But beneath its immaculate facade lie whispers of murders and ghosts, and the thousands of concubines will stoop to any lengths to bear the Emperor's son. Orchid trains herself in the art of pleasuring a man, bribes her way into the royal bed, and seduces the monarch, drawing the attention of dangerous foes. Little does she know that China will collapse around her, and that she will be its last Empress.

I'm only on chapter 5 and it's so far so good.
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Michael Crichton's "The Lost World". I hope it's better than "Jurassic Park" was, which now lives in the charity shop up the street. For once, I believe the movie outstrips a book! That book was awful to read and difficult to visualise. Raptors chewing through solid iron bars? Whatever, Michael!
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Posts. I am kinda reading old books from my childhood such as a really badly thought out Yu-Gi-Oh! "guide" to the anime of sorts, and Yu-Gi-Oh! manga volume 1. Also, the Lost Planet manual. Just because... I don't know why. It smells like cigar, though.

If it makes me feel sick because of the smell, don't read it around me. Most of my five senses are extremely sensitive. I might study through the Oblivion manual instead, as I need to know what some of the skills do. Also am casually reading the retelling of Silent Hill 2, which is AWESOME! Now to go play said game.

The Yu-Gi-Oh "guide" is one of those crappy book fair at a school things you would get if you grew up during the early 2000's and mid 2000's. I have the guides to flipping Yu-Gi-Oh! that came out once a year, in fact. I still haven't grown out of the franchise. The card art is usually beautiful, anyways. I mean, try telling me the card art for Black Luster Soldier isn't a beaut. Try telling me the art for some of the old school Yu-Gi-Oh! cards isn't awesome.

I like reading Bethesda game manuals. They make me feel like I am kind of getting the experience of an old school RPG when JRPGs like the first Final Fantasy, and the first four Phantasy Stars(which are awesome games, and were like the Sonic of RPGs to me. Just... Go find a way to play Phantasy Star 4.) were around toting those huge amount of pages, and guides in the box. Good thing the industry figured out that was a bad idea after those games gave way to spells actually being less of a guessing game, which was the case for the first four Phantasy Star games...

I'm a major fan of the Silent Hill 2 story. It just grips me everytime.

Also reading the Batgirl comics.
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I'm currently reading "Frankenstein". Don't have a whole lot left to go and then its own to "The Taming of the Shrew."
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LOL...the Lightning Thief. XDD

So...I'm on chapter 13...O_o...why do I always stop on the superstitious numbers? Anyway, chapter 13 of Wicked Lovely and even though I'm not a big fan of the author's style, I do like the idea of her book. I'm partial to it, actually. I think I only like it because a.)awesome awesome awesome character-to-reader-connections, and b.) if I was paranoid I'd call this lady up and interrogate her about where exactly she got some of her ideas from, because there are three major factors that are basically copy-cat identical to my novel I'm currently revising at the moment. 1 - all the girls are swooning over this new guy at school, 2 - this new guy is not human and has a very volatile personality, 3 - he's a KING. (Okay, including volatile, I guess that makes it 4 major factors).
That's okay though. It just reminds me that I need to get the type of book I want to read finished before somebody else writes it for me. And I can change the stereo-type concepts in my own novel. Because when other writers start producing things similar to your own work, you know it's already gone stereo-type and you need to change it up to keep it fresh.

Er...sorry, I went off track there. The story is very good - very suspenseful, and it has its moments of 'eeek!' and 'dawww' and 'WTF?' Really. One character literally thought WTF, those very three letters. To see that in print is a novelty to me and made me go O_O! -edit to keep on track- Anyway it's very engaging and if I can, I'll probably finish the book tonight (I started reading it this morning). Yep, it's that page-turner kind.

Anybody else want to share their thoughts/views/interpretations of the books they're currently reading?
Taking a break from sociopaths to read The Good, The Bad, And The Undead by Kim Harrison. I love Rachel Morgan, she's awesome. I'd love to be her. X3 Can't wait to see how she figures out this case...seems like being a witch and a P.I. would be hectic... Poor fishie being a familiar. >_>
^That's not crazy, those books are EPIC. =D

Finished last book and am on Every Which Way But Dead by Kim Harrison. How does one keep themselves from 1) becoming a demon's familiar, and 2) going out with a hot vampire? :S Personally...I'd be more worried about becoming a demon's familiar.... >_> *wants more Trent*
Dance of the Gods by Nora Roberts.
It's...yeah, I feel like I'm out of the loop with things. There's a book prior to this one, I'm sure, since it appears the author assumes I already know who is who and what is what, and I don't, so... :S
Damn my knack for trilogies!

@Lili - I used to read only L.J. Smith's books when I was younger. Because she's just that good, and I never had faith that any other book will match up to her standards and I didn't want to be disappointed. But don't stick to only one author's books. You're missing out on a lot of other decent books if you do.
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Nearly finished with The Hollows series. On Black Magic Sanction and can't wait to start Pale Demon. X3 The only thing is...once I'm done with this series I'm not sure what to read....I need more books. D:
Winter's Heart: Book 9 of The Wheel of Time. Been reading that and watching baseball. :) Though I couldn't find the Yankees game after the Phils were done. :(
Finished Pale Demon and restarted the series since I haven't read the first and second books in a year. :/ Pale Demon was excellent, though. The way the chracters played off each other was adorable and surprisingly family-like, and the action/drama was well planned out. Though, I think I was disappointed by Rachel's lack of growth. Everyone seemed to evolve but her, Pierce, and Ku'Sox.... And I really feel for Al. Like...really really feel for Al. And Newt. The more I hear of their stories, the more I like them and want to know more, even if it seems like the demons will not be in the next book. >_< Oh...and I liked Trent and Lucy. X3 Now to shut up before I give everything else away. *runs off to read*
Finished reading Empress Orchid. Was good but the way it ended was a bit disappointing; would have been nice to have followed through to her later years (Orchid and Nuharoo are only in their 20's still!)

Starting too read Game Of Thrones by George R. R. Martin.

Edit: Why is this thread in the DMC fan fiction/art section?