Trends & Cliches in Fighting Games That Annoy You

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So what.
Are you planning to date her, read shakespeare in the park ?
Is her sexuality stopping you from playing the game ?
Are you forced to pick her ?
Does it matter when she's kicking your butt ?

Since it's not about how Poison looks then you should be complaining more about her rotten personality or lack there of a personality, or her fighting skills Instead of going to appearance as the default thing to blame for her being a sad character ?

When I choose a character, I want the character to be fun to play as. I want that character to have a nice personality, one that I can see myself playing as. I wouldn't want to play as a mindless husk. I mean, really, don't you play video games for its characters too? If Alan Wake had a bland protagonist with nothing to say, would you want to play as him? Or any other protagonist, for that matter? If The Last of Us had a dull, idiotic protagonist, would you like playing as him?

*Didn't you notice that entire comment I just made? I AM complaining about the fact that she has a rotten personality. I just said that it wasn't about her looks. Please read more carefully. This is what I said:

Like I must have said three times now, it's not about how Poison looks, it's about how her looks compare to her personality and everything she says. If she has no personality to speak of except for 'look at me! I'm sexy', then it's a terrible character. Since she's built around one concept, 'sexy', it's objectifying.
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Have you tried googling her background ?

I honestly don't care about her background; it doesn't make up for the way she acts. Like I said about DmC's Dante, he could have had an incredibly tragic past, but that wouldn't make his personality more tolerable to me. It wouldn't make me find his 'f*ck you' on the guest list funny all of a sudden. I judge characters' personalities separately from their past - if I don't like a character's personality, tough luck. Dante being an ass is not acceptable just because he had a bad past. DMC Dante, on the other hand, was fun; he had a bad past too, but that didn't stop him from being an enjoyable character.
Yea i freaking read it & you complained more about her behavior or mannerisms then who she is.
Or for it not to be about looks, you ran to it quick.
to have a great body
top licking her lips.
Her mannerisms are part of her personality, that's the whole point. How else do you think somebody's personality is explored? It's through words and actions. And Poison does very little to make me think she has a well-developed personality.

'Licking her lips' is not about looks, it's an action she does. A 'mannerism', as you call it. An expression of her personality. Ditto to what I wrote above.
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You just criticised her for not having a background But games like SF x Tekken don't give their characters any chance to have personalities or background stories.
But when i suggest googling her background, you're not interested.
So you'd rather criticize her based on what exactly ?

*I'm saying fighting games do sometimes flesh out their background stories, but the personalities are often terrible. Personalities are not dependent on background stories. If she didn't have a background story, she could still have a personality. Only she doesn't seem to have one - and I'm not about to say ''well, you can find her personality in her background story - that's all you need to know''. Not acceptable. Personality is what the characters are and do at that moment, not what some story says they are. I want to see their personality up close, not from reading an introduction.

Like I said here: I judge characters' personalities separately from their past - if I don't like a character's personality, tough luck. Dante being an ass is not 'acceptable just because he had a bad past'. DMC Dante, for example, was fun; he had a bad past too, but that didn't stop him from being an enjoyable character.

Sorry for being snippy, but I just didn't like this: ''Instead of going to appearance as the default thing to blame for her being a sad character ?''
I'm not going to anything as a 'default thing'. I'm trying to explain what I said, and this is the response I get. Sorry, I'm a bit on edge today.
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1. From their history
Because characters are flaky, they do something but have some odd reasoning behind it.
2. Licking her lips doesn't define the entire character.

3. I'm not sure on that.
A character could've been a jerk in the past & is still a jerk today.
That background gives definition to who they are as a character.

I get what your saying but what i'm saying is personality isn't something often thought about in fighting games.
It's either good or bad most times & I do agree with soooome of what you said & think poison is used because of her background over Roxy.

1 If their history were not known, they could still be good characters. Like Yoshimitsu - I think he's always been a bit mysterious, but he seems to have a personality of his own.

2. No, but it is an important part of their actions, and her actions help define what personality she has. If she has a totally different personality, then how could I know that if she doesn't show it? I could be very social, but if I don't act social (through actions and words, I mean), how would you know I am?

3. True, but what I mean is that character developers have no excuse to make a character unlikable. Poison's past could be as tragic as World War II, but that wouldn't suddenly make me like how she acts.

*Yeah, and that's the problem. If Poison's (and other characters') personalities were explored a bit more, it would at least show that they are more than just objects of lust. But as it is now, Poison seems to be a character whose only thought is: ''Do I look sexy?'' and ''Let me show you how sexy I am'' ''I wear red heels and a cop hat''. That's the only dimension she has. Licking her lips and a zoom-in on her chest does not tell me anything about the person behind it, it only tells me something about the way she's characterized. I just don't see the appeal in playing as a character whose thoughts and actions are only sexual and nothing more.

I feel like she's meant to be a joke character (even more so than other SF characters), but if so, that's kind of sad. I mean, she's taking up space on the character roster. If she hadn't been put in the game, another character could've taken her place - a cool character. An appealing character to play as because he/she holds certain values and/or looks awesome. I think Jin looks great, and on the SF side there's Sagat and Ryu who look pretty badass. And then there's... Poison. It just seems really weird. But I know, SF characters aren't meant to be cool: they're meant to be amusing stereotypes. I guess I just don't like Poison much.
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Removing older characters in new installments because of "story-related reasons" :/ Eff your story, man! Or at least don't give them one! Don't take away a character people like playing as just because the shallow, two-dimensional story has no place for them.

Coin-eater Bosses. WE AREN'T IN AN ARCADE! Adjust the boss so that it's a challenge but not batsh!t impossible! I don't like the idea of buying a full game and it still using a practice that existed only to suck quarters from arcade-goers. I paid my money, the game can't get anymore from me.

Not being able to see the exact color of the character you selected. They're certainly getting better at this, but holy crap in this day and age, and with the tech available, there's no reason why that shouldn't be standard by now.

Pretzel Inputs. F#ck 'em >.<

Heh...they really sorta diminished in seriousness as I added more :tongue:
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And that's what makes oversexualized characters tragic. If they're oversexualized, they need something to counterbalance that, like a good personality. Because for me, it's not enough for a character to shout 'look at me! I've got boobs!' every time she encounters an enemy. Call me demanding, I don't care :laugh: But games like SF x Tekken don't give their characters any chance to have personalities or background stories. How great would it be if Poison was more than just an oversexualized character? How great would it be if she could stop licking her lips for just once? Buy a personality, Poison.

I guess, but aren't all fighting game characters overblown and silly? The dudes are nearly always ridiculously stacked (or the total opposite they make them skinny and strange/vain) as much as the women have their 'assets' on show, and nobody seems to get an in depth explanation for their showing up in the 'story' wanting to be uberviolent. I used to be a Tekken fan since the first game but I could never figure out why they bothered putting such a shallow backstory in behind the characters, compared to stuff like Soulblade which tried harder at the character and story part. Even then you can't exactly get into that because it's honestly just filler and something to shove in there between a bunch of predetermined battles. I suppose that's what the spin off animes and mangas are meant to be for. . .
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Removing older characters in new installments because of "story-related reasons" :/ Eff your story, man! Or at least don't give them one! Don't take away a character people like playing as just because the shallow, two-dimensional story has no place for them.

Coin-eater Bosses. WE AREN'T IN AN ARCADE! Adjust the boss so that it's a challenge but not batsh!t impossible! I don't like the idea of buying a full game and it still using a practice that existed only to suck quarters from arcade-goers. I paid my money, the game can't get anymore from me.

Not being able to see the exact color of the character you selected. They're certainly getting better at this, but holy crap in this day and age, and with the tech available, there's no reason why that shouldn't be standard by now.

Pretzel Inputs. F#ck 'em >.<

Heh...they really sorta diminished in seriousness as I added more :tongue:

Pretzel Inputs??
I also dislike the stiff side stepping mechanics in games like Tekken and Virtua Fighter.

I also hate how stiff and finnicky movement is in practically all fighting games. Moving using a fight pad or arcade stick feels great compared to using a controller stick, which is so annoying that I feel that to this fighting games are designed for arcades rather than consoles. However, games like Arcana Hearts and Skull Girls has some free flowing and unstiff movement that makes moving in them feel so great as well as some of ArkSys Fighting games.
Well it's not the ability to sidestep i dislike, it's the Ai constantly doing it.

Both in SoulCalibur5 & DeadOrAlive4 the Ai does nothing but sidestep & they spend more time roving in circles around me then fighting, that's what i hate about sidestepping. Not the ability to sidestep but the Ai constantly rotating in circles.

35. Ring out stages.
36. The game itself dragging you towards the edge of a ring to make it even easier for a ring out

37. Ai opponents using ring outs to win.
38. Having a limitation to special attacks & the Ai opponent using the same character isn't.
39. Cheap boss battles


I was referring to 3d fighters that have STIFF side stepping mechanics meaning its rather not that easy to side step compared to games with a more quick and efficient side stepping mechanics like Dead or Alive and Soul Calibur (I guess that is why AI in those games does them that often for I don't recall AI in Tekken using side stepping that often...almost rarely even). I wasn't talking side stepping in general.