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We Dare: UK release CANCELLED!


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Not that it bothers me with this game, but this is the perfect example of why i think Catherine will not have a UK release.
We Dare's UK release cancelled after media outcry over Wii sex game Ubisoft has decided to cancel the release of controversial Wii and PlayStation 3 title We Dare in the UK, after the mature-themed game was given only a 12 age rating by PEGI. 'Following the public reaction to the 12+ rating of We Dare, Ubisoft has made the decision not to sell the game in the United Kingdom,' said the company in a brief statement. 'For us it was never a big product. It seemed too much trouble to release it here given the concerns raised by the public.' We Dare is an adult-themed party game that involves players spanking, kissing and flirting with each other in a series of mini-games. 'Use the Wii-mote and PS3 Move controller in unbelievable ways, as you've never imagined before... wave it around to the beat of your favourite tunes, old and new... put it in your pocket and act-out flirtatious actions...' is how Ubisoft's own description puts it. Although it's only ever been marketed at adults the main problem seems to be that it was only given a 12 by age rating board PEGI, because technically the game itself doesn't include anything unsuitable for children - even though the acts performed while playing the game might be more risqué. The game gained particular notoriety with the release on YouTube of a trailer for the game, which features various actors cavorting about in vaguely suggestive poses. The trailer, and indeed the entire game, was made in France and Ubisoft UK seem slightly embarrassed by the whole thing. If you're absolutely desperate to play it then it has been released in the rest of Europe and their games will work on UK consoles.
Mainly PEGI's fault , BUT surely they could just re-classify it? OR is that just too much to ask. After this, fiasco I am very doubtful about a release for Atlus' game.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
It's hardly PEGI's fault at all, the content of the game clearly didn't warrant a classification of anything higher than 12+, so making it a "Mature" or 17+ game would be pointless, because there'd be no content that would justify it having a rating that high.

PEGI made the right call, the problem lies solely with Ubisoft, if they hadn't run that stupid ad campaign to begin with, We Dare would have been released unnoticed by the masses and would have tanked like everyone knew it would anyway.

So long as Atlus don't do a ridiculous campaign like Ubisoft did (Come on, advertising a game with implied group sex? Who thought that was a good idea?!), it'll be fine.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
*hangs head in shame for blaming PEGI*
I thought it was weird because PEGI are really on the button when it comes to classifications.
As for EA. I haven't seen their ad campaign. But the picture i have seen did look pretty dodgy.
I don't think Atlus are that stupid. I wish they'd announce a release for the game sometime soon.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
PEGI have made numerous statements on the game, declaring that having play tested it extensively, there is no content in it worthy of giving it a higher rating than a 12, they're usually on the dot, so I support them in that ruling.

Basically, the ad campaign was a one and a half minute video on YouTube that has since been pulled down. (Correction, just found it, IGN reuploaded it.)

The last 30 seconds showing parental codes, on the original video, linked to various unlisted Ubi uploads relating to different scenarios after the ad finished, basically heavily implied girl on girl, group sex etc etc.
Not a smart move on Ubi's part.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Obviously they over-used the 'sex-sells' rule...
(It sells, just not in the UK ;)) there was no need for a campaign like that...
Thanks for posting the video.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
It sells if it's in the form of jiggle physics. (See: Ivy from Soul Calibur.)
But like I said, if they hadn't gone for this ad campaign, the game would have slipped by utterly unnoticed, there's be no controversy and nothing of value would have been lost.

Still, it's depressing that the UK has such a militant anti-sex in games stance that you can't even get away with an adult themed mini game collection that isn't really all that adult themed.
Everyone's still so convinced that games are still toys for children.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I wonder if anything could ever be done to change that way of thinking.
Britain is still mostly (probably) anti-sex. Last thing i heard, someone was trying to ban the whole page 3 girl thing. Its like we're going back into the Victorian era.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Its a shame the 'no sex' were British rules apply with some things yet were at the forefront with others... double standards if you ask me.
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