Vergil's Waifu Creativity Thread

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Vergil's Waifu

Voidwalker - Infernal Match
Aug 2, 2009
The Void
As a certain Jester once said, "Welcome to Hell!"
Only kidding.

So, I write (not much - Mostly Haiku), draw (not often), and do 3D - Which is a lot more than when I was first here quite a few moon cycles ago.
I also use a Wacom drawing tablet now (no more paper and pen/pencil for me - Which is good really as Nevan is obsessed with chasing paper :sneaky:).

I've also drifted into using music apps - They just prove that I have no musicality and am totally tone deaf (so it's probably a good thing that I never learned to play the ukulele).

The 3D programs that I use are:
Daz Studio
Qixel Mixer (learning)

2D programs:
Paint .net
Spritemancer (learning)

Music :
Mixcraft 8

Let's kick off with some Devil May Cry works on DeviantArt**:
Nite and Vergil - Forever Entwined - A render which won an art contest on DeviantArt. There's is a little story that goes with it (in the post's notes). Rendered in 3Delight
Nite & Vergil - Underneath the Mistletoe - My Christmas DeviantArt avatar
Filatoon: Urizen - Your new God - Rendered in Daz Studio using Toon Shaders and the Filatoon render engine
Vergil's New Friend - Old clay piece, older drawing.
Vergil Chibi Head - Drawing in Krita
DMC4 - Lady Render - Old render in Daz Studio using a plugin called "Reality"
Nevan - Render - Character morphs created by me. I know her skin probably isn't the right colour (if anyone does know, could you please let me know? Thanks). Rendered in Daz Studio (Iray.
Valentine's Day - Kyrie & Nero - Rendered in Daz Studio (Iray)
Nico - Rendered - Rendered in Daz Studio (using the Filament Engine). Character not converted by me.
DMC4 - Dante Render - Rendered in Blender a long time ago.
DMC4 - Dante v2 - Same render. But filtered through a program which makes bits of images glow (which I no longer have).
Finished Trish Morph - A head morph of Trish that I created for Daz Studio in Blender. Lost (along with over a 1TB's worth of Daz content - Mostly made by me) during a file transfer at a PC repair shop. :cry:
DmC Vergil - Another creation that was lost in that "data transfer". Thankfully, the morphs were made by TritiumCG on DeviantArt (for my Birthday, a few years ago), so I've always got access to it. But the skin (and their settings) are gone.
DmC Vergil - Render - An actual render of the Vergil morph (in Iray). I had only converted the hair and amulet at the time. Again - Lost to the "data transfer".
Fortuna Alley - Ironic that the scene I hate in DMC4SE, has one of the best views (imo). I'm still trying to convert it (with decent texture maps) for use in Daz Studio.

3D Print:
DMC2 Coin - Scaled to the size of Dante's coin in the game. It's painted, and has a place in my main collection.
Here's a link to the coin on CULTS which is free (but you have to sign up for an account): CULTS: DMC2 Coin

Just for nightmares:
Gravity Exploded V's Face - Daz Studio has a gravity engine called dForce. I was meant to add dForce to the silk sheet covering V... However I ended up dForcing his face :LOL:

Sweet Dreams, everyone - lol

**Disclaimer/Warning: I want to be honest about this. But if you go looking through my DeviantArt account, you might come across AI images (they have been labelled as so). While I know that this is controversial. I wouldn't have got back into art (after I lost my Mum) if it hadn't been for AI.
Plus, I have had art scraped for training AI. While that doesn't make what I've done any better, I don't feel like I can be against it. I'm a hypocrite about a few things - Just not this.
The most that I use AI for now is getting badges on DeviantArt (Dreamup sucks - Then again it was trained on a few pieces of my work, so - lol), and ChatGPT for brainstorming.
I also have two other accounts on DeviantArt:

One is VergilsBitch - Which is now pretty much abandoned. It bears much frustration and contempt at Nero being Vergil's son.
Here's the evidence:
Err... Just... No - Stamp
Not my Vergil - Stamp
Nero's Conception - Stamp
Other DMC Stamps
Gloria - Stamp - Not Nero-related. Just one of my favourites.
Keep Calm and DT - Blue
Keep Calm and DT - Red

Environment render
Fortuna Alley - Cycles - Blender Cycles render test

Other DA Stamps
Elizabeth Bartley - From Castlevania: Bloodlines GIF/Animated
Metal Sonic - Sonic CD - GIF/Animated
Blood Omen 2 - Kain - "I am the Nightshift"
Peridot - From Puchi Carat - GIF/Animated

There are a couple of other renders there, and a few more stamps (Star Trek, Doctor Who, and more gaming stamps). Although it's probably mostly Haiku.

Speaking of VergilsBitch
I've been searching the forums for my other work - My Stories.
Albeit, they're a bit cringe, and (as I've said before) I've been meaning to re-work them (to hopefully not being as cringe).
They based on Devil May Cry (quelle suprise). The main character is my OC called, "Nite". And you'll also be totally shocked to know (sarcasm) that she's Vergil's partner/pain in the butt.

Nite-Runner - My first story
Nite meets DmC - Based on the Reboot
The Child - Based on DMC4
Prompt: Cleaning? Ha! - We used to have writing prompts set on the forums, and this was my (awful) attempt at one of them.
Manhood - Inspired by DmC Vergil's "I have a bigger d*ck" line.
Viva Forever - The last story that I made with Nite. I killed her off. It was also an attempt at a few twists.

There would've been two other stories on this forum (not related to Nite). However, I can't find them on the search, and I can't remember what they're called ^^;


My other account is idreamofvergil

It's where I now post my pixel art. Admittedly, I'm mostly following tutorials to learn how to draw again.

Here's a selection:
Vampire Raziel - Going to re-draw at some point
Pixel Cherries
Artic Fox

**Unlike my N-RArts account, VB and idov don't have AI images posted to them. VB was abandoned long before AI became a thing, and I want to try and keep idov as some sort of showcase to some sort of art journey.

As you've seen, I'm not just all about DMC these days. I still have my issues with DMC4, but I don't think it bugs me like it used to - Mostly because I've got more important things to worry about now.

I am on other art sites, but DeviantArt "bears the most fruit" of my work (mainly rotten XD )

But if you've read this thread to this point. Thank you. <3