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true love

ah true love. what a wonderful thing.

what does it mean? words have no idea.

some says it's a snake. and the others says it's a canary.

oh sorry i went too far


what is true love?

people say it's an undiscrbable feelings

does everyone feels it?

and does it consern everyone or does it make an exception for some people?

and do you personally think that a man\woman can fall in love with his\her cousin?

p.s i am talking about the love between a man and a woman

Evil Nero

Well-known Member
true love is defined within a person. When your away from the person you feel normal. when your near the person , you feel like you need to do things for them , look after them , make them smile all the time. True love is basiaclly told to yourself in actions. thats my way of looking at it.


涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 SOS団
black monster;102623 said:
p.s i am talking about the love between a man and a woman

Anyway, love doesn't exist. It is essentially chemicals in your brain! Bio-chemically it is the same as eating large amounts of chocalate.

EVERYTHING, comes from your brain. There is nothing magical about it.

I guess I have felt it before. It like you just want to be with them always, you care what happens to them, and it is like a feeling when your getting a new game. They make you say things you would've asked someone to shoot you ffor saying normally.
Ultimatly, I'm not a lovey-dovey person.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Couldn't have said it better myself BoC.

Love is non-existant, little more than chemical reactions in your brain, it's not magical, there's nothing special about it.

Although yes it's different...It's just that longing to be with someone and care about them, I've felt it once or twice, but I'm not a big believer in true love, I don't believe in love at first sight either, I suppose it's just not my thing, being with someone like that gives you the courage to say things you couldn't before, it gives you confidence I suppose.

But in reality, I'm not a lovey-dovey person, I don't like being that attached to another person at the best of times. :lol:


The Oncoming Storm
Wow. I thought more people would be into the idea of love. Everyone else I know is.

It's a concept. A word.

On a personal level, I think it's something people choose to believe exists because it makes our futile lives that little bit more bearable. You can't gain anything useful from it. You might say that it makes you happy, but happiness doesn't support your family or put food on the table. We're born alone and we die alone so I don't see why the pursuit of love is seen as a noble one.

It's something society presses on us. We exist only to pass on our genes and keep the human race alive, yet people are pressured into marrying and whatnot. I don't mean we are pressured by any one individual, but society itself.

As BoC said; it's a biochemical reaction yet, whenever I'm asked my view on love and I say exactly that, I get looked at as if I'm a bit weird.

Those are just some very simple thoughts on the matter. As much as the idea annoys me (because of the endless pursuit of people), I can't help but think about it. I guess I'm trying to understand it.


Evolve today!
i think that love is just love i have been in love with my girlfriend for more than a year now in my opinion love is when you express your feelings for some one you care about.

Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
Bringerofchaos;102632 said:

Anyway, love doesn't exist. It is essentially chemicals in your brain! Bio-chemically it is the same as eating large amounts of chocalate.

EVERYTHING, comes from your brain. There is nothing magical about it.

I guess I have felt it before. It like you just want to be with them always, you care what happens to them, and it is like a feeling when your getting a new game. They make you say things you would've asked someone to shoot you ffor saying normally.
Ultimatly, I'm not a lovey-dovey person.

I could not dissagree more. I believe totally in love. I think that If you love someone you do whatever it takes to make them happy. That is basicaly the most important part of my philosophy.
Evil Nero;102625 said:
true love is defined within a person. When your away from the person you feel normal. when your near the person , you feel like you need to do things for them , look after them , make them smile all the time. True love is basiaclly told to yourself in actions. thats my way of looking at it.

but what about when you are not near that person and you get this strange feeling when you hear either good, or bad news about that person.

when you hear a good news about that person you feel safe, stronge, happy, warm and everything around you becomes brighter.

but when you hear a bad news about that person the opposite happens.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
TheDoctor;102649 said:
Wow. I thought more people would be into the idea of love. Everyone else I know is.

It's a concept. A word.

On a personal level, I think it's something people choose to believe exists because it makes our futile lives that little bit more bearable. You can't gain anything useful from it. You might say that it makes you happy, but happiness doesn't support your family or put food on the table. We're born alone and we die alone so I don't see why the pursuit of love is seen as a noble one.

It's something society presses on us. We exist only to pass on our genes and keep the human race alive, yet people are pressured into marrying and whatnot. I don't mean we are pressured by any one individual, but society itself.

As BoC said; it's a biochemical reaction yet, whenever I'm asked my view on love and I say exactly that, I get looked at as if I'm a bit weird.

Those are just some very simple thoughts on the matter. As much as the idea annoys me (because of the endless pursuit of people), I can't help but think about it. I guess I'm trying to understand it.

As wise as the Doctor himself.

I find that, because this idea of love is being pushed upon us, I tend to veer away from it, I'm not one to go for society's expectations and I have yet to understand the actual concept.

As I've said, I've felt it once or twice, but I've never actually been able to understand the concept of love, it's a sad existance that exists only to pass on our genes and that's why I refuse to partake in the endless pursuit of any one person for that purpose, I prefer the idea of living my own life, as do a lot of people who won't be constrained by what society presses on us.

It's not a noble pursuit, it's more one of pride, the pride of passing yourself on to another generation, sort of ego boosting if you will. :lol:

But really though, I've never understood those who are head over heels in love with another person, that sort of attachment makes no sense to me at all, maybe I'll grasp the concept at some point, but not any time soon.

Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
I believe in the pursut of love because I think I can make myself and some lucky girl very happy. I live to fall in love and I'll die for my lover even if this seems futile or stupid to the rest of you.

Who here has ever been In love?
TheDoctor;102649 said:
. We're born alone and we die alone

i disagree with what you said becuse no one dies alone. i belive that if someone died the souls of the people who he loved and the souls of the people who loved the person who died will die with him temporary. then his soul will cut into Piece and each part will comboined with one of the people that person loved and to the peop.e who loved that person.

Black Angel;102683 said:
Who here has ever been In love?

i don't know if i am in love with my cousin or not becuse i get this strange feeling swhen i hear either good, or bad news about her.

when i hear a good news about her i feel safe, stronge, happy, warm and everything around me becomes brighter.

but when i hear a bad news about her the opposite happens.


The Oncoming Storm
I don't mean alone as in there's no one physically there. Obviously when you're born there are doctors and your parents and when you're on your deathbed you may have people around you.

It's difficult to explain metaphor through text. I mean that at the very point of birth and the very point of death you're alone because no-one else in the room is going through what you, personally, are going through. There's a phrase "alone in a crowded room" or something like that. That's exactly what that is. You're alone in your own mind.

Black Angel: There's nothing stupid about believing in love. If that's what you believe in then no-one can tell you any different.
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