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Watch Dogs 2


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
here's hoping that the new guy is more interesting than aiden pearce.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
I saw it again and I liked it, not as much as the original Watch Dogs demo tho but still enough to be interested in it.

In terms of characters, its not that great but it works.

Sparda's Rebellion

Style matters in combat.
Some people are giving WD2 a hard time because the first one wasn't great, this one is really different though. It looks and has a feel like GTA5 and Splinter Cell Blacklist had a baby, I think it looks awesome. I'm getting it for sure.


DmC hype
As part of the 0.1% that loved Watch Dogs and Aiden Pearce, I'm a bit iffy on this sequel. Gameplay looks okay enough, but I really liked the serious tone of the first game and Watch Dogs 2 seems to be the complete opposite of that. It feels to much like the characters are a bunch of punks that think they're cool because of their leet hacks.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
I've been hyped for WD2 since the announcement, and have loved what I've seen so far. Seen Ramon Kenny is back, I hope we get to see Aiden Pearce in a DLC or in the main game again. Maybe get his costume like with Assassin's Creed and past Assassin's outfits
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Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall

Okay, so let me get this out of the way; I liked the first Watch_Dogs


Yes yes it was dull, it had a boring protagonist, the graphics were downgraded, yada yada yada--but bare with me. I liked the first game for its darker, realistic tone, I like Aiden and his badass batman-like personality, and I enjoyed the hacking vigilantism that I could do in the game. Plus the graphics weren't so bad that it was unplayable and its story was very deeply webbed and intwined with the city.

So yeah, I liked WD1 but this isn't a review about WD1, this is WD2 we're talking about.
So let's get into it.


The story for WD2 is pretty straight forward; bunch of hipper hacker kids fight a corporate giant of technology. Easy. However its a lot more then that. I believe WD2 came at one of the best times this year with all this crazy **** on Hacking issues and what not going around. WD2's story is about being free of those who control you through your digital foot print, and freeing San Francisco of its long sleep under ctOS and Blume. What really fills the story is the many side missions and extra lil nuggets of elements that lie in this digital San Francisco. But yeah, story is simple, but fun and easy to follow so props to that.


What's a good story without good characters? And boy, do we got some characters this time around. In the first WD, while I liked it, I do admit that some of the characters in the game are a bit forgetable and awfully bland in design. However that all changes in WD2.

Marcus is an out going, activist-like, young man who wants to expose the big companies for all the wrong they've done both to the people and to him personally due to racial profiling. He's definitely a character that I feel is really likable for everyone and can really get a laugh out of you. He feels real in his interest in 80's si-fi movies, his love for rockets, and his playfulness during missions.

Wrench is the live-wire of the game. With his sardonic sense of humor, and his unique emoji mask, Wrench has a way of really pulling the audience in. Especially when its with Marcus and the two act like a couple of giant nerds.

Sitara is the cool headed, big sis of the group. I won't sit here and lie; Sitara's hot. Not just in looks, but in personality as well. I also like that she didn't get together with any of the guys. She always felt more like a sister to them to me and I really liked that.

Josh is a character I didn't expect to like, but he ended up climbing the ladder for me. He's high-functioning autistic (same as me) but he's one of the smartest of the group. He's endearing and is usually to himself, but he's got a good heart and will rise to the occasion when the situation calls for it.

Horatio didn't leave the biggest impression on me, however I really enjoyed one mission in which it really shows the struggle of a single black man in a white society, and how that black man would have to change who he is in order to fit in and get ahead.

Raymond Kenny was Raymond Kenny. Pretty much as cool as he was in WD1. He's definitely the dear ol' dad of the Dedsec bunch.

Dusan...honestly I did not like him as a main villain. I have similar feelings to him as I did with the main villain in AC Syndicate; just under developed and really did not serve the feel of a final adversary. In WD1 we had Damien be the finally bad guy to kill, and even before Damien we had the real big bad to fight in Lucky Quinn, who you could tell was intimidating. But in WD2, I didn't really feel Dusan to be a threat, but rather an annoyance.

Lenni was a bitch. That's all. Honestly she would have made the perfect final villain then Dusan to me. She's just SOOO hate-able that I wanted to see more of her so I could hate her more.

Miranda is another favorite for me. Maybe its the fact that she's transgender, but there's just something mysterious to her. She's helped Marcus many times, but has to keep herself out of the affairs of Dedsec's battle otherwise she'll be in trouble. She'd definitely an OG freedom fighter.


The world of WD2 can be summed up in two words; Big and Colorful. WD2 has a huge map to explore with plenty to do in it. Compared to WD1, WD2's San Francisco blows Chicago out of the water. Where Chicago felt dangerous and incorporating that "chiraq" element to it, San Francisco is brimming with color, life, and a suburban tone that reminded me of GTA5 a bit. The NPC's carry on with different events going on with them, and sometimes talk about the missions you did in the past like people in real life would upon seeing it on the news. There are secrets everywhere in this world, and different puzzles too.


In WD1, it was using hacking as a weapon against the people who tried to kill you. Now in WD2, it's hack everything to expose people...and kill some along the way. WD2's gameplay is similar to WD1 in the hacking, gunplay, and driving. However this time around the hacking has been turned up to an 11 with the inclusion of the RC jumper, a small RC, and the drone that can be used for reconnaissance. The weapons are set up a bit different in that now you can customize the looks of them and level up their output. Unfortunately you gotta switch weapons out back at the Dedsec space. The melee is less cinematic as it was in WD1 in just pressing the melee button once, and has Marcus swinging that billiard ball mace by tapping the melee button.
The side missions come in droves, giving you plenty of replay-ability. Some range from mini games, to story campaigns, to a few easter eggs as well.
the multiplayer is also better then WD2 in that your characters actually LOOK the way you dressed them. Yeah, their physical body won't be Marcus from the other player's screen, but they'll pretty much be NPC males dressed in the clothes you picked. There's co-op missions, gang battles, and other cool things provided you have a PSN account (I don't of course) but even without a PSN account, other players can hack into your gameplay, join you in missions, and you can fight them as you hunt them or be the hunted.


Now here's the biggest thing. A lot of people were hesitant to give WD2 a chance due to WD1's graphic downgrade. So, my experience with WD2 in terms of graphics was that it actually held pretty good, but was definitely not the super smooth package that Ubisoft showed at their first gameplay video. Their faces were a lil too pixelated for the NPCs and gameply elements, and even in cutscenes they would some times screen-tear and look too...I dunno. It's probably different on the PS4 pro and PC, but for me, the graphics could've been better. It's hard to tell from the picture but apparently there's a big difference.

all in all score.
Definitely a fun game with great characters, a straight forward story, and some fun hacking gameplay. Graphics aren't extraordinary and the main villain is forgettable, but definitely a proper evolution from Watch_Dogs 1.
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Well-known Member
@DragonMaster2010 EXCELLENT review. I haven't gotten than far into it yet, but it's definitely a great game. I think my favorite part so far was the optional mission where you

hack Ubisoft and leak a trailer for an upcoming game online.

I thought that was genius! :laugh:
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