darkslayer13;214828 said:
why do you despise consoles. they work very well and the controllers are more convenent than a keyboard for most games. oh and i am pretty sure the original dmc is only avalable on the ps2. so if you hate consoles you must have never played it ( your life has no meaning until you play Devil May Cry.

Weak... Your life has no meaning until you play Devil May Cry? I think that was supposed to be a joke but, I do not get it. What's supposed to be fun about that?
In my honest opinion, Devil May Cry is a good game. The best Hack'n'Slash game I've played. BUT, not near the best games I've ever played.
Here's something for those who despise lots of cutscenes:
Devil May Cry, yes, a fighting game, is FILLED with cutscenes. More than Final Fantasy games that has an even more deep story. So many complaining about games having lots of cutscenes... Not any of you, I was just pointing something out.
Yeah well, lots of cutscenes, not that much of story to it, some really do give real plot twist but most of them are just the main character (Dante or Nero) mocking monsters or is just stylish. I love many of those scenes but still, almost no contribution to the story.
Fighting is top notch but only 20 extremely short missions? This game does not leave much variation...
So my conclusion to this, the DMC games are above mediocre, but not much more than that. A game to play from time to time, and you spell it out as something you can't live without...
DreadnoughtDT;214836 said:
Damn ghost murderers...
Am I REALLY the only one who watched the whole series of four videos? You guys must be kinda wimpy then.
DUDE! I know that is a "

" smiley but still? Calling us wimpy for watching a slow video that takes so long time on itself?! I mean, all the character does is walk and watching a absurd scenery. Not that much of a scenery either, just a dull colorfull world. You calling people wimps for not watching something that they simply don't bother to watch even on joke?! Come on dude, that's pretty weak. You wimp.