Resident Evil 5 (sucks, I need my sword dammit!), Bayonetta (mmm-mmm
I luuuv), and Ninja Gaiden 2.

ResaMoon;215688 said:I'm playing Final Fantasy 4! And I FINALLY beat Baririca... The the Wind Elemental... XD
Michiru;216407 said:I actually thought Barbarricia(Her name is so hard to spell...) was the easiest out of the archfiends, unlike Rubicante and Cagnazzo. Those two annoyed me to no end. >_>
Dang it! Now you got me playing Final Fantasy 4 again! I luvs that game!~
ResaMoon;216453 said:Oh! Do you know how to get the Music Box with the Fat Chocobo? I have no clue how to get it... D8
Michiru;216548 said:You'll have to start looking for ***ingways in order to get it(those bunnies or whatever they are that likes to hang around towns.) I wanna say I got the Music Box in Barron, but I'm not too sure. It's been awhile.T ^ T
ResaMoon;216544 said:I've already beaten him, he was super easy.
I'm now stuck on that crazy Doctor and that Frankstien thing... XD
ResaMoon;216561 said:Well, I beat the Doctor first, but the thing is, its that thing the Doctor turns into I can't beat... >.>
Michiru;216590 said:Did he use that attack "Reversal Gas" on you? When he does that, use healing items on him to cause damage such as "Elixir" to get an instant kill or have Rosa or Cecil use curative spells like "Curaga" or "Curaja" on him. That should do the trick.^_^
Devil Bane;216629 said:Playing FFIV GBA version...darn Lunar challenges...I still have to do Edward's,Cid's,Kain's[pain in the butt],the twins and Yan's.Not to mention that apart from Kain,I have to finish the game with the rest to open the doors for the challenges...and I still have to destroy that dinozh1t...
Oh,well,let's do it.