aka958;288318 said:Gabranth was in the first Dissidia, they won't exclude any of the previous characters, it wouldn't make sense if they did.
And yes, it would make some kind of sense since they won't even add even amount of characters to both sides. Remember that FFXI and FFXII didn't have two characters, Shantotto was supposed to be a cosmos character and Gabranth a chaos character but they were left without counterparts.
But since Lighting is in the story I think they will add an FFXIII villain to try to make up for it.
Yeah but in the first game they were unlockable characters, not main ones, so they didn't have to have another character from their games. Since Lightning is a main character in Dissidia 2 it would be silly to not include a villain.
@Devil Bane- Well excuse me for not being able to tell the many generic armored villains apart. Its not like I'm not a big FF fan to begin with.