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Well, it looks like the economy is about to crash again...


Supporter 2014
I honestly wish it weren't true. But the warning signs are all there, and I just thought I would help spread awareness before the collective Sword of Damocles drops upon us all.

And this is happening soon. Next month, if not sooner.






Most people think that the 2008 Economic Crisis and The Great Recession that followed were just blips on the chart. Something that the economy would eventually recover from.

In the end however, it turned out just to be a small example of what lies ahead of us.

On a side note:

We should have let the floundering banks and big businesses just collapse when they were about to, instead of propping them up with our savings.

Iceland let their bad banks and businesses go south, and they're actually the only ones who have actually recovered. That's the way business should work. Those that can succeed, should, and those that can't shouldn't be allowed anywhere near our money.



Don't forget to buy silver and other precious metals (even nickel and copper will do) for the hard times ahead.


Guns, hunting knives, crossbows, bows and arrows may also be useful... because you never know.

Stocking up on water (aquaponics will take care of that, but a little extra never hurts) always helps, as well.

Anyway, I hope that provided some insight into the reality now facing us. So long.


Devil hunter in training
I was under the impression that the world was still in the process of economic collapse, well, certainly a recession. The world seems to go through a cycle of boom, recession and bust. Last one in the UK was 1980's.

People are pointing the finger of blame at capitalism, and I can't blame them.The world encourages people to borrow money they can't afford to pay back at high rates and this just makes it worse.
Then there's the high level of consumption, waste and consumerism headded by celebrity culture. Right now, we're living in a bubble and it's going to pop.
And the way the economy is structured, if the public stop spending, stop consuming, then the world as we know it, the economy is ruined. It's all strucured in a way that makes it very hard to change the sytem.
I've heard that the top richest people in the UK could use their profits to clear the deficit of the country, however if they take that money out of the bank to do that, those banks will be ruined and have a knock on effect to other banks and country economies outside of the UK.It's all tied up so closely.

Maybe we should let the banks collapse to teach them a lesson.But then what? What other system could be put in place after capitalism? If it's all we've known, then it will be very hard to change. :/ Besides, these days more banks are going private and cutting out their reliance on the public to back them. Either way you slice it, things aren't looking good.


I was under the impression that the world was still in the process of economic collapse, well, certainly a recession. The world seems to go through a cycle of boom, recession and bust. Last one in the UK was 1980's.

People are pointing the finger of blame at capitalism, and I can't blame them.The world encourages people to borrow money they can't afford to pay back at high rates and this just makes it worse.
Then there's the high level of consumption, waste and consumerism headded by celebrity culture. Right now, we're living in a bubble and it's going to pop.
And the way the economy is structured, if the public stop spending, stop consuming, then the world as we know it, the economy is ruined. It's all strucured in a way that makes it very hard to change the sytem.
I've heard that the top richest people in the UK could use their profits to clear the deficit of the country, however if they take that money out of the bank to do that, those banks will be ruined and have a knock on effect to other banks and country economies outside of the UK.It's all tied up so closely.

Maybe we should let the banks collapse to teach them a lesson.But then what? What other system could be put in place after capitalism? If it's all we've known, then it will be very hard to change. :/ Besides, these days more banks are going private and cutting out their reliance on the public to back them. Either way you slice it, things aren't looking good.
Sorry but having to borrow £600 for a TV you don't need on a credit card with money you don't have is extremely important, especially owning it RIGHT NOW!


Supporter 2014
*corporate cutback* (snip)

I would like to demonstrate the difference between true capitalism and corporatism (false capitalism/keyenism)


The thing is, this system was set up to look like Capitalism. Then, when everyone cries out how "bad capitalism is", the powers that be say, "Welp ok, if you insist." And slowly work in fascist-communistic measures (police stops, "show us your papers", mandatory payments torwards "free" health care, new laws to prevent small business from opening, etc.)

All this is to make people completely meek and submissive. The TSA is one of the more recent examples.

Look, I'm sure you think I'm insane for saying all this, but I've read up on it, and I see almost no reason to disagree...

Unless that reason is to replace our current system with a Neo-Theocracy, then I would see the major potential damage that would cause -- I'm against "ultra-conservative" people as well (people who believe in "waiting before marriage", women should remain at home to take care of kids (wtf), "family values" (seriously, that just screws kids (and adults) up), religious conformity (because God says so, or you'll go to hell), etc.

I'm very careful when looking at both sides, and just because I'm a libertarian, doesn't mean that I agree with what some "libertarians" think what you should do with your private life.

Anyway, that's all I can think of for now. I just wanted to make sure people knew the difference.

I'm more of a "Self-Stylised" libertarian, anyway. I do what I like... within reason, of course.


Just wanted to post this:

A typical businessman's idea of employment is but a filtered, modified form of slavery, with the team that is moving towards a common goal being divided into various levels ranging from lower to upper, with the impulse to abuse authority increasing as we climb the managerial ladder.

Primarily, the person who came up with the idea of employment as 8 hrs per day, five days a week obviously didn't understand that over time, human principles would degrade to such an extent that working collectively would cease to prove inspiring and constructive. Secondly, businesspersons and employees must be sharing the overall company's profit equally to actually respect the hypocritical philosophy put forth that the progress of a company is directly proportional to the growth of an employee. But as one would realize, an ideal world can only exist in theory. As we can all see, right now, the scenario is more associated with numbers than collective progress, which is why there are places in the world where you don't get paid for overtime and where you are expected to believe that you are your employer's property, not sparing weekends and holidays.

Furthermore, a typical workplace environment, a common breeding ground for bulls**t emotions and primitive behavioral patterns, works against one's quest of seeking peace of mind in a turbulent era as ours where common sense is on the verge of extinction.
Comments like this are the reason I keep reading Cracked.
Also, I'm glad you think that bad business should die.​
As to what they would be replaced with, just ask Iceland.​
Besides, more and more people are moving towards private credit unions every day. At least some of them learned their lesson from the corrupt banking system itself.​
As for the business themselves, well... people will find always find a way to survive... by any means necessary.​
I hate to say it, but... it really is survival of the fittest -- especially now.​


Devil hunter in training
Yep, that's what I was saying, people are pointing the blame at capitalism, but that's not the whole truth. All I now is the world is going into a bad place very quickly and no one seems to know what to do, and those that do are just arguing with themselves while other people have to pay for their inability to act. Something has to budge or we will be going for not just an economical collapse, but a collapse of society as we know it.

And you're right about working and having jobs, it is glorified slavery with money as an insentive, but what other choice do people have? :/


Supporter 2014
...but what other choice do people have?

Hang on...

Well, you can take it for what it is. It's extremely difficult to live "off the grid".

Some people have done it, most haven't... or just simply couldn't (for one reason or another).

All I'm saying is, there is another way. I'm not saying that this way is easy, but it's there.


That link above may or may not be a scam, but you gotta admit it takes at least a substantial amount of courage to call your site "free electricity".

There's also that "wilderness survival" link I posted up there. If you've ever watched "Survivalman", or "Man vs. Wild", you already know that living like that isn't easy.

But, if you want to break away from the system, you'll have to make sacrifices.

However, Greece is living off of a trade system, because they can't do anything else.

So, things are going to change, and work doesn't always have to be this thankless existence. I believe that one day, it won't be.

But I guess that's just me being optimistic.

If nothing else, you could start a kickstarter project or a professional (gaming & entertainment) news blog with advertiser banners.

That's all I got, sorry. :(

I tried.


Supporter 2014


Devil hunter in training
You got me thinking with that post. I've found something about people called 'freegans', apparently they try and get as much stuff for free as they can, even eating out of the trash can. Not as gross as it sounds. Apparently they go to the disposal sites of food stores where there's a lot of food thrown just because it is near the best before date. Also, they work the minimum hours just to buy very basic things. I guess that's a start for trying to live off the grid.


Oldschool DMC fan
If the global economy nosedives, just reset all the money values.

Only joking. The rich would never allow it? People will have to die before a better solution's 'found'. A lot of them, probably.

Read an article today about how many millions of Americans and their kids are actually going hungry right now. I'm aware everything we think we 'have' can be taken away pretty easily. And we can go out easily enough not with a bang, but a whimper, unnoticed. People in the UK doing the same, but because it thinks it is a rich nation, "poverty" here is a myth, right? ¬_¬

Wonder what the world's gonna to look like in 30 years. Kind of hope I won't be there to see it, because it's probably going to suck big time. Love to be optimistic but watching how the majority of world leaders have dealt with this 'crisis' by looking at each other, throwing money at the wrong things, thinking they can borrow themselves out of debt and otherwise "waiting for it to go away" rather than fixing the broken parts of the system, a bunch of chimpanzees could probably come up with a better contingency for the impending resource crisis.

And it looks like climate change - the thing most people were laughing at 10 years ago is REALLY gonna screw with us, as anyone with a bit of foresight already knew. Water shortage > soaring food prices > resource tension, etc. UK imports 40% of its food and water, right? Better start fixing that NOW. (Unfortunately I don't think the UK government can find its own ass, a long-term solution to these problems are a no-hoper).

Lucky I'm on the sea. I can learn to fish, if there are any left. 8D


Supporter 2014
You got me thinking with that post. I've found something about people called 'freegans', apparently they try and get as much stuff for free as they can, even eating out of the trash can. Not as gross as it sounds. Apparently they go to the disposal sites of food stores where there's a lot of food thrown just because it is near the best before date. Also, they work the minimum hours just to buy very basic things. I guess that's a start for trying to live off the grid.

That was a brilliant post. The whole "dumpster diving" thing completely slipped my mind mostly because I shoved it out due to a quote from a prisonplanet.com article I read:

From what I remember--

"Dumpster diving may be considered cute now, but soon, when the proverbial hits the fan, it's going to be a lot more common than you think."

I didn't shove it out because I thought it was gross -- I shoved it out because I thought it was something I would have to do automatically anyway.


That post somehow made my day. To know that at least other people are prepared for the worst makes me feel (somewhat) less isolated.

I'm prepared (as I can be) for said isolation, though.

I'm hoping for the best... but still expecting the worst.

I know I'm going to be in dire straights when it finally does happen.

Goodnight. :steve:


Devil hunter in training
Only joking. The rich would never allow it? People will have to die before a better solution's 'found'. A lot of them, probably.
They'll have to allow something soon because I can see it getting to the point where people just buy essentials, so companies will go bust and they'll lose their millions pretty fast if regular people don't have money to spend on their products.

Read an article today about how many millions of Americans and their kids are actually going hungry right now. I'm aware everything we think we 'have' can be taken away pretty easily. And we can go out easily enough not with a bang, but a whimper, unnoticed. People in the UK doing the same, but because it thinks it is a rich nation, "poverty" here is a myth, right? ¬_¬Yep it is like that in the UK, but they pretend it's not happening and just focus on adverts asking for money to help Africa. I'm all for that, but shouldn't the UK government be helping children in their own country first?:/

Wonder what the world's gonna to look like in 30 years. Kind of hope I won't be there to see it, because it's probably going to suck big time. Love to be optimistic but watching how the majority of world leaders have dealt with this 'crisis' by looking at each other, throwing money at the wrong things, thinking they can borrow themselves out of debt and otherwise "waiting for it to go away" rather than fixing the broken parts of the system, a bunch of chimpanzees could probably come up with a better contingency for the impending resource crisis.Yep agreeing with this. I hope I'm not around either. Just a thought: but where are they borrowing the money from? Some sort of private bank? Or is it some silly thing like every country is now in debt....but if that's the case, then who do they owe the money to? I do find the economy a strange beast. It only exists because people believe in it and put value to bits of paper and metal. But it really has got so silly when countries owe billions, but who do they owe those billions to? Heck, if America is in debt, then we're all screwed.

And it looks like climate change - the thing most people were laughing at 10 years ago is REALLY gonna screw with us, as anyone with a bit of foresight already knew. Water shortage > soaring food prices > resource tension, etc. UK imports 40% of its food and water, right? Better start fixing that NOW. (Unfortunately I don't think the UK government can find its own ass, a long-term solution to these problems are a no-hoper).Government doesn't know it's left hand from the right. They're all the same to me and I don't trust any of them. Glorified benefit scroungers wasting public money on vanity projects and extra homes.
Better start growing vegetables in the back garden or something. I mean, it's just silly that an island nation isn't more self sufficient. But because we import a lot, we artificially raise the amount of people we can sustain. It's going to come to a point where there are too many people and not enough resources. Then hell will break loose.>_<

Lucky I'm on the sea. I can learn to fish, if there are any left. 8D


@ Unkown. This video will make you laugh.
Also, that Auqaponics video has me interested.

You got me thinking with that post. I've found something about people called 'freegans', apparently they try and get as much stuff for free as they can, even eating out of the trash can. Not as gross as it sounds. Apparently they go to the disposal sites of food stores where there's a lot of food thrown just because it is near the best before date. Also, they work the minimum hours just to buy very basic things. I guess that's a start for trying to live off the grid.
I dumpster dive for games. Go to YouTube and you can find people uploading Dumpster Diving videos for food, containers, DVDs, games etc(We call it 'skipping' here).

Yep, that's what I was saying, people are pointing the blame at capitalism, but that's not the whole truth. All I now is the world is going into a bad place very quickly and no one seems to know what to do, and those that do are just arguing with themselves while other people have to pay for their inability to act. Something has to budge or we will be going for not just an economical collapse, but a collapse of society as we know it.

And you're right about working and having jobs, it is glorified slavery with money as an insentive, but what other choice do people have? :/
Oh man isn't that the truth. I don't even have a job yet but have been looking all over different cities and towns for jobs. I'm asking for any low work at the moment. Even then it doesn't matter because once I finish my Computer Science degree I'm in £20 000+ of debt so....I'm screwed anyway...and that's me WANTING an education.


Devil hunter in training
@ Unkown. This video will make you laugh.
Also, that Auqaponics video has me interested.

I dumpster dive for games. Go to YouTube and you can find people uploading Dumpster Diving videos for food, containers, DVDs, games etc(We call it 'skipping' here).

Oh man isn't that the truth. I don't even have a job yet but have been looking all over different cities and towns for jobs. I'm asking for any low work at the moment. Even then it doesn't matter because once I finish my Computer Science degree I'm in £20 000+ of debt so....I'm screwed anyway...and that's me WANTING an education.
It's completely ridiculous that when people want to be educated, they finish university with anything from £20,000 to £50,000 in debt. Then there's the problem that universities want to raise the fees. Well good luck getting more students with prices of 9,000 a year, excluding student housing.
Then even when you finish the degree, plus the debt, you can't get a job because of being overqualified and employers want work experience. Well, what was the point of earning a degree then?:blink:
It's a case of too many people, not enough jobs, employing foreign workers, and being promised that university will get you a good job after. I'm starting to think it was a scam to make the university institutions more money, what with all the news reports about graduates having to sign on at the benefits office.


Devil hunter in training
just further proof that America isn't the "Number 1 country in the world."
Get me out of here, please.
I'm going to go one step further: GET ME OFF THIS PLANET!:lol: Seriously though, I am worried about what will happen in the future if this continues.


I'm going to go one step further: GET ME OFF THIS PLANET!:lol: Seriously though, I am worried about what will happen in the future if this continues.
I love how Science is advancing pretty quickly now, literally last year I was complaining about things not being futuristic enough. Now we have bio-retinas, Google Glass, MYO and others. But, if you find a planet, let me know okay? :c


It's completely ridiculous that when people want to be educated, they finish university with anything from £20,000 to £50,000 in debt. Then there's the problem that universities want to raise the fees. Well good luck getting more students with prices of 9,000 a year, excluding student housing.
Then even when you finish the degree, plus the debt, you can't get a job because of being overqualified and employers want work experience. Well, what was the point of earning a degree then?:blink:
It's a case of too many people, not enough jobs, employing foreign workers, and being promised that university will get you a good job after. I'm starting to think it was a scam to make the university institutions more money, what with all the news reports about graduates having to sign on at the benefits office.
Actually University fees increased last year. My year (2011) was the last year that Uni fees were up £9000 for the whole course. Now (in 2012) they were raised up to 9000 a YEAR. I even told one of my friends younger than me that if I was in her position, I wouldn't even consider Uni with those prices. Plus I know personally know plenty of people who have computer science degrees and ended up with nothing. Some big Internet people like SpoonyOne and TotalBiscuit have CS degrees and end up making a living off ad revenue with the videos they make.
I love how Science is advancing pretty quickly now, literally last year I was complaining about things not being futuristic enough. Now we have bio-retinas, Google Glass, MYO and others. But, if you find a planet, let me know okay? :c
I hear Mars is nice this time of year.

Wish you were here. :B


Devil hunter in training
I love how Science is advancing pretty quickly now, literally last year I was complaining about things not being futuristic enough. Now we have bio-retinas, Google Glass, MYO and others. But, if you find a planet, let me know okay? :c
I'll just make up my own planet and it would have loads of candy, cake, video games and rock concerts. I think I'd want it to look like the Brutal Legend game. :p
Actually University fees increased last year. My year (2011) was the last year that Uni fees were up £9000 for the whole course. Now (in 2012) they were raised up to 9000 a YEAR. I even told one of my friends younger than me that if I was in her position, I wouldn't even consider Uni with those prices. Plus I know personally know plenty of people who have computer science degrees and ended up with nothing. Some big Internet people like SpoonyOne and TotalBiscuit have CS degrees and end up making a living off ad revenue with the videos they make.
I was lucky, same here with my first degree. I'd give the same advice about not going to uni unless you know for sure that you will get a good job at the end. It's not worth the debt. These days it's about who you know and connections that your family has that helps to get a job.
What bugs me though is that even really bad reputation universities get to chrage 9,000 when it's just not worth it.
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