If only Vergil had Air Hike.Devil May Cry HD Collection... I'm now playing as Vergil!
If only Vergil had Air Hike.
TOPIC: I'm playing all 3 DMC games and I'm making good progress.
Would that mid-air rolling count thou?I thought he had it through Beowulf?
Would that mid-air rolling count thou?
TOPIC: Ha take that Nelo Angelo (2nd fight) I own you!
How's Tales of Graces f? I heard good things about it, but I'm not a huge fan of JRPGs. I have played some really good ones though. So I don't know if it's worth getting. ^_^Playing back Ninja Gaiden 3 and Tales of Graces f.
How's Tales of Graces f? I heard good things about it, but I'm not a huge fan of JRPGs. I have played some really good ones though. So I don't know if it's worth getting. ^_^